Thursday, 31 March 2022


We are living through a time of momentous change.

The world as we have known it is transforming.

From now onward the east will rise and rise while the west continually falls.

What has led to this is a series of both enormous errors and egregious crimes by the collective west by which I mean the USA, UK and their allies/proxies and puppet nations.

The desire to obtain hegemonic global rule and oversight by those above have brought them to venture over the brink of disaster and we find them now plunging helpless into the abyss, their own self-created abyss.

The hubris of the USA has been a continual feature of its totally arrogant and misplaced pride as it has proceeded to bully all those who presented a challenge to its demanded authority. A mix of fantastical self-promoting mythologies that denied it genocidal and racist past in its formative years, its myriad abuses of power which have seen millions die agonising deaths, it’s creation of some of the most evil weapons humanity has ever seen and its overweening willingness to interfere, attack, invade, undermine, subvert and destroy others is rightfully bringing it at long last the pariah status it has long deserved.

Two powers are now rising fast as the USA and the noxious elites of its allies begin an unstoppable descent to ignominy and rejection. China and Russia together will now begin form the foundation of a world with an entirely different geopolitical underpinning in the wake of the fast descending collective west.

The spearpoint of the collective west (CW) now being totally blunted is NATO. Using this entity which had no place in the modern world at the end of the Cold War has proven the main instigator of the downfall now descending upon western elite manipulative control.

Russia called the collective bluff of the West via its intervention in Ukraine. Then, using the West’s sanctions against itself it is now exercising the economic muscle it has to deliver the fatal blow.

Nothing can stop the western world going into free fall as the effects of this new situation hit home one after another. Inflation will soar. Employment will fall. Trade will stagnate. Factories will close. Homes will grow cold as bank accounts are emptied and bankruptcies rise. Gross Domestic Products across the USA and Europe will plummet as a dark spiral of negativity grips the entire West.

Meanwhile both China and Russia will experience increasing economic success and their strength of influence will rise exponentially and unstoppably, first near at hand and in cooperation one with another but soon spreading out across Eurasia and later, naturally expanding into eastern Europe and beyond.

A new geopolitical paradigm will gradually assert itself, one where agreement trumps aggression, diplomacy trumps division, friends are created, not foes and a determined and constant goal of peace, not war imbues international relations with an overarching atmosphere of tolerance and respect for national sovereignty.

Gone will be the mentality of exceptionalism and superiority aggressively demonstrated by the USA and UK. Europe will be first to see and embrace the new reality and eschew the old. Progressively and due to their inescapable quarantining in the new circumstances and reality both the USA and UK will inevitably do so also.

These vicious two, the USA and UK will have been hung on their own petard as the saying goes. Their determination to maintain and enlarge their manipulative control of the world through threats, violence and subversion will be finally acknowledged to have totally collapsed and they too will come to terms with the new ethos of cooperation rather than casino capitalism confrontation.

Those idealists among us who have long hoped to see peace across our planet will now have their day. The hawks, warmongers and “defence” contractors of the various military industrial complexes will find themselves seeking alternative employment.

It will soon be time to feel the heavy weight of these many years of war stretching back centuries but experienced in their most deadly form only decades ago, lifted from every last one of us (except the Lords of War). We will experience a sense of almost universe well being that cannot quite be imagined in this present moment. It will be quite unique.

John Lennon would certainly have loved to be here as this new reality dawns.


And his question will be answered.

“What if they held a war and nobody came?”

I wish so much you could be here to see it. Along with Bill Hicks and George Carlin and all others who longed to see peace break out across our, till now, benighted planet. For it is now almost within grasp…



The coverage of the Ukraine conflict across the western mainstream is totally one-sided, however, this is only one aspect of the way it has been responsible for getting more people killed than would be the case without this coverage.

By a completely partial rendering of events in Ukraine western mainstream media news creates a false picture that, if enough people believe it, will lead to the combat continuing far longer than it properly should.

