Thursday 17 October 2024


Many have no time to digest information in depth & are inclined to use TV news as their primary source of information. However, when western interests are involved, this source will rarely remain unbiased.

If westerners rely on western mainstream media news broadcasters such as the BBC, CNN or others, or western political spokespersons for their news. they could easily imagine that the Ukraine war began on February 24th 2022. This because western broadcasters and politicians wish to communicate one particular piece of fake news, that Russia’s intervention in Ukraine was completely unprovoked.

In essence what is going on now, and has been going on since 2014 is the denial by an illegal regime in Kiev (with the support of the West) of the ability of the Russian-speaking population in eastern Ukraine to live in peace with full democratic rights, able to self-govern with federalized status, having a high degree of cultural, social and material security.

Underpinning all of the above and perpetually fueling this injustice is the overarching desire of western elites to weaken those powers which threaten their long-held global domination, Russia, along with China, being a primary target.

So. How did this all begin?

And what were the tragic milestones that brought us here to the brink of an all-out nuclear war?_________________________________________________________________________________

In 2014 a violent insurrection took place in Ukraine’s capital Kiev. The overthrowing of the democratically and constitutionally legitimate president and government of Ukraine brought into power a president and government vetted beforehand by the West, and in particular by the U.S.A. (In reference to this please listen to the leaked phone call between U.S. Ambassador in Kiev at the time, Geoffrey Pyatt and Assistant Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland.) This in the context of fears by U.S. and western elites that global western power and influence was declining due to the rise of nations within Eurasia and the Far East.

Recorded conversation between Asst. Sec. of State Victoria Nuland and Amb. Geoffrey Pyatt.


The Maidan insurrection was characterized by months of rioting, arson and innumerable violent assaults on Ukrainian police and security forces. Around seventeen police officers lost their lives at the hands of the rioters. As these events were taking place, with the burning down of government buildings, the use of Molotov Cocktails, handguns and hunting rifles as well as clubs, heavy chains, toxic sprays and even a forklift truck against lightly armed police and security personnel, western politicians and officials supported the ultraviolet insurrectionists 100%, constantly urging them on.

The attempts by the western powers and the USA in particular, to bring down presidents and governments in Ukraine, had been ongoing for many years before the Maidan insurrection. In 2008 at the NATO conference in Bucharest it was stated that both Ukraine and Georgia would at some future date join the NATO alliance. Approximately $5 billion dollars were spent since that time to the successful insurrection in 2014 to facilitate the movement of Ukraine from the Russian to the Western sphere of influence. This is the inherent cause of all that has followed.

The fact that the vast majority of people living in the east of Ukraine including the Crimean peninsula had consistently voted for presidents and governments that favored good relations with Russia, who spoke Russian and annually celebrated their liberation from the Nazis in WWII was clearly completely ignored as irrelevant concerning western plans for Ukraine as a whole. The most virulent, nationalistic section of the Ukrainian population in western Ukraine held the Nazis to have been a liberating force against the Russians. It was this grouping that took over the protesters in Kiev’s Maidan square who had been protesting peacefully until their arrival. It was they that ultimately, through their maximum use of violence, supported fully by the western powers, that eventually brought democratic Ukraine down to the level we have seen since.

As soon as the illegal administration of Ukraine took over in 2014 it began to pass laws banning the use of the Russian language across Ukraine and to proscribe the political parties that had held power previously, later jailing at least one of their leaders, Viktor Medvedchuk. Ukrainian Radio and television stations where the Russian language was used were ordered to close. The Russian Orthodox church had its assets and churches seized with the creation of a Ukrainian church designed to replace it. (This is the so-called democratic state that western state and media propaganda continue to talk of.)

In effect, the takeover of power in Ukraine by pro-western, US-approved politicians, completely removed any hope in Russian-speaking eastern Ukraine that their democratic rights would be preserved in future elections. It was without doubt crystal clear to them that unless they did something to reverse the process they would not only be left without any democratic rights they would also be stripped of their right to use the language of their birth, Russian. Not only this, it was also without doubt also clear that they would henceforth be seen as traitors and, in German, ‘Untermenschen’, non-people, an unwanted underclass, second-class citizens in their own land. 

