Monday, 20 September 2021


Having created a festering pit of ungovernable nations in the heart of the Middle East Joe Biden has signalled that the so-called nation-building concept has been abandoned. Going into nations guns blazing, bombs falling and missiles flying is now apparently history as a policy.

Has he adopted the ethos behind John Lennon’s famous peace campaign, 'WAR IS OVER'?


America has learned the hard way that its gung-ho, jingoism-fueled arrogance and self-confidence ends in failure. What they have learned was at the expense of hundreds of thousands of lives and the destruction of the way of life of many more. All this is in addition to creating an even more conducive environment for international terrorism. Lost livelihoods and unstable governments make for poor locations where some form of democracy can grow, the greater likelihood is for continued poverty, poor life chances, a chaotic and criminal desperation and the rise of brothers in arms. Brothers in arms against everything the West stands for.

Hopefully, America has indeed learned that the massive costs in terms of their own blood and treasure and those of others were indeed not ‘worth it’ and indeed was wholly counterproductive.

But does this mean that America’s war against the world is over?

Far from it.

It will use at the very least another two ways to wage that war.

One will be waged primarily through its intelligence agencies, its mass media and its special forces. Targeted nations will be subject to undermining in every possible way through the use of internal activism, cyber espionage and sabotage, campaigns of misinformation and propaganda, the use of the criminal and the self-interestedly ambitious along with the hopelessly naive to bring down governments and sow chaos in any way they can.

The second of the three ways the USA has chosen to wage war on the world is through economic sanctions and financial restrictions. Using its power to coerce other nations to strangle targeted economies along with its own abilities in this regard it is able to impoverish a nation and its population by destroying its economy. Nations who attempt to help those nations are treated by the USA as criminal entities and they too become targeted. Venezuela, Syria and Cuba are currently the three primary targets for the waging of this kind of war.

Of course, these last two forms of warfare, or state terrorism if you like, are also lethal forms of warfare. Not as dramatic and largely out of sight, but lethal nonetheless. Tens of thousands have died in Venezuela due to the economic sanctions and financial restrictions placed on it. During the long years of sanctions on Iraq before the hot war began, it is known that many thousands of children died due to the merciless sanctions applied at that time.

Afghanistan may have rubbed America’s face in the shit it creates when it goes to war… but be under no illusions, the USA is still fighting its war against the world and it is still having a lethal effect. The hot wars have created the crucible for endless terrorism and instability to come, both within those nations destroyed and within those who destroyed them. The two forms of warfare that are applied in tandem with the first continue relentlessly. The USA, in its arrant stupidity and arrogance, has set the world on a course that cannot help but be riven by continuing instability and war.

Unless that is, wiser heads of the East can now prevail, making the most of the West’s bloody defeat. Only this prospect can ameliorate the devastation caused by the USA and the attempted devastation through its secondary forms of war which it will now seek to expand to achieve its utterly misguided goals.

Saturday, 18 September 2021


The West gives every indication of going through a kind of self-induced societal suicide. Cohesion, unity and solidarity are becoming things of the past. This alongside concepts regarding integrity, diligence and responsibility in too many cases.

Criminality continues to creep up as the moral climate descends. An acceptance of an anarchic mentality has become quite commonplace over the past many decades.

Decadence has largely replaced diligence, excess has replaced hard work and excellence. Division, rather than the dependability of shared values has atomized many communities, seemingly for good.

The supposedly wonderful “democratic” systems of the West are heading down an extremely dark path. Nihilism and the seeking out of the most negative memes possible by the young has achieved a kind of cult status. The years of forebears working hard in a largely honest environment where ethical conduct was adhered to as a matter of self-respect have disappeared for the majority. Getting all you can by whatever means and exploiting every loophole in the law and being endlessly tempted to break it has emerged as the zeitgeist of every decade since the advent of Thatcherism.

In past times in the two primarily affected nations, the USA and UK there used to be a true choice between political parties whereby different classes of their populations could be represented. Now no more. In both nations, both parties seek only to cater to a certain middle and upper-class population of strivers for ever more willing to give ever less.