One aspect of this deeply irresponsible behaviour is that it leads to a false sense of confidence that Kiev regime forces are winning against the Russian forces. This could lead outsiders to this conflict involving themselves directly and, due to their lack of training, getting themselves killed. The emotional impact, purposefully selected by television news channels seeks to generate such impulses along with others regarding fundraising for the regime.

The amount of bias involved is massive, along with misinformed speculation, assertion and demonisation of one side over the other. Wishful thinking and attitudes based on a lack of historical knowledge of this conflict stretching back over a decade leads to an entire series of mis-statements and constant misrepresentation.

Giving unhindered coverage to the leader of the Kiev regime, Volodymyr Zelensky, also creates the clear impression of full support and this along with the recruiting potential of the entire narrative encourages viewers to view the events in Ukraine from an entirely skewed viewpoint.

Television has for fifty years and more been the most powerful device for molding minds. With the inexorable move of elite media to the right in recent times, especially in the United States where public service broadcasting is in the extreme minority and corporations own the vast majority of news entities the output has become heavily biased in the interests of western states’ foreign policy objectives.

Ukraine has been the object of a western state desire to take as much of eastern Europe into the U.S., NATO and EU sphere of influence and western mass media has followed on in slavish fashion to promote this goal in respect of Ukraine and all other such states. The taking of Ukraine as a whole into the western sphere of influence in the coup of 2014 was a step too far for Russia and for the people of both Crimea and south-eastern Ukraine.

The people of the Donbass in SE Ukraine who look eastward toward Russia in terms of language, culture and shared history have no relation to the West or the EU and were threatened on numerous levels by the takeover by West-oriented politicians in 2014. Their case is NEVER made on western mainstream news channels. They were completely left to their fate when most cruelly bombarded by mortar shells day and night through 2014 and 2015. They were an inconvenient story to cover.

Now we see the kind of destruction that took place perpetrated by the Ukrainian army and their Nazi-legacy militias during 2014 and 2015 depicted daily and nightly on western televisions. The kind of coverage the people of Donetsk and Lugansk desperately required to let the world know what they suffered during those years was almost totally absent from western television screens.

This repeated bias has delivered a constantly misleading message, one that encourages hate toward one side, love for the other and an uncaring level of total ignorance regarding a third.

Giving the false impression that there is hope and even increasing hope that the Kiev forces can defeat those of Russia risks extending the fighting in Ukraine. For Russia the issues involved form existential factors which mean it MUST take its campaign to a successful conclusion. The very existence of Russia is at stake as without secure borders and freedom from the fear of enemies at its door it cannot live as a sovereign nation should. Its people could never feel assured they were totally safe if such a situation continued.

Providing a platform for the forces that are constantly threatening Russia’s present and future security by supporting one side only in a completely subjective way with no attempt whatsoever to be objective is reprehensible in the extreme.

In all these diverse ways the ubiquitous television viewing which takes place across the entire western world acts through the media agenda linked as it is to the goals of western states acts as a weapon for western those western states… and that weapon has been in the past, and is now in the present, getting men, women and children killed in Ukraine.

Wednesday, 30 March 2022


On the face of it, watching western mainstream news bulletins it appears obvious, the Russians are conducting a scorched earth policy in their assault upon Ukraine.

Burned out buildings that appear to be to all intents and purposes civilian residential blocks, a hospital or school here and there and one notable theatre in Mariupol.

Then there was the ‘scandal’ of an apparent assault on Europe’s largest nuclear energy plant.

Distraught civilians, including children are often seen along with various fleeing civilians and we are given the impression that the Russian assault is indiscriminate and brutal, almost completely without mercy.

What else should we think but that a great wrong is being perpetrated by a military, government and president completely without conscience who are completely careless in their actions, with malign intent and murderously lethal weaponry applied without rhyme of reason at the civilian population of Ukraine.

This portrayal is relentless and repeated in each news bulletin throughout the day with constantly flowing TV-tickertape headlines delivering the perpetual message of ‘Russian Aggression’. Experts are on call to intone analyses which take Russian guilt for atrocities and war crimes as a given.

What else can we believe but the evidence of our eyes?