The intolerable situation above was underpinned by the large percentage of those in western Ukraine who avowed allegiance to the memory of the Nazis and their ‘Operation Barbarossa’ against Russia. These are those who gloried in having Nazi symbols including the swastika tattooed upon their bodies. These symbols were also used, or symbols almost identical to them by one of the political parties favored by the western powers who had sought the overthrow of successive Ukrainian presidents and governments since at least 2008. The people of Crimea and eastern Ukraine knew these people and their intentions toward them very well. They had seen the rioting in their capital on their TV screens nightly for months and previous to this they had seen them in torch lit parades of thousands in western Ukraine cities such as Lviv.

In the West the almost universally peaceful rising up of the Russian-speaking population in eastern Ukraine against the takeover they had witnessed in their capital was portrayed in a very negative light compared with the generally very positive way the insurrection in Kiev had been. Western news media fell directly in line with western state interests in this respect and so it has been ever since in respect of all subsequent events in Ukraine. Knowing just a few of the actual facts concerning why the people of eastern Ukraine rose up in a display of people power dispels any notion that these events were as simple as portrayed in the West by news media and politicians alike.

In response to the peaceful demonstration of people power (the people in the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine took over administration there and sought to have autonomy within Ukraine to preserve their rights, freedom of affiliation and values) the new regime in Kiev sent the Ukrainian military east. This decision to send a military force, rather than engage in negotiations signaled anything but good for the Donbass region and Ukraine as a whole. Initially the people of the Donbass had only gathered on the road standing in front of the tanks sent to intimidate them. They attempted to talk to the tank commanders and persuade them to return to their bases in western Ukraine. Inevitably, before long with Ukrainian troops setting up roadblocks and checkpoints violent incidents began to occur. This is where all that occurred subsequently had its genesis.

While the Ukrainian army increased its presence and attempted to intimidate the people of the Donbass into accepting their new status as de facto enemies of the new Ukrainian regime, the politicians in Kiev began calling them terrorists. As the days and weeks of violence by the Ukrainian army increased, supplemented by the modern day Nazis who had brought down the president and government in Kiev, more and more civilians began to die. As this continued the new authorities in the newly setup republics of Donetsk and Lugansk put together a self-defense force. Many veterans of the Russian army arrived in due course to supplement their ranks. The merciless pounding of Donbass apartment blocks, schools, hospitals, kindergartens, village, town and city town centers in the years 2014 and 2015 by the Ukrainian army and its extremist militias was a constant. This resulted in the increased development of the self-defense forces within the Donbass. By mid-2015 these forces were strong enough to start defeating Kiev’s forces within the Donbass.

The increasing number of defeats suffered by the Ukrainian army in 2015 and in particular a large number of its forces being caught in a pocket around the town of Debaltsevo brought the western powers in the name of Angela Merkel to Vladimir Putin’s door to plead for a halt to this situation. Thus began the talks between the Russians, the Ukrainians and the leaders of Germany and France that became known as the Minsk Accords or Minsk Agreements.These were meant to find a pathway to peace and reconciliation between the people of the Donbass and the Kiev regime. The aim was to provide a framework for peace whereby the Russian-speaking population of the Donbass would have a high degree of autonomy as they wished and that subsequently the government in Kiev would once more regain control of Ukraine’s borders in the east. All the required agreements were signed off on to achieve this. These were then ratified by the United Nations. However, the Kiev regime failed to bring any of its promises into being.

For over six years, from 2015 to 2021, meetings to try to implement the Minsk Agreements took place. Ultimately however, in late 2021 Zelensky stated that he was no longer going to take the agreements seriously. Some time after both Angela Merkel and Petro Poroshenko (who had been Ukraine’s illegal president in 2015 when the Minsk talks began) said that the talks and subsequent agreement had been a sham, only engaged in by them to allow the Kiev regime to re-arm its army to NATO standards. They had succeeded in stalling Russia in its attempts to assist the people of the Donbass in establishing their right to freedom from the murderous onslaught from Kiev. So it was that it was made plain to the Russians that Minsk was dead and that there never had been any sincere with by the Ukrainian regime or the western powers to reestablish peace or to find a way toward reconciliation.

