Monday, 5 September 2022


I suspect Russia can no longer gamble on getting a peace deal from the present Ukrainian regime. Backed by the collective western elites who have an incentive to keep the conflict going it seems to me that ideas of an eventual settlement rather than capitulation via regime change decapitation are fading.

Kiev is being used as a grinding tool to whittle away at Russia’s resource base. This is the sole purpose behind the current tactics being deployed by Ukraine’s puppet-masters. Of course it has long been assumed that the obvious advantage Russia has in terms of artillery and air power would overcome all resistance sooner or later. But I do wonder how soon that will be if the West, as it appears to be, is willing to make things drag on right to the very last Ukrainian.

If the western powers have indeed decided to throw everything Ukraine has at the Russian lines without a thought spent considering an eventual peace agreement then their talk of the conflict going on for years that we have heard for a long time now may become reality. What choices, if this is the case, does Russia have at this moment, taking into account that it may have to deal with additional offensives by Ukraine where virtually kamikaze attacks are mounted simply throwing Ukrainians constantly at Russian lines?

1. Russia could continue resolutely as of now, hitting at strategic locations in the Donbass and presumably at some point finally and completely break through Ukraine’s defence lines and  then totally secure the Donbass and other liberated regions.

Presumably the strategy then would be to call a halt to the SMO and demand that zElensky agree terms.

But what if this still does not bring the regime to its senses and all that happens when Russia calls a halt to its special military operation is that it simply continues to wage war, using any hiatus to build its army, retrain and gain additional weaponry, meanwhile continuing to mount provocations and sabotage attacks?

2. Russia could take the step that has already been suggested in the Duma, to declare Ukraine a terrorist state and begin an assault on an increased range of targets within Ukraine including all command and control centres including the office and hiding places of the pseudo-president zElensky.

If this option was taken it would be a major step and escalation. Russia wants zElensky in place so that he can sign the eventual peace agreement. But if no peace agreement is contemplated at any point by zElensky what then? Then the only choice it seems to me is the one above, to take out the entire regime or at least to decapitate it.

I am beginning to move more and more toward the second option above now that the seemingly pointless ‘Kherson Offensive’ may be turning out to be at least somewhat more successful than was first thought. (Though this present piece may well be made redundant through a major Russian offensive to obliterate it and any hope of further offensives by the regime and its masters.)

If Ukraine, through support of its sponsors, can continue to mount attacks using force of numbers and ever more military hardware supplied by the West then I strongly suggest that Russia should actively consider taking out the regime completely as the most reliable means of ending what is intended to be a forever war with the West totally unable to back down.

If Russia did take out the regime in all its aspects it would then “own” Ukraine and this would naturally have its own enormous costs, unless what was left of Ukraine was left to the devices of AZOV, AIDAR and others as a rogue state that the West would require to support. But of course there lies another danger, that the West would simply transfer its allegiance to them, prop them up in turn and begin the same policy of war support as before.

These are difficult decisions for Putin to make along with his military high command. Neither option is ideal in a situation where the Ukrainian regime and its backers resolutely refuse to negotiate, or even contemplate negotiating a peace agreement, but instead continue attacking and harassing Russia and the territories under its control that were once part of Ukraine. What should Russia do if the strategy of the regime and those behind it is to NOT negotiate ANY peace but to fight and continue fighting no matter the consequences for Ukraine, Russia or the world as a whole?

This is the thorny question the Russians will have to answer if the next few weeks do not bring a final resolution to this conflict and the eventual peace we all hope for.


Saturday, 3 September 2022


Not since the tactic of trying to overwhelm an enemy with wave after wave of troops, 90% of them wiped out before they even reached a firing position, i.e. that of the Japanese foot soldiers in WWII has there been such a bloodbath as we are starting to see now in Ukraine.

The Ukrainian regime, prompted primarily by the USA and UK is reduced to frog-marching any civilian men it can find and capture up to the age of seventy into its heavily-depleted army and sending them as cannon-fodder into what has been labelled as the ‘Kherson Counteroffensive’.

No matter that they die in their droves or are horrendously wounded after being sent to face the professional Russian military with almost no training, no artillery or air cover to speak of and get bombed out of their misery… it appears to make no difference to the soulless men and women who delivered them to their own personal hell.

For the sake of a publicity stunt aimed at impressing their vendors who meet on the 8th of this month Ukrainian men who would far rather be at home with their families are being sacrificed on the altar of zElensky’s pride. That he, nor his puppet-masters, care a thing about the average Ukrainian is clear. It must surely be the case that the Ukrainian military high command must also be aware of this fact and are surely also thinking of how to depose this excruciatingly vainglorious martinet.