We see one burned out building after another where entire neighbourhoods are strewn with rubble, blackened windows and walls, one wrecked and shattered building after another, clearly buildings of civilian use and not military. Our conclusions are obvious, are they not? The Russians are absolute monsters.

But is it all as simple as it looks?

Perhaps we ought to ask ourselves a few questions? Though the likelihood of the most people watching doing this appears to me at least, to be slight, considering the sights assaulting their eyes and the always Russia-negative delivery of the voice overs assaulting their ears.

There has been talk of the Russian military, having such a long supply chain in some cases, particularly those members of it stationed close to Kiev, having problems restocking their ammunition supply. However, on the face of it, they are quite indiscriminately using masses of their supply shooting up civilian housing, presumably with civilians inside.

The weaponry in use is clearly not simply machine guns, hand guns or anything of this kind, the damage done indicates much more sophisticated and powerful weaponry than this. Missile attacks both large and hand-held MANPAD type delivery systems. Such weaponry comes at quite a price, with each unit of explosive power hitting a residential block costing several thousand in most currencies including dollars. Why “waste” it on attacking civilians and their homes?

Would there not be more sense in preserving your fire power to attack those you claim are your mortal enemy, in the first place the so-called neo-Nazi adherents of the ‘volunteer battalions’ and ‘national guard’ or the lesser but nonetheless very much regarded enemy forces of the Ukrainian army? Did Russian troops come so far at such a cost in terms of risk to themselves (you may have seen the videos of what happens to those of them who are captured by those they fight), vast cost to their government in terms of vehicles hit and rendered destroyed, fuel and ammunition… just to take pot shots at civilians and blast their homes to kingdom come?

Does the scenario of a scorched earth policy against the civilian population of Ukraine make sense in the context of winning the war, campaign or ‘special military operation’, however you wish to describe it?

The Ukrainians as Vladimir Putin has written about at length are brother and sister Slavs and essentially the same people as those in Russia. He has gone to great pains to write in detail on this subject and their common heritage, ancestry and history, their “DNA”, if you like and most likely in literal terms as well as in any metaphorical or peripheral sense.

The project as described by Putin and others within the Russian high command is to relieve the vast majority of Ukrainians of the weight of extremist forces that Russia claims are embedded deep within the structure of power within their nation, the so-called ‘neo-Nazis’ or ‘ultra-nationalistic’ forces that it is said hold de facto power over presidential and governmental policies, along with a high degree of radical extremism and anti-Russian hatred among the governing political elite themselves.

What sense then is there in alienating the civilian population of Ukraine by targeting them and so creating an emotional and physical backlash against them which is more than likely to be transferred into a fervent and continual guerrilla war against them. Why create such scenes of devastation also that will inevitably turn an already existent distrust of them globally into absolute disgust amounting at times to absolute hatred where they are regarded as utterly evil, those to be made outcast pariahs and all to do with them driven out from all civilised U.S. and European sight?

Why target civilians at all in these circumstances?

The Russians claim not to be doing so. If this is indeed the case why the so very obvious devastation, what of the residences that have become smoking, devastated ruins, what of the power plant, the hospital, the schools the theatre?

Is there any evidence for the Russian claims of innocence to the charge of demonically and with ruthless, criminal, indeed demonic heartlessness, deliberately and with malice aforethought seeking to kill civilians or attack them in their homes, destroying everything they hold dear?

In fact evidence of this is in fact beginning to emerge. Though such is the depth of the conviction that virtually all Russians are liars and deceivers, purveyors of propaganda and no better and quite likely even worse than their communist forebears that it will inevitably greeted by enormous skepticism, especially by those in elite positions, whether in the political or media spheres, across the west.

These are some emerging civilian testimonies regarding the actions of the aforementioned ‘neo-Nazis’ / ‘ultranationalist forces’, that the maternity hospital that came under attack was vacated of all its doctors, nurses and patients and taken over by them before the attack occurred, of civilians of Mariupol who state that the same ‘neo-Nazi‘ / ‘ultranationalist’ forces came to the theatre in their city and mined and blew it up even as civilians sheltered in its basement.