While this knowledge was being digested as to its future significance in Moscow Zelensky began talking of reestablishing Ukraine’s nuclear status. NATO continued to state that Ukraine had every right to join NATO. Russia’s pleas to negotiate a new security architecture in Europe including Russia fell on deaf ears at this time along with a separate plea to the U.S. president to find a way to establish peace in the region. Then, just at this point in late January, early february 2021 a significant uptick in Ukrainian missile and mortar attacks on the Donbass population began. This is noted precisely in the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) reports of the time. (The OSCE had been engaged in detailed monitoring events in the Donbass since 2015.) In addition documents were discovered that indicated the Ukrainian military was planning a large attack upon the Donbass region.)

In light of all of the above and in particular the increased shelling by the Ukrainian army and revelation that a massive attack upon them was planned the two republics of Donetsk and Lugansk appealed to the Russian Federation for help. (In 2014 they had asked Russia to incorporate them into the Russian Federation. This had been refused with a reiteration that they should remain within Ukraine but that Russia would seek, through diplomatic means, to persuade the Ukrainian regime to give them federalized status whereby they would be guaranteed security via a high degree of autonomy). However, by early 2021 it was clear that there was no hope whatsoever that Kiev would countenance anything of the kind and that instead it was intent on resolving everything in their favor by military means.

So it was that, with no good options remaining for Russia, a relatively small number of Russian troops and military vehicles crossed the Russian-Ukraine border on 24th February 2021 seeking to pressure the Zelensky regime into implementing the Minsk Accords. A few weeks later with Russian troops in position around Kiev and other areas within Ukraine Russia called for talks to work out a peace plan whereby Ukraine would remain a neutral, non-NATO state and that all hostilities would cease. Substantial progress was made in the subsequent negotiations, once again in Minsk and later in Istanbul. Such progress was made (with Ukrainian officials surprised at how modest Russia’s requirements were) that a draft document of the progress that had been made in the hope of a full agreement to be agreed later was initialed by all parties. It was subsequent to this extremely hopeful development that the tragic path we are now on began.

In response to Ukraine’s willingness to engage in peace talks Russia removed its troops from their locations around Kiev. Very shortly thereafter Boris Johnson, then Prime Minister of Britain, arrived in Kiev. This fateful visit set in motion the all that we have subsequently seen with the deaths of hundreds of thousands and the total destruction of all trust between the warring sides. With his visit where he clearly promised Ukraine massive financial and military support for the Ukrainian regime if it abandoned the peace process and instead continued its pursuit of a military solution against Russia. Though there have been many milestones along the way that led to this continuing tragedy of war, the visit of Boris Johnson, carrying the joint message of all western powers, is surely the most crucial and reprehensible of all, marking as it did the beginning of the most horrendous loss of life since the end of World War Two.

Wednesday 16 October 2024


The Ukraine war is the result of a plan devised by the western powers to weaken Russia. This was deemed a vital first step in stemming the clear, ongoing decline of western power & influence.

The final verdict on the Russo-Ukrainian war will undoubtedly be that it came about as a result of an agreed plan by all western powers to weaken Russia. This was deemed a vital necessity due to the rise of nations such as Russia and China who disagreed with the idea of western hegemony. The need by western elites to stem the decline of western power and influence globally has brought about a catastrophe for the Ukrainian people, and a catastrophe that will affect Europe for a generation.

The denial of all off ramps to Russia in the leadup to the conflict in Ukraine provides the most obvious sign of western intent. It is clear that there was no way the western allies were going to let Russia off the Ukrainian hook. Any normal approach would have resulted in some form of agreement whereby Russia's issues with Ukraine would have been resolved diplomatically. After all, what Russia wanted was not much of an ask, that the Russian-speaking majority in the Donbass region of Ukraine be given sufficient autonomy so that they would feel secure, that Ukraine would not join NATO. 

Those above were the two primary concerns Russia had in respect of Ukraine. Russia had previously denied the request of the two breakaway republics to join the Russian Federation. Putin saw the federalisation of the region as the best way forward and worked for seven years via Minsk to see the peaceful end to the situation. It is clear however that the western allies never had any intention of letting this diplomatic route come to any peaceful conclusion.