As has recently been revealed, it is soon to be ex-Prime Minister of Britain, Boris Johnson who must bear a significant amount of blame for the bloodbath we have seen over the last many months with hundreds of Ukrainian troops dying on a daily basis. It was primarily he who personally delivered the message to zElensky that on no account must he continue to seek a peaceful agreement with Russia to end the fighting but instead to fight on and be supplied with endless weaponry by his country and all others within the collective West. This is why Johnson will always be a war criminal, whether he is hauled in from of the International Criminal Court at The Hague or not.

Knowing that the war cannot be won and this has been clear to those in ex-military circles since February 24, this is truly a crime against humanity by the entire elite political superstructure of the western world with Boris Johnson, Joe Biden and certain others being the primary war criminals responsible. This war is being knowingly and actively extended by the aforementioned, not with any foolish concept connected with Ukraine “winning”, that was never even a remorse possibility, but instead sacrificing the life blood of tens of thousands of Ukrainians in the West’s proxy war to weaken Russia.

The lies that have been told by the western political and media elites have gushed like waterfalls after the worst torrential storm known to mankind. They have rushed in a torrent engulfing every mainstream conduit of press or media. It has poured into gullible minds corrupting intelligence everywhere across a West that has lost all touch with either conscience or reality. These lies have served to reinforce the power of those doing the bloodletting in Ukraine, it has served to stiffen the sinews of cynical and deeply callous attitudes that engender mass murder. And it has seeped into the consciousness of an entire western culture degrading it beyond recognition.

And while Ukrainians of all ages die in their droves at the behest of the monstrous evil residing in Kiev, Washington and Whitehall, these devils in human form plot even more disastrous moves that will sacrifice ever more of them to die horrible deaths or suffer for the rest of their lives from horrendous mutilations. The men and women behind these atrocities have no compunction about sending ever greater numbers of Ukrainians to their deaths or lifelong misery. Only the rabid, obsessional need to win over the Russians obsesses them and they are willing to fight to the last Ukrainian to achieve their global ambitions.


Who exactly are the people who are imbibing the story of the situation in Ukraine as reported by each and every outlet of western mainstream press and media? What are their characteristics? It is impossible for myself or any one of us to know, of course it is, but I suspect we can hazard a guess… or at least a few of those.

Certain facts about these folks are somewhat axiomatic. With mainstream press and media being the most easily accessed and ubiquitous sources we can safely assume certain things.

Because the views of the people we are attempting to analyse reflect to an inordinate extent the views we see in the mainstream it is fairly safe to assume that this is their main source of data.

The following are my suspicions based upon the above. The characteristics/descriptions are not mutually exclusive, neither do they all necessarily be shared among all candidates mirroring the views of the mainstream on Ukraine.

1. These are quite likely to be people who do not have a lot of time on their hands. Their work or family commitments mean that, unless they are naturally curious about geopolitical/political events, they may well be disposed to taking their facts from TV news/newspapers.

2. Regarding interest in delving deep into geopolitical issues in particular I would suggest that those accepting the mainstream view, for one reason or another, are not strongly motivated in this respect.

3. There are those I am sure we have all met who are clearly disposed to taking a certain belligerent line toward certain nationalities/nations and who demonstrate an almost racist-style instant animosity toward the activities of “foreigners”. This attitude seems to follow them from one geopolitical scenario to the next where it is clear they consider the need to investigate each anew is unnecessary.

4. Some few have employment that lends them to having attitudes that align with their own national interests and narratives. Although naturally not uniform across all such persons those who work for a western state in some capacity or the security services of a western state are likely to toe the line on Ukraine that is the general line within the organisation in which they work.

5. In the second last category we have those who, through lack of any access to education or disdain for it have been left incapacitated or completely lacking even the slightest interest in geopolitical events such as those in Ukraine but at the same time like to give the impression of having a strong opinion.

6. Finally we have those directly involved across the political, press and media within the mainstream who from time to time may express personal views in contradiction to those they espouse publicly (I have met on bureau chief for a major newspaper who reflected this characteristic). In their case they know well what can be expressed and what cannot within the context of a popular press or media outlet and in these modern times that is essentially what western political elites express on any given issue that is deemed of national importance, such as the situation in Ukraine.

Those above, I would think we can agree, are the vast majority of those we find around us… if we hazard to enquire (a risky business as work colleagues, friends and family can easily become disaffected in relation to us as they are virtually unaware that other views are possible).

I am assuming that you, dear reader, do not belong to one of the categories above but are instead inclined to look deeper, and perhaps MUCH deeper, than the mainstream. In that case I commemorate with you as that puts us both in a tough spot. No one seeks to be seen as a freak and I’m afraid this is what many if not all of those in the categories above would see us at best. At worst as some kind of perhaps insane, or criminal form of weirdo that could potentially be a danger to them or to the state, i.e. a possible traitor.