Without the solidarity of the past where decency was not a dirty word denoting the most boring of mentalities and acting well did not signify a loser, where acting badly is seen as cool and where criminal behaviour denotes an exciting character type you know a society is headed drainward. And so it is with both the UK and USA. They are both fracturing into splinter groups with next to nothing in common, each jealously guarding its own interest and viewing others as their enemies. No society can last long in peace, stability, tranquillity and national cohesiveness in such a miserable state.

Nations with far less wealth than the USA and UK have a far greater degree of internal respect for the honest endeavours of their forebears and realise with far greater awareness just why ethical conduct and decent values are vitally important. The excess incomes found in the West have not enhanced the general wellbeing of its nations, quite the reverse. The more affluent they became the more they squandered, degraded and completely lost sight of the positive individual attributes displayed by populations of earlier times.

Western elites laud their “democratic” systems where the freedom to do almost anything you like is protected like some sacred cow. License to behave however you like is encouraged and an atmosphere of entitlement and narcissism has become rampant. If this is the end result of their so-called democracy then the rest of the world not experiencing its end effects can count themselves extremely lucky.


The degree to which western military, political and media elites live in an almost exclusively self-serving world of reality distortion is shocking. It works extremely well for them however.

For those who step out of line and point out inconvenient realities, things tend to go far less well. The positive incentive and active disincentive show why the most blatant flaws of the Soviet Union have now transferred westward.

There is clearly no money in being a pacifist these days (if there ever was). Peacemakers, diplomats and those of a disposition to find areas of agreement rather than conflict have become a dying breed if not already long extinct. 9/11 ensured that being a warrior seeking military engagement, endlessly pointing out the candidates to fear and building threat levels to the maximum levels their fantasies could bear… have become all-powerful in the West.

There is hardly a sliver of free space where worriers over the consequences of endless war could find any opening among hawks endlessly circling ready to drop massive amounts of ordure upon them at the least sign of rationality. The creation of endless wars and the endless profits that come from them has become a prime industry with a revolving door between the political, military and media spheres.

Take the latest pronouncements from US Under Secretary of Defence for Policy Colin Kahl:

"In the coming years, Russia may actually represent the primary security challenge that we face in the military domain for the United States and certainly for Europe. Russia is an increasingly assertive adversary that remains determined to enhance its global influence and play a disruptive role on the global stage, including through attempts to divide the West."

These words are indicative of the kind of group-thought communications which engender a convenient response from the tone-deaf community to which Mr Kahl belongs. Within their collective, extremely remunerative belief bubble this kind of statement accrues knowing nods. They keep the pot boiling nicely and the coffers of all concerned well topped up. That they also create an ongoing atmosphere of needless fear among western populations at large and collectively may well lead to mass death and destruction is completely irrelevant to the task at hand.

The self-serving role of an entire industry of military chiefs and national security analysts, think tank members and mass media editors is to keep the fire under the entire enterprise extremely well stoked. Not a word must be heard that echoes any truly rational stance where the remotest possibility of peace breaking out may occur. This tiny elite (by comparison with western populations as a whole) work solely and self-servedly only to maintain their ridiculously powerful cabal in clover.


China has been named as the USA’s primary adversary. Some term it an ‘enemy’ to be defeated. A campaign of fear has resulted in popular Chinese products being targeted for banning.

Several Chinese companies have been accused of having ulterior motives locked within their software innovations and are excluded from western contracts.

The USA, UK and Australia have just announced a controversial deal to create a new entity, AUKUS, an additional unit to the already existing tie-in between these nations in the Asian Pacific Anglosphere. Despite the denials, there can be no doubt whatsoever that this is aimed at China. A China which, as is Russia, is framed as displaying ‘aggression’.

What is it all about?

Are the plethora of scare stories for real? Is China a threat to the everyday population on the western street and their governments?

Not that I can see. I call bullshit.

As has become usual in recent years, the cover stories that the West tells a still far too gullible western public about their regime change targets are just fig leafs for something else.

The elites of the West have become far too used to being top dogs, able to manipulate geopolitical and national issues at will, twisting arms and getting their way. This has become institutionalised.

Few have any intent or desire to give up their empires. How many souls have existed who were so selfless, so intent on the greater good that they would do so? And this isn’t a matter of a few souls, it is a matter of tens of thousands, if not a million or more.