Historians will lambast the western political elites who ultimately cost Ukraine so much, including up to one million dead/wounded. Will we see any contrition by those elites? We are extremely unlikely to see the kind of contrition Obama showed regarding the NATO assault upon Libya and its aftermath. The present leaders of the West, those who have endlessly doubled down on pushing the war forward with all the dire consequences now being recognised, appear totally averse to such honesty.

What we are likely to see now is much more grasping at straws from western political elites and mass media alike as Russia's victory steadily approaches. They will be unable to face reality. That reality is simply so objectionable to them that they will be forced into a series of ever more grotesque fantasies where somehow the Ukrainian regime (and therefore the West) has won. The most likely of these fantasies, the one they hope will gain most traction via a highly contorted and visibly distorted version of events.

The political and media elites of the western world will inevitably claim that Russia sought to occupy the entirety of Ukraine and were frustrated in that ambition by a combination of Ukrainian bravery and robust western support of Ukraine. This will be the most likely meme through which they will seek to put a protective PR spin on the disaster they have presided over and in fact generated from the get go. They will attempt (and no doubt in the West) succeed in clouding the reality of the Project Ukraine debacle and escape all responsibility for it.

It appears that this inability of both legacy media and the politicians of the West to confront the hard reality of the situation will continue right up to the bitter end. That bitter end for them where Russia completes its special military operation in a recognised victory (to most of the world outside the West). 

After the PR onslaught by western leaders concerning how they “defeated Russian ambitions” and “denied Russia its goal” we will see news of Ukraine quite rapidly exit the news media. All western mass media will then switch off after a few days reporting western state assertions of victory, some few recriminations by other more honest commentators and a general and quite obvious desire to hide the whole thing under the bloody rug they created. Ukraine will then be abandoned by the media to stew in its toxic juice. 

After a few weeks or months pass by there will be a mere trickle of reports consigned to various back pages of the print news media on the tortuous rebuilding efforts the EU is making in Ukraine. Apart from these the entirety of the conflict will be consigned to the same memory hole as Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Libya. Historians will write books hopefully providing a realistic portrayal of events… that relatively few will read. On the internet, those who have been engendering far more factual analyses will make their concluding and highly scathing remarks on western guilt. 

Meanwhile, the entire panoply of western political and media interest will divert their full concentration on fomenting their next war, focusing what remains of their combined fire power just as hubris-consumed as ever, on China.

Sunday 13 October 2024


Largely unreported in the West, the BRICS summit in Kazan, Russia will be discussing new ways for the world to work, ways allowing escape from domination by the USA and its allies.

This month, in Kazan, Russia and the other BRICS nations are gathering to agree on a path forward that will establish a new financial trading and money transfer system. When this system is up and operating the group will by its use escape the domination of the U.S. dollar. Currently, through the U.S. dollar western elites are able to blackmail nations into doing their bidding. The power of the U.S. dollar stems from its use as the default trading currency, accounting for the vast majority of trades worldwide. By threatening sanctions linked to the U.S. dollar western elites currently have a chokehold on much of the world. Now, via BRICS cooperation those nations can be set free.

Alongside the above development we will see outright victory for Russia in its conflict with the Ukrainian regime. Due to Russia having to fight virtually the entire collective west this victory will have enormous global implications. The victory against the Kiev regime and its backers across the West will not be merely in terms of its military prowess however. Russia has fought off and defeated the entire western economic and financial attack upon it emerging stronger with an economy more robust than ever. This while economies in Europe are in steep decline due to the very sanctions they sought to impose upon Russia which have backfired badly against them.

For all our lifetimes the western world with its domination globally has set the framework for the world generally. This domination is about to end. Already in decline due to massive debts, growing military impotency the ever-increasing shrinkage of their economic, political and strategic reach, the western elites have exhibited a parallel desperation and willingness to use ever-more panic-driven methods. These methods, employed to shore up the declining power and influence of the West are instead having the opposite effect.

The nations of the global majority, those outside the western orbit of direct influence, have for years been seeking an escape route that would allow them to emerge from the manipulative control of the West. With the economic rise of China after the reforms of Deng Xiaoping, and the economic resurrection of Russia brought about by Vladimir Putin a new pole of major economic influence rapidly emerged in the east. To this pole more and more nations have graduated over the years with the most major developments in this respect occurring over the previous few years. Recent years have seen both Iran and Saudi Arabia join BRICS. For many years these nations were sworn enemies. Now they cooperate on friendly terms in a relationship where economic and other areas are certain to flow from their BRICS membership.