If you have ever attempted to talk with any of the non-receptive persons who share some of the characteristics listed above where the person has not immediately said they have no interest in politics or geopolitics at all (No. 5) you will perhaps have been shocked to find yourself being looked at as if you have two heads. That’s an uncomfortable status to occupy and if you have fought to prove that you are indeed a sane person with a normal outlook albeit a different one to theirs I am sure you have been dismayed by the most common response… that you remain a weirdo in their eyes.

It is all but impossible to impress such a person with facts as your words simply cannot penetrate the level of incessant conditioning that has taken place through constant exposure to the mainstream. This is true even when the person protests that he or she is totally unaffected by what they see on TV or read in their newspaper of choice. The level of unconscious indoctrination that has taken place through there being no interest in, or thought of, examining the reliability of the source, is massive. If we take the case of the 99.99% negative reporting on Vladimir Putin this becomes particularly obvious.

The virtual waterfall of assertions claiming the absolute iniquity of Vladimir Putin in every aspect that has emerged since 2007 and his Munich speech of that year (but largely completely absent from his first becoming Russian president in 2000) has become a torrent at times. How many have questioned if there might be another side to the man from what they have heard? I would suggest that the number is likely to be negligible. And for the reasons stated in 1. To 6. Above.

But still we try… though I would suggest that if you are like me… tentatively at first, carefully observing the initial facial/vocal responses of whoever we were talking to. Those of us who are made of more argumentative and bold natures perhaps plough on irrespective of any negative protests from the other and initiate a full argumentative mode of address. If the person seems to ‘have an open mind’ as the saying goes though, that is another matter and we engage fully and to the best of our ability seeking, at best, to stick only to what we reliably know.

Other than this we recognise that ultimately these matters in which we are engaged will play themselves out on the far greater theatre than most of us will even find ourselves within or aspire to and we must content ourselves in the belief that right will emerge victorious. No matter what the sheep or goats of either side say or think.

Friday, 2 September 2022


Western elites have a death wish. They are apparently determined to do the deed. Just as the most hopeless human who sees no possible future for him or herself. The only question at this point in time is which weapon or poison to use to get it over with.

In the case of the elites of the collective West there have been an almost endless array of weapons with which to off themselves. Western minds have been busy working out the exact methodologies with which to destroy their economies. These have been social, financial, political and economic and they have scraped the bottom of every barrel to get to them. They are all gone now it seems… save one.

By putting a cap on Russian oil and blocking the sale of oil via a third party they may well have found the silver bullet that will deliver itself through their thick, collective economic cranium and administer the final coup de grĂ¢ce that finally does for them. But what of the collateral damage?

Do these leaders care at all what happens to those they are politically charged to care for? Do they spare any of their time obsessed with their suicidal policies to think of them at all. What happens when the blowback reaches chain-reaction status and wave after wave of toxic price rises blow just about everybody’s house down? Where will the culprits be? In some bunker giving Sieg Heil salutes a la Adolf?

Obsession can be a helluva destructive thing. When you feel mortally slighted by someone and are rabidly focused on getting your own back by any manner of means it can lead you into massively adding to that sore nose or hurt pride. You can easily end up flat on your back. There are times to realise when you are better off getting over it and turning your attention to other things instead. Unless you are seeking suicide that is. Then go on standing in front of the guy who harmed you and give him what you think is a hard punch to the belly. The likelihood is that he hardly feels it. And then you find yourself on the sidewalk with a bloody nose and reeling head (at best).

Biden is a man obsessed with harming Russia due to his pet project (in which he has so much invested) being given a body blow after attempting to arrange a hit on Russia’s relatives. His anger overlooks the reasons behind Russia’s actions, to them he is totally blind. The red mist is permanently down over his eyes and those of all his western gang. ‘Get Russia’ is all that permeates their raging bull brains night and day. They can think of nothing else. And this blindness, this absolute myopia, is not conducive to acting wisely. Insight is reduced to almost nil. Tactical nous also. All that’s left to these bozos is a permanently bad temper and irrational rage that they feed to greater heights each day that dawns.

Collectively they are an accident waiting to happen and in fact they are regular ‘guests’ in the emergency units of their capital cities. Black eyes, multiple bruises, broken legs, concussion… almost every medical condition caused by blunt instruments and hard, well-trained fists have not taught them the required lesson yet. Still they go back for further beatings. Time and time again they are left sprawling on the sidewalk. Gluttons for punishment, almost masochistic in their seeming need to be bludgeoned to near death.