It’s not just losing your status or income that matters to those who have run this very convenient empire for so long now. The adrenalin felt in the corridors of power is a well-known factor that often leads to internecine strife within political circles. Just imagine how much adrenaline is felt when operating on a global level, wheeling and dealing, playing one chess move then another, the thrill of the chase and the deep satisfaction gained in studying the form and coming up with the right next move. How many of us would give that up?

Hopefully, those of us who had a moment of catharsis and realised just how destructive this perpetual creation of division oftentimes leading to war truly was, would give it all up. But what about the superb lifestyle, the kids’ education, the meetings, greetings and world travel… and all those lovely rushes of adrenaline and the loftily proud notions of achievement and status. Those of us who would give it all up for a rather lonely and rather downmarket perch criticising from outside must surely be few indeed.

So, when you hear those assertions of wrongdoing aimed at China, whether from the political class, the think tank mandarins or well-heeled mainstream media commentators know one thing in particular, this is personal for them. Their entire lifestyle and all that entails regarding self-worth, family life, peer esteem and all else involved, hangs on the present status quo being maintained. That status quo is of course the continued supremacy of the West.

There it is... and there is how it is.

China is far and away primarily a danger only to the status and careers of western elites


As we move inexorably to the most dangerous period in the history of humankind the elites of our world have a stark choice before them.

Surmount all differences, no matter how grave or deep they may be and connect together to face the tremendous threats now emerging. Or, continue to carve up exclusive domains where antagonism, confrontation and ultimately self-defeating competition hold sway.

Currently, the USA and its allies are holding fast to the latter course. The rising stars of the East though by no means perfect in every respect are strongly favouring the former option, to connect together making agreements with other nations no matter how diverse.

It is of major importance that all dogmas give way to the necessity to converge in agreement on the urgent necessity to achieve unity of purpose. That purpose is to achieve our common survival and to do so in an atmosphere of cooperation, mutual tolerance and peace. The exterior threats of climate change and further pandemics cannot be faced effectively other than with far greater unity of purpose than we have seen until now. The current pandemic has surely shown this clearly. The severe effects of climate change now occurring surely emphasize this point beyond doubt.

The USA and its allies are playing an old and now potentially disastrous game, disastrous not only for some but for all. It is the height of irresponsibility and evidence of a terminal state of myopia that it continues its divisive and simplistic ‘us and them’ policy of exclusivity. By maintaining that only if nations are a perfect fit with it, conducive to serving its interests and willing to submit to its commands the USA acts in a way that reflects the ethos of an earlier, fast-departing age. The age of empire.

The divide and conquer ethos still being maintained by the USA, UK and their allies is not only no longer fit for purpose it is no longer viable. Those who stand outside the western empire are now more than able to resist being forced to abide by the rules of the West. They have their own destinies to fulfil and are no longer willing to take lectures from those that have an extremely patchy history at best. In recent decades the USA and its allies have torn the Middle East apart with the deaths of hundreds of thousands, engaged in torture, destroyed the livelihoods and life stability of millions and plunged the world into even greater levels of division, hatred, misunderstanding and potential fracture than has been seen since the end of World War II.

No lessons should or will be taken from such institutions, imbued with unwarranted notions of being exceptional and superior to all others. China, Russia and all others seeking to extricate themselves from the orbit of such powers can still be encouraged (if trust can be rebuilt) to engage with even such institutions as these. Recent history does not make the rebuilding of such trust easy however and there are few signs currently that the USA and its allies have even the slightest intention to try. But, without trust how can there be cooperation? Without trust isn’t permanent misunderstanding, division, confrontation and conflict inevitable?

It’s a stark choice. One that the USA and its allies appear intent on choosing the worst possible option for the well being of all of us, choosing to carve up what it can and confront to the absolute limit all that it can’t.


Western elites are struggling with the task they see as at hand, countering the rise of China and all that comes with that rise. The rise is economic, but with economic growth comes a plethora of changes not only within the nation but outwith it.

To date, the USA along with the UK and others within Europe and beyond have formed a very successful but extremely manipulative cartel that was able through its success to act as global judge, jury and sometimes executioner.