The USA and its proxy powers in Europe along with those in the southern hemisphere such as Australia and New Zealand will soon no longer be able to rely on economic muscle to preserve their long-held domination. Their grip has been weakening for decades and now that grip will be seen to slacken to the point where it will be totally released. The impact of this change in the geopolitical fundamentals of our world cannot possibly be overestimated, it will be huge and massively transformative. Nothing will ever be quite the same again. Apart from transforming the economic fundamentals of our world we will see the geopolitical fundamentals underpinning the West’s grip over us wither and die. When the alternative arrangements now being set in place within BRICS and other Eurasian institutions come into full effect, there will be no more economic, military or political leeway for the kind of interference by the West we have seen in recent years. It will in effect find itself quarantined, unable to interfere, threaten, invade or cajole nations into doing its bidding.

With Russia’s imminent victory in Ukraine, having bested the collective power of the western world, along with its chairmanship this month in Kazan where fundamental financial and economic changes will be agreed to global norms, we can clearly recognise in which direction power is flowing. Russia and China, having prevailed against an ever-aggressive western political elite, will now build a global platform where peace not war is the norm, where, within an atmosphere of cooperation and tolerance toward diverse systems of governance bridges between nations will be built, not burned. Setbacks there will be to this project, mistakes will be made from time to time, but the goals sought, of freedom from western domination and a multipolar world where peace not war is the rule will certainly be attained. The idea of continuing with a world at war due to western elites demanding all others conform to the West’s needs, comply with its demands and are forced to recognise its permanent hegemony is too awful any longer to contemplate.

Therefore, despite the efforts of western political and media elites to downplay the extent of Russia’s victory against them and their Kiev clients and the importance of the BRICS summit in Kazan later this month, the flow of fundamental, historical changes into the future is now clearly unstoppable. Happily for the world and luckily for the elites of the USA and its proxy nations the powers that will now increasingly wrest power from them are benign and will not seek to replicate their own aggressively self-interested and jealous stance regarding power and spheres of influence. This will be a new world that will not reflect the polarised, colonialist past where one region of the world insists it is superior to all others and of such an exceptional nature that fully justify its demands, insisting on compliance of all others to its will. This kind of arrogance is about to disappear forever. This new reality remains a few years distant as of now, perhaps a decade or more of a rapidly dwindling western power remains, but that new world is very definitely on its way.


Friday 11 October 2024


In 1943 the Red Army threw everything they had at the Nazi hordes infecting the Kursk region with their presence, and won. At this moment Russian troops are completing the same task.

Whereas the Russian military is guided by the policy of moving forward carefully and strategically, the Ukrainian military, from whoever it is advised, has from the start sought PR advantages that end up being of only temporary value.

Since it became clear that Russia would remain unbowed and economically strong despite the efforts of the collective west to weaken it, the Ukrainian regime has been reduced to two tactics, now seen to be failing.

  1. To rely on the combined financial power, political influence and military supplies of the collective west.
  2. Due to its own weakness in terms of the above factors it has engaged in PR stunts which are now seen to have had no significant effect on eventual outcomes.

Choosing the Kursk region of Russia for its incursion, complemented (according to numerous reports) by a great many mercenaries sent by NATO countries (and most likely from within the ranks of NATO forces) was a very poor one for the following reason:

The Kursk region of Russia was the location of the greatest battle of the Second World War, or Great Patriotic War as it is known in Russia. It was in this region in 1943 that through dint of incredible sacrifice that the Red Army drove back Hitler’s Nazis and thereafter moved 1,000 km west to eventually stand at the gates of Berlin, signaling the complete defeat of the Nazis. At a cost of some one million three hundred thousand Red Army soldiers Kursk was arguably the greatest victory of the Second World War and a victory all Russia knows of and celebrates to this day.