Such testimonies, recorded on video, are not being aired anywhere on national news bulletins across the West. Neither are the videos showing vigilante actions by the more extreme factions of the unofficial Ukrainian security state. These videos and there are a great many of them show civilians of all ages (including children) being taped to lamp posts or trees then being beaten, often with them commonly stripped half-naked. These the “security forces” call “Marauders”, thieves. Quite commonly their faces are spray-painted green.

Then there are the Russian prisoners of war. Reports say that they have been, at least on some occasions, been badly mistreated, again by the most radical elements incorporated into the Ukrainian military and national guard. This includes shooting into the legs and groin, piercing the eyes with knives, inserting bottles in anuses, castration and the eventual covering of heads with bags and being kicked to death. The videos depicting such activities of course appear to show grave crimes in contravention of the Geneva Convention regarding prisoners of war.

How, you might ask, do these activities of hatred and testimonies about the activities of ultra-radical Ukrainians relate to what we see on television where Russian aggression and atrocity is either inferred or stated quite baldly and relentlessly?

There is a case to be made that the scorched earth policy which appears obvious on western screens laid at the door of the Russians may not be as simple and clear cut as it looks.

There is a very strong incentive on behalf of the most radical elements within the Ukrainian security forces to bring other western powers into their fight against Russia, and if possible those of NATO. In fact this would appear to be their only hope of survival and victory over the Russian assault. To create sufficient reasons for such a response from allied, outside forces and especially NATO would appear to be quite obvious. False flag events are one well known and infamous method of gaining such external and highly crucial support.

This was seen in the infamous market bombing incident in Sarajevo which can be credited with bringing NATO into the civil war in Yugoslavia which ended in being instrumental in the breakup of the country. In Iraq, the testimony of a little girl (who was later shown to be the daughter of a disaffected Iraqi general) whose tearful story of Iraqi babies being ripped from incubators and having their heads bashed in on hard-tiled hospital floors had enormous effect on President George Bush senior who used her testimony in a speech soon after. (All found to be carefully arranged deception afterwards.)

It appears that almost everything may have been tried so far to generate the kind of emotions required (including in one case TV news moderator tears) to generate the ‘something must be done’ moment required to gain outside and very crucial effect. Hence the nuclear power plant “attack” (it appears to have been a firefight involving an administration building, not the plant itself), the claims of Russians attacking hospitals and schools (though why they would do so is only inferred, pure evil, rather than with any logical purpose in mind) and the seemingly demonic attack on the Mariupol theatre. And naturally the devastation caused by attacking civilian housing and apartment blocks.

It all begs the question, if there is indeed a case to be made for all these apparent crimes being perpetrated by others than the Russian military, either by occupation of civilian infrastructure or attacks done in-house as it were, what future false flag events may be in prospect considering what appears to be an extremely radical mindset if recent videos of civilian and POW abuse are what they appear to be, evidence of a degree of hatred that could countenance almost anything in the name of the hatred involved and the fervent despite to win at all costs?

Much is being made of the Russians being tempted to use chemical weapons in recent times. This has been a quite frequent meme in recent times with statements concerning this fear coming from no less a personage than the U.S. president himself. At the same time there is talk of the Russian military being “stalled” outside Kiev, frustrated at not being able to take the city. References are being made of the Russian assault on Ukraine failing.

It could be said with some merit that such statements (which fly in the face of those made by various military analysts that the contrary is true and that the Russian plan of action is generally successful) are meant to portray increasing Russian frustration that their goals are not being met and that therefore they may be tempted to use the ultimate no-no in terms of weaponry, a chemical weapon.

What may be being sought is an avoidance of the situation which occurred in Douma in Syria where dreadful and distressing scenes were shown on western TV sets of distraught Syrian children having apparently been subjected to the horrors of a chemical weapon attack by the Syrian army. A Syrian army that had all but won its war against the forces it was fighting at the time. Aaron Mate has conducted a one-man investigation into this event with the help of high-ranking whistleblowers within the OPCW (Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) who say their findings indicating it was not the Syrian military who perpetrated the event were excluded from the subsequent official report.