Now China has risen and will continue to rise and this cannot help but have a weakening effect on the erstwhile power of the West. As China continues to rise it cannot help but erode the manipulative power of the West, degrading its ability to preserve western national interests, its dominant influence and consistent decisive power over others. The signs are that China has no intention to replace these functions, but rather only to create relationships that profit all sides without any intent to demand changes within nations other than those agreed to for the purposes of an enhanced trading relationship.

The demands of the West on a great many nations have been many and have often resulted in subversion and/or demonization of systems of governance not to its liking. China shows no signs at all of wishing to do the same as it reduces the West’s ability to do these things.

Yet the western allies are doing all they can to bring down this rival and this threat to their ability to dominate, subjugate and where they feel it necessary punishing those not conforming to their demands. Subsequently, China is taking steps to defend itself from the very obvious and increasing attacks of recent years.

You may have noticed that its spokespersons have stopped mincing their words or responding politely to western attacks. They are now giving as good as they get. This is confusing for western minds that think only in simplistic terms of ‘West and allies good. Others bad.’

Things could have been very different if there was not a seemingly indissolvable group-thought exceptionalism at the root of western elite systems. This group-thought creates an almost unscalable barrier to any kind of progress toward an acceptance of the ‘other’, then seen as an ‘adversary’, or even ‘enemy’.

When you pose yourselves as near, if not totally perfect, then your attitude to others is inevitably one of a superior to an inferior. And the attitude that then prevails is that inferiors need controlling, guiding, warning, threatening… and at times, punishing. To stretch out the hand of friendship in mutual respect to one you consider inferior, or even deviant does not come at all easily.

Western elites are acting akin to terminally spoiled rich kids considering themselves totally entitled, demanding to be treated as little princes. Others, those they consider underlings, are meant to be their slaves. This is what their histories tell them is the natural order of things. It can also be seen as a master and servant relationship. Masters rarely befriend their servants. They are much more more likely to train them into the attitudes they wish them to observe. If they get ‘uppity’ they tend to be taught an increasingly brutal lesson.

But China is no longer a servant for the western colonialists and would-be exploiters. That part of its history is gone forever. Any wish to reimpose this on China was bound to be resisted with all the power and determination the nation could muster. The West is therefore falling into a trap that it needn’t have. It is taking precisely those steps guaranteed to enrage China most, bringing back memories of times when the western ‘master’ did it most harm.

But China is no longer a servant for the western colonialists and would-be exploiters. That part of its history is gone forever. Any wish to reimpose this on China was bound to be resisted with all the power and determination the nation could muster. The West is therefore falling into a trap that it needn’t have. It is taking precisely those steps guaranteed to enrage China most, bringing back memories of times when the western ‘master’ did it most harm.

Friday, 17 September 2021


The USA, UK and Australia are sticking their collective geopolitical tongue out at China. The message is consistent and clear, “We don’t like you. You’re not in our gang and you’re not getting in.” The thought of making friends doesn’t appear to have been considered in the slightest. Why?

Could it be that capitalism was only meant to be a success for certain nations and not for others?

As far as the idea that this is about human rights, democracy or freedom can be largely discounted. This is about influence, power and competition. In the end, it comes down to an economic rivalry that in previous times was said to be healthy.

Competition was the great solvent, or so we were told. Creating a cabal to fix things in your own interests was unhealthy. But there seems to have been a major shift since monetarism raised its liberalising head. Now, these three nations within the geopolitical kindergarten have decided to group together to stifle the success of a major rival. The whole world could suffer as a result.

The new kid on the block now in the capitalist playground has become too successful for his own good. The previously dominant bullies who ruled the roost have decided to put him in his place. Others look on in various degrees of shock and anticipation, some horrified, others ready to take advantage.

But this new boy who has learned how to make a success of others’ ways and play them at their game is well-muscled and well prepared for all they will throw at him. The chances are very much in his favour that he will only be strengthened through the opposition to him of the three bullies now acting in concert to do him down. An epic brawl is in prospect.

Thursday, 16 September 2021


The USA, UK and Australia have nailed their colours to the mast of a nuclear submarine destined to sail in the Taiwan Strait. The deal to give U.S. nuclear technology to Australia has rubbed sea salt in France’s wound as they have now lost a $50 billion contract after establishing what it thought was a watertight deal.