Choosing the Kursk region to invade Russia by the Kiev regime you will see resonated across the Russian Federation with the message that once again barbarians from the West had invaded their land. British, American and Polish voices have been heard on radio transmissions and video within the region and without doubt tanks supplied by Germany with some of the same symbols used by the Nazis in Operation Barbarossa were present also. It is clear that whatever it was going to take, Russia would drive the Ukrainian (and European) barbarians out of Kursk just as they had those of the Nazis in 1943.

Once again, a reflection of Russia’s great victory in Kursk in 1943 and its subsequent final defeat of the Nazis in Berlin we can see that little now stands in the way of the modern Russian army storming all the way to the Dnieper River, and beyond should it wish to. It is very likely that in the next few weeks and months we will see the Russian army completely overwhelming the Ukrainians, not only in Kursk but across the Ukrainian border in the Sumy region. An offensive to push to the furthest limits of Sumy is on the cards. Meanwhile Russia advances on every single other point of contact within the Donbass.

Little now will hinder the Russian military in its quest to accomplish the goals of the Special Military Operation as set out by Vladimir Putin in February of 2022. Ukraine will be demilitarized and denazified. Ukraine will forever remain a neutral state and never join NATO. The Russian-speaking majority in the Donbass will have all their rights fully respected. Adding to these accomplishments it is quite obvious at this stage that Ukraine will, in relatively short order, have a new president and government. Russia will have defeat the modern day Nazis that not only infest western Ukraine but all those who have avidly supported them across the entire western world.

Thursday 10 October 2024


It has started in earnest. The noisy internet rebels are to be made to obey their superiors and stop expressing themselves. It has become inconvenient.

You will be hearing from a variety of western elites at the moment concerning the evils of free thought and speech. Our desire to have a say is annoying them, especially when they are engaged in a war to maintain their long-held ability to dominate the world that is increasingly under threat.

These elites are panicking. Everything they have, all the power, influence and perks, all their ability to manipulate and shape opinion to suit their needs, all their sacred status and ego-boosting elitism is under threat… from us through social media. Democracy has gone too far and provided us with a say. This doesn’t suit them. It doesn’t suit them one bit.

We were supposed to keep our mouths shut and merely turn up at a voting both once every four years to place an X in a box on a piece of paper then go home content. Leaving everything to them. We were supposed to be satisfied that we had taken part in the holy ritual known as western democracy and then shut ourselves down. However, as we saw what a fuck-up these so-called democratic leaders were making we decided to have our say. This has become inconvenient.

Protesting war has almost become illegal. Speak out about the West’s proclivity for war and you risk being canceled. Waging war or not has been consigned to those who conceive themselves to be our betters, not our representatives. They consider they know best and consider also that it has nothing to do with you or me whether they wage wars on our behalf or not. There’s your “democracy” for you. In reality none at all, only a command from above for you to stop expressing an opinion, it’s nothing to do with you.

This is where our wonderful “democracy” has led us. While we were fed ‘bread and circuses’ to keep us distracted with all intellectual capacities benumbed, those who see themselves as eminently superior to us wished to continue to do whatever they wish to undisturbed. Now that the natives have begun revolting across the internet they want to shut us down. Von der Leyen, Hillary Clinton and the entire rank of new Gestapo agents are now determined that we’ll be silenced and kept in line.

With their war mode mentality, fearing the loss of all their ill-gotten power and influence, they are clearly willing to impose the most draconian systems upon us, gagging us, making us helpless drones to their systematized narrative feeds. Like Assange we are to be silenced. As in Orwell’s ‘1984’ we are to blindly accept the reality they command us to.

War Is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance Is Strength.

And Silence… Is Golden. 

Monday 7 October 2024


As was seen in the concluding months of WWII, the level of desperation of the side facing defeat initiates in turn desperate acts of extreme violence.

Though the Russian Federation is quite clearly winning in its conflict with the Ukrainian regime and its western sponsors it is certain that together, in their mounting desperation they will attempt major spectacular attacks upon Russian territory, most likely within Crimea. The U.S. elections are fast approaching along with the potential closing of the window of opportunity for both regime and its present sponsors to hit Russia hard.