When an army is about to vanquish their foes it appears to be unlikely that they would feel it necessary to use such a prohibited means of conducting warfare which may just possibly bring the intervention of outside and very powerful forces and potentially set back your imminent victory and even possibly lose you the entire war due to the vast ability of those outside forces (in this case the USA, its allies and NATO) to conduct such a range of extensive and long-running operations against you. Such as those conducted against the libyan authorities some years before.

So, there is much to be gained in encouraging these ‘outside forces’ to become involved. And as the neoconservatives who in the years before 9/11 said that what was needed was a ‘Pearl Harbour-type incident to motivate the U.S. government, and as the Iraqi incubator baby story showed as well as the own-side perpetrated Sarajevo market massacre showed and that the incident in Douma was meant to generate, you need a highly emotive issue to generate it.

The neoconservatives mentioned above also refer to a ‘believable lie’ as generally vital, such a one as Iraqi weapons of mass destruction or Britain’s ‘45 minute readiness of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction readiness’ to generate that certain ‘something must be done moment’ which galvanizes a huge uplift in contemplated responses resulting just possible in outright and fully committed intervention.

I leave it here for your contemplation. Is almost the totality of western television news acting as the potential springboard for the desire of radicals, whether now in Ukraine, or elsewhere in future, to stimulate the required emotional response needed at volume to push western elites to intervene once again in wars and in this case one which has the potential ultimately to lead to a nuclear war?

Tuesday, 29 March 2022


(First posted as a series of tweets in 2018.)

What are the U.S. elites & their allies seeking to gain through their diplomacy-free policy toward China, Russia and their allies?

What is the ultimate goal?

Where is their constant bellicosity leading?

What is the end game we are facing?

For just over two decades now a war has been waged in full view but totally unannounced.

It was never once declared but it is real enough. Many have been surprised at its ferocity & the fact that no diplomacy took place or was ever called for by the side waging it.

This unannounced, undeclared war has been fought not only by the US & European politicians. It has been fought also by the entirety of western mass media. These three powerful elites have fought side by side for twenty years against their primary targets, China and all its allies, including, of course, Russia.

Western elites are in a relentless pursuit of multiple regime change targets to avoid their global patrician dominance being eclipsed by China and its allies. The goal of the war far exceeds damaging/destroying China and Russia however. It has a far more ambitious goal than even this.

The goal is none other than complete global U.S. control in tandem with all allies within its orbit.

The USA won't stand alone at the apex of a new, controlled world. Its primary ally Britain will be there also, bowing low & taking commands as usual. All the USA’s other allies will take somewhat lesser positions.

The rest of us?

We will be supervised VERY closely until we submit.

In waging the end game war there are to be no loose ends. There are to be no unaccounted for communications. All must be visible, known, supervised & certified safe within an environment of total oversight. In short, of full spectrum dominance by the USA and its allies.

If there is any gap in global dominance it will be flagged for attention and dealt with, bringing it in line with all other protocols designed to ensure total security for the USA. The level of response will be applied rigorously using all necessary means.

9/11 bored deep into the traumatised skulls of all those who would now enslave the rest of the world for the sake of America. This added an additional layer on top of what was a previously existing demand that the world acknowledge global U.S. hegemony.

The war against those not in full compliance with U.S. wishes has been ongoing since the events of 9/11 took place.

However, it was only in 2007 that the present level of urgency was felt & first seen regarding Russia via the initiation of persistent & ever-growing attacks by mass media on Vladimir Putin after his Munich speech of that year.

Ultimately the plan requires that everyone be monitored 24/7 using GPS positioning of the telecommunications of the entire human race from space.

The USA has had a messianic desire to teach the world how good it is & urge its systems to be followed by all others almost since the day it was founded. A sense of superiority has prevailed for a number of reasons within group-thought myopia of self-interested mythologies. As time passed this rose to the levels seen in modern times where the concept of being exceptional rose to a peak.

The western world is already monitored to a high degree.

It began with CCTV, continued with personal detail collection. It surged forward via the internet and the mobile phone. Now with seamless systems collecting each call, text, email with the location visited, purchase made & so much more. Big data grows bigger daily.