‘The European Union's foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell said he understood why France was disappointed by the deal, adding that the EU was not consulted about the new alliance.

"This forces us once again... to reflect on the need to make the issue of European strategic autonomy a priority. This shows that we must survive on our own," he said on Thursday.’

Is this the start of a long term separation between mainland Europe and its prodigal son, Britain and their now far more untrustworthy American friends? Will there be more talk now of a European Army? More importantly, is Europe in the process of being left to both increased Chinese and Russian influence now that the British boat has set sail firmly westwards?

These three, the USA, UK and Australia are now the primary neocon bastions, set on a course away from others who they consider less competent sailors in the present war of many theatres against Russia and China. With New Zealand unsure of its place within the Five Eyes, Australia becomes even more important as a true blue zealot utterly devoted to the neocon cause.

While others have at least a partial wish to engage in cooperation, to make deals and accept that the benefit of their economies is far more important than some geopolitical dogma, those preferring endless confrontation to preserve their myopic mindsets drift off to possible oblivion. Though on the way it is highly likely they will have more than one round of cannon-fire across their bows.


“It’s the economy dummy” is a well-known phrase from a previous U.S. election year. Yet it stands in good stead currently in regard to the growing aggression of western elites and their allies toward China.

For years now we have heard the virtues of capitalism extolled and with them those of globalisation also. But wait… these were only ever meant to be for the benefit of western nations and their allies, not for those 'over there’ and certainly not for those having modes of governance seen as beyond the pale to the West.

Economic success was meant to be the sole preserve of the West and its allies. All others were meant to be put in a position of obeisance to the power that this economic success brought with it. They were to see the error of their ways and come into the fold. Well, China and others decided to wend their own way and resist being subjugated, dominated or instructed by others.

China has had the fastest-growing economy for many years now. This was not at all within the plan conceived in Washington and Westminster. This has presented western elites and their allies with a thorny problem. To acquiesce to the goal of China to expand its trading network and, heaven forfend, cooperate with it, was simply not an option. Too much power and influence would be lost thereby. The no-brainer option for those of the West with a single track mode of thinking was to do all they could to disrupt Chinese economic growth.

This is the not so well hidden agenda of the West and those it has within its orbit. Weaken China by any means possible short of outright war. To slander the motives and actions of its elites at every possible turn. To bait them into actions that could be used to increase the believability of the propaganda teams set the task of undermining them. In other words to wage war against them by all other means.

No one should be fooled by the talk of human rights abuses or any other faux issues which compliant activists and mainstream media hacks and editors portray before a still largely naive western audience. The agenda is not about a devilish foe squashing human rights, engaging in genocide or threatening its neighbours, it is about western national interests, their preservation and expansion, primarily those of an economic nature. Therein lies the foundation of western power down the centuries, economic domination leading directly to military domination and the subsequent exploitation of others this brings.


The catchphrases of western elites mirror their assertion that they are a saintly grouping wishing only the best for the world while dastardly others, subject to less enlightened and downright malign personalities require elimination.

We have seen the so-called ‘International Rules-Based System’ in action all too often in recent years, in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya and Ukraine. The rules being applied are clearly that the western elites espousing them can more or less do as they wish at great cost regarding international stability, the destruction of sovereign governments and the loss of human lives. The flouting of international law at will in short.

The catastrophic results initiated by the exceptionalist and essentially racist attitude of western elites to those not bowing down in submission before them are all justified by the purpose of installing so-called ‘Western Liberal Values’ within destroyed nations. These ‘values’ are purported to be superior to all others, once again harking back to previous eras of racist, so-called western superiority.

Any honest estimation of elite pronouncements and assertions in recent years emanating from the West must surely conclude that honesty did not rate particularly highly as a western liberal value. An endless outpouring of lies to “justify” war and the subjugation of inferior 'others' was order of the day. Brave individuals have exposed these lies and the hidden facts these elites refused to admit to. The paucity of integrity reveals just how much faith we should have in any ‘international rules-based order’ these elites wish to force on nations in their effort to establish ‘western liberal values’ in them.


The Ukraine war is reaching a critical stage. Crucial aspects of western narratives are now being questioned. The reality is at last being d...