The last months of the Ukrainian conflict are likely to see a number of major developments initiated by both sides. The Russian military has been increasing the speed of its liberating of territory across the line of contact. Meanwhile the gambit of the Kiev regime in the Kursk region of Russia is rapidly being neutralized after being systematically contained over the last month. The gains Russia will make during October and November are likely to be very substantial. Both Pokrovsk and Toretsk are likely to fall to Russian forces and possibly also Siversk.

On the regime side of the equation, with a new broom at the head of NATOand an increasingly desperate Democratic Party hierarchy in Washington seeking a boost to its electoral chances in the upcoming presidential election, it looks certain that a major attack on Russian territory will be attempted. Zelensky is facing an end to his presidency if the present course of events is continued. With a new Trump presidency he knows he will reach a cul-de-sac regarding his ambition to continue leading Ukraine in this U.S. proxy war against Russia. He knows he must do something big to signify he is still a valuable U.S. asset.

All in all we can see that both sides are now at arguably the most crucial stage in this conflict reflecting the overarching war taking place between a declining West and a rising East. To maintain and then further boost its global dominance the USA and its allies must defeat Russia in Ukraine. This is utterly crucial for them. On Russia’s side it cannot allow its enemies to lie directly on its border, continually destabilizing it and threatening attacks. For both sides this war is existential and this is why, unless Trump arrives back in the White House we can expect even greater loss of life and major attempts by the West’s proxies in Ukraine to mount spectacular attacks.

The Ukrainian army is all but defeated. Most of its forces are totally exhausted and in addition most of the recent contingents to their forces are increasingly untrained, elderly and unable by motivation or numbers to put up much of a fight. This means that the Kiev regime will be increasingly forced to mount pin prick attacks on Russian targets by the use of either long-distance drone flights or western missiles. In the latter case the Russian military is currently attempting to neutralize the capacity of the regime to mount such attacks. A major campaign against sites in the Odessa area is currently underway to effect this.

The next days and weeks will be crucial. Only today, 6th October we hear that a Ukrainian deputy by the name of Dunda, speaking in the Latvian capital Vilnius, advocated a Ukrainian military incursion into Belarus. While doing so he essentially admitted that Russia would win the war of attrition in the Donbass:

‘People's deputy of Ukraine Oleh Dunda from the Servant of the People party believes that the transfer of hostilities to the territory of Belarus can be an effective strategy for Ukraine, as it will make it possible to expand the front and weaken Russia's control.

He stated this while speaking at the «XIII Forum of Free Russia» in Vilnius.

Oleh Dunda emphasized that the continuation of hostilities near Pokrovsk or Vuhledar will not bring the desired results, because such a war is a drain on resources. In his opinion, Russia is ready to spend everything to win, which puts Ukraine in a disadvantageous position.

«You need to understand one thing. It is impossible to win the war under Pokrovsk, it is impossible under Vuhledar. But it is quite possible to win a war on the territory of the Russian Empire or Belarus. The war going on near Pokrovsk is the war of the First World War — it is a war of resource depletion. We have to admit one fact that Russia is ready to spend everything in this war, unlike our partners. And she a priori has priority here in this regard. This is an unprofitable war for Ukraine.»

According to the people's deputy, military operations similar to the recent attack in Kursk should have been carried out a year ago during the counteroffensive in Zaporizhzhia.

«With our experience and our knowledge, we need to strike where the Russian Empire is as weak as possible. Rock it from all sides. The operation that was carried out in Kursk should have been carried out a year ago during the counteroffensive in Zaporizhzhia. And there would be a different result. Completely different,» he said.

In his opinion, the introduction of «small units» into the territory of a neighboring country will lead to the fact that the Belarusian army will lay down its arms. He also emphasized that such an operation would deal a serious blow to Moscow, demonstrating its inability to control territories under its control.

«My point of view, it is absolutely important to transfer the war not only to the territory of Briansk, Kursk region and Belarus. I am deeply confident that, having entered Belarus with a relatively small unit, the Belarusian army will lay down its weapons. It's not even confidence, it's knowledge, I would say. And this is a big blow to Moscow, to show that it does not control these territories. It is not ready to defend these territories,» he believes.

You can see from the above and the way the conflict is moving increasingly in Russia’s favor that acts of desperation by the Ukrainian regime and its allies are also increasing, and can increasingly be expected. Russia is unlikely to be able to stop all such acts against it, however, even if major attacks against Crimea or other assets deep within Russia (the go-ahead having been given by Washington) these pin prick if substantial attacks will not alter the course of the war or its ultimate outcome.

