It’s like a cross between a shooting gallery and a merry-go round.
It’s the habitual game of western elites. Keeping the world in enough chaos to maintain them in control. Keep firing at the targets as they come round, get everyone off guard and confused by the spin, never let a good crisis go to waste.
Russia is of course a perpetual target.
For a while Syria is in the West’s cross hairs.
Then it’s Iran’s turn.
Round and round the targets go...
Currently it’s China that western elites are desperate to hit.
Communist China has been playing the capitalism game better than its western proponents. This is not seen as fair by western elites. This is not playing the game at all. It’s simply not cricket!
Or baseball...
The USA has been partially taken over by China. An array of mega-corporations and luxurious homes have been bought by the excess capital the world’s most successful economy has generated for itself. Meanwhile it has lifted tens of millions of its own citizens out of poverty over the last few decades.
According to the late, great USA this absolutely should not be allowed. Commies are supposed to be impoverished, hopeless at all things treasured in the West, wailing for a cavalry contingent of saintly westerners to come over the hill, free them and bring them democracy.
The Chinese in fact say, “Thanks but no thanks, we’re doing fine. How about you, need our help again?”
For this is the sorry truth for western elites, it was Chinese money that saved them from a complete collapse of their economies due to the ravenously selfish greed of their financial industry moguls and minions.
And now Covid-19 is wreaking chaos across a USA and UK that are unable to discipline themselves enough to deal with it. While China was... and did.
This all makes western elites angry enough to wet their knickers, and repeatedly so. This can’t be they scream, we are the great ones, the exceptional ones, the ones who are always best, most successful, most able to control Johnny Foreigner and all his wily ways!
It’s humiliating. Isn’t it?
The Masters of the Universe and the Controllers of Empire are well and truly fucked.
Who would have thunk it?
And obviously this could not have been through any fault of their own. Isn’t it well known that the West is pure as driven snow, never does anything wrong, never bribes or threatens... never uses Economic Hit Men, never tells lies about other nations to get to kill their brown-skinned citizens. No! Heaven forfend. Such innocence as displayed by the U.S. and UK elites though having a lethal quotient far higher than any other nation must certainly always be seen as virginal and innocent. And certainly not to blame for their current state of abject misery.
It must be China that did it. Or, if not China, then Russia!
Any nations except their own.
Therefore, not the West’s crisis... it’s the China Crisis.
Or... is it simply more of the same game featuring smoke and mirrors the elites of the West have been playing for almost two decades now... that same old, past its sell by date, hall of mirrors framed by a painted facade of saintly intent... the perpetual, gargoyle-grinning & venomous... Regime Change Syndrome?
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