The final straw to break the backs of these bloodthirsty camels may well be the oil price cap scheme that they have decided upon. If enacted, Russia will certainly cut off the oil these nations require so that the gears of their industries continue to run rather than grind down to useless hunks of metal. It truly appears that these punch-drunk losers don’t know when to quit. Perhaps they just want to see their economies die and just have it over with. They can turn around and say, “Well, we did our best!”

What will be the reaction of those they reduced to penury in the process?

Perhaps to see about getting these wannabe, kamikaze, braindead bozos their suicidal wish?

“Does France have any of those guillotine things left lyin’ around, d’you think?”


Thursday, 1 September 2022


Many people in the West are asking just how much their elites will ask them to sacrifice for the sake of Ukraine.

However, they are asking the wrong question.

The correct question is rather how can they bear the coming cost to themselves for the sake of gaining global hegemony for the collective West.

The absolute necessity of defeating both Russia and China and in so doing how to manage the crushing weight that this task will inevitably bring down upon their populations is THE primary conundrum for western elites.

That they MUST defeat Russia and China is totally clear to them and they will do absolutely anything to bring the defeat of these two about. If they fail to do this they know that a wholly new, multipolar paradigm will result. The central goal that the political leaders of the West are fixated upon, maintaining their global dominance in order to create liberal democracies worldwide, will be lost forever. The multipolar world where power is dispersed across a far greater number of national powers will bring as one of its central precepts a mutual tolerance of many diverse forms of governance instead.

With the goal to maintain a faltering patrician dominance, and in the face of a Chinese economy now matching and in future exceeding that of the USA, standing alongside a Russian leadership able to combine with Eurasian economies in unity against western demands, the entire West faces a meltdown of its influence. This is an unbearable prospect for western leaders, a prospect that they are willing to do literally ANYTHING to forestall.

No one should be surprised that the western political elites are supplying weapons to the Ukrainian regime in the hope of killing as many Russians as possible. I suspect that many have still not come to terms with the fact that we are most undoubtedly within World War III and have been for some time now.

The Eurasian powers, China, Russia and others in the global south see clearly that their chance to win the future for maximal tolerance and trade in the face of what has been an era of western
Intolerance and aggression, is now and that if it is not won now that future will be lost. This is why from their side they too cannot give up.

Neither side can give up and surrender to the other. This is a fight to the death of one vision or the other. There can be no middle ground achieved as the western powers are totally insistent on the future being their way and that no other future is acceptable.

If reasonable people stood at the apex of western political power things would be very different. The course of events would be eminently peaceful incorporating cooperation across a wide panoply of issues. This is the future that people such as Jeffrey Sachs envisions, a future where connection and communication are the order of the day among pragmatic leaders seeking to understand one another for the good of all.

In a multipolar world the emphasis would be on trade and agreements and ameliorating any disagreements arising through extensive arbitration. Areas of concern where ambitions or national priorities conflicted would be ironed out long before any major conflict could arise. International law and the United Nations as a forum would be preeminent. Waging war as a solution would become extremely rare if it occurred at all.

In a renewed unipolar world where the USA and its allies have successfully beaten Russia and China, the concept of a rules-based order based on rules formulated by them would be the order of the day. Due to fears concerning continued resistance to their newly won dominance, surveillance would be widespread and punishments for varying degrees of opposition would be agreed and applied. International law would no longer be the yardstick for legality or illegality on the global scene and the United Nations would most likely cease to exist or simply become a toothless entity and talking shop. In essence the world dominated in perpetuity by the western powers would become a de facto prison planet.

We are all now faced with these dual visions of our common future as laid down by these two sets of elites, one western, the other eastern and southern. The current political leaders of the West say there is no middle ground, that no compromise is possible and that there is no higher priority than them winning against those who wish for an entirely different future, even if their ambition was simply to have this for their own populations. For the western political elites they must be brought to heel and made to accept western global preeminence. Or else.

With no prospect of diplomacy intervening as this for the western powers would only delay their wished-for outcome, the only alternative path forward for them is the fomenting of war at every possible level and in every possible circumstance to create the destructive forces within their target nations to bring them to their knees. Thus we have the unlimited aggression and supply of weaponry and finance to the Ukrainian regime. As has been bare-facedly admitted by senior U.S. officials, the end goal of this policy is to weaken Russia and the effect upon Ukraine is largely inconsequential.

Inconsequential too by default will be the suffering of western populations as a result of the war being waged on Russia and the additional suffering they will undoubtedly have to endure as the war against China becomes ever more fierce. That western populations suffer incredibly traumatic deprivations never before seen in modern times, in the infamous words of Madeleine Albright, is now, and will continue to be seen by all present political elites in the West, as a price worth paying.



The Ukraine war is reaching a critical stage. Crucial aspects of western narratives are now being questioned. The reality is at last being d...