It is just possible that the Biden administration, unhinged and desperate for a win in November will risk the actions described above, in particular attacks by NATO (using semantic spin re. Ukrainian responsibility) deep inside Russia and so risk a nuclear war. It is not a future that any rational person would contemplate risking for the sake of retaining power, yet the fast diminishing role of the USA and its allies across the world may well make its leaders contemplate exactly such acts of potential catastrophe. These days, weeks and months ahead are the most dangerous humanity has ever faced. All we can do, looking in, is only hope against hope that something approaching good sense eventually prevails. Otherwise the ultimate and long-feared, ultimate catastrophe could well be upon us.

Sunday 6 October 2024


The end of the Ukraine war is approaching and with it will come all manner of finger-pointing, blame-gaming and of course... a waterfall of lies.

As the conflict in Ukraine is ever more clearly seen to result in a Russian victory over all the West could throw at it, western elites are already preparing their excuses, and ultimately, their most convincing lies. In the media goldfish bowl of the West this litany of distortion will blunt most of the shock and outrage expressed. Having got away with the deaths of hundreds of thousands across their previous wars of choice in recent times they know how to perform this trick.

We will be told (as western audiences were after the debacle of the Vietnam war) that we would have won if only we had done this, that or the other. Or if this, that or the other had been done right, or at the right time in the right place. This barrage of obfuscation will no doubt largely dispense enough media fog to blur the edges of the Ukrainian debacle. Naturally there will be no question of anyone owning up to any guilt over the matter. Perhaps a little bit of blame-gaming will take place however.

Joe Biden appears to be the most likely prospective fall guy. If only he had provided Ukraine with more earlier in the conflict. If only he had allowed NATO to fire missiles deep into Russia (saying all the while of course that the Ukrainians did it). If only he had not been so timorous but had been willing to risk nuclear war. (Of course those criticizing him won’t mention this latter factor, only that Russia should have been hit hard regardless of all such unnamed potentialities. The statements made will emphasize as many half-truths as possible in as convincing a style as possible. Ah, if only…

The armchair generals of the media along with the serried ranks of online know-it-alls will be out in force. This should have been done. That should have been done. He's to blame… no he is… perhaps him. Zelensky will get his share of brickbats of course though most ire will be directed at Biden for his pusillanimous, mouse-like temerity. Those somewhat in the know however, will point to Zelensky having far more interest in preserving himself than the Ukrainian people or nations. Mortally afraid of the vicious and unforgiving nature of Ukraine’s ultranationalists he knew he had to keep talking up victory and maintaining an utterly useless resistance, pouring ever more poor Ukrainian souls into the Russian meat grinder. All for self-preservation.

No doubt Zelensky was right about the various ultranationalist brigades such as AZOV. They, in their terminally nationalistic fervor and utterly delusional mania to fight to the very last, would have taken it exceedingly badly if Zelensky had thrown in the towel at any point. They would certainly, as it is said, have had his guts for garters if he had shown the slightest sign of wavering. So, hundreds of thousands of hapless Ukrainians essentially had to die to keep one man alive. This is the sorriest and most disreputable part of the entire lamentable saga. But without doubt, having taken the thing right to its bitter end with the Russians at the gate Zelensky will seize his moment and pop off to some villa in a secluded spot around the world to write his best selling memoirs.

So it will end. In fierce acrimony with vitriol spilled in momentous quantities. The blaming, shaming and regret will fill the headlines and political statements for a while, several days in fact, perhaps a week. Then radio silence will descend. As it has with Afghanistan. As it has with Iraq. And Syria. And Libya. So it will be with Ukraine. The Ukrainians will be left to stew in the poisonous juices left as yet another western proxy war dies. Left in penury with just a few empty promises of western state aid for rebuilding in their ears and some offers of slave wages from various western conglomerates who will hover like vultures seeking lower expenses and higher profits. A nation that showed much promise in the years before the western elites decided it needed to be assisted to destroy itself.   



Many have no time to digest information in depth & are inclined to use TV news as their primary source of information. However, when wes...