Before 9/11 it appeared that the majority in the USA had more or less accepted the world as it was. The feeling of superiority continued, though the desire to transform the world in its image abated somewhat, assuaged by the "successful" conclusion of the Cold War.

9/11 changed EVERYTHING.

It is true Neocons existed before 9/11 along with their concept of overall US superiority & their goal & determination to ensure ultimate US control in perpetuity. However, it took 9/11 to make the crucial difference between a plan & action.

In the days after 9/11, it was agreed at the highest possible level that there could be no more ignoring potential threats.

Each statement indicating a less than positive view of the USA & US foreign policy was to be noted for present & ongoing future attention.

In those meetings after 9/11, it was decided that every single negative factor seen anywhere worldwide, any individual in authority & any government deigning to express negativity toward the U.S.A. was to be a target for undermining & eventual elimination.

There were to be no exceptions.

No targets too small, or too large. Meticulously detailed files were to be scrupulously kept. Programs of demonisation & destabilisation were to be carefully planned & executed. The 9/11 security project was to have the highest priority.

The 9/11 protocols are set in stone till the day full spectrum dominance dawns. No president can alter them. They are sacrosanct, untouchable, immutable, inviolate. The determination to make the USA the permanent global hegemon in an equally permanent unipolar world cannot be countermanded.

The phrase 'Full Spectrum Dominance' provides the key to the ultimate goal being pursued.

9/11 showed US elites they MUST have this level of control to ever feel secure again. It was imperative that not one single entity voicing negativity toward the U.S. remained.

Full Spectrum Dominance demands that ALL sources of power anywhere across the world be subject to US preeminence.

Every area of potential risk for the U.S. is required to be under its full control via deep & broad levels of surveillance & the ability to nullify all adverse entities quickly.

One of the first areas to come under the Full Spectrum Dominance umbrella was western mass media.

Its power to influence a majority of Americans & Europeans was & is enormous. It is a vital asset to smooth the path of the many regime change targets planned for. ‘Operation Mockingbird’, the CIA op to control U.S. and international media and to make it reflect U.S. state narratives is more active now than ever.

Manufacturing consent for U.S. aggression toward the rest of the world has become an industry.

The closest parallels are with public relations & propaganda. To achieve global domination with all it entails the masses have to be well-groomed to demonstrate compliance.

Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya & Syria were only the first few of a much longer list of nations. Iran, Lebanon, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, Somalia, Yemen and others still await their full preliminary weakening and ultimate regime change fate.

All operations are ongoing simultaneously at different levels and stages. These operations are progressing consecutively in tandem as circumstances allow. The ultimate target is China however as it, far more than any other nation, presents the greatest challenge to U.S. and western elite hegemony.

The dominance planned for will be TOTAL if it is accomplished.

For the U.S. and its elites, this is a necessity that brooks no compromise. There will be no diplomacy, nothing which hinders the process. No barrier is to be countenanced, not even a worldwide pandemic. Sanctions and other means of financial terrorism are to be ongoing, even increased.

There is to be no thought given to the detriment to others by the enforcement of this policy. For these elites consider the priority of safeguarding America to be too high for any such considerations. In fact, any pain suffered by China, Russia or any of their allies is to be actively increased by any means possible.

The power junkies integral to the western way of life are losing their fix. Western patrician dominance, being centuries old and deeply ingrained within western culture, the elites of the western world can’t conceive of living without it.

The cold turkey involved would utterly destroy them along with any hope they have of achieving the full spectrum dominance they believe imperative in their goal of keeping America safe.

Therefore they are determined to destroy whoever they need to to avoid this scenario.

Thus we are living through WORLD WAR III: THE END GAME WAR.

(In addition I want to say that I agree with the opinion of Professor John Mearsheimer that at best the idealistic but unrealistic goal of the western elites has been to spread liberal democracy (liberal hegemony) worldwide but that it was doomed to failure as nationalism will always trump that goal where there is an attempt to enforce it through outside intervention.)


The Ukraine war is reaching a critical stage. Crucial aspects of western narratives are now being questioned. The reality is at last being d...