If Joe Biden wins in November you will hear much about the ‘free world’ and how it must stand up for its values and freedoms in unity against its evil foes who seek to undermine it and them.
You will hear much self-awarded praise concerning freedom and democracy and how terribly bad authoritarian regimes are. Indeed the word regime, already overused as a pejorative motif will be used to ever greater extremes.
The purity of the West will be further canonized and lauded to the point where general sainthoods among the elites are handed out willy-nilly. Those in the donor class, the execs of the “Defense” industry will be first in line. Then those in Big Pharma and Oil. Lobbyists will be the saintly courtiers of “peace” and economic growth. In every serried rank of the U.S. state’s compliant media outlets medals of honor will abound.
While freedom will be the watchword, war will be the consequence of the coming reinforced global division. Us and Them will be all. Us being the elites of the saintly West and its noble allies. Them being those authoritarian devils who oppress, suppress and disallow the wondrous freedoms of the West.
This new 'Free World’ of Biden’s is of course the old world of the 'Cold War’ era.
The poisonous world view of Pompeo will be enhanced, nuanced and brought to serve a U.S. elite who will use his rhetoric while they eschew Trump’s ambivalent relationship with their allies in Europe and specifically within NATO.
In Biden’s administration NATO will be lauded to the high heavens as the bastion of security for Europe and the entire “Free World”, the spearhead of saintly freedoms, the bulwark of democracy, the selfless crusaders for all that’s good.
European elites will be invited to form a queue outside the White House to be glad-handed and told we all stand together now against the new Hitlers to the east.
The divide in the world will be much more solid than the one Churchill identified in 1945, no less for being virtual and rhetorical rather than physical.
The new, higher wall to be created will stand until one or other side
submits. The U.S. and allies will do all in their power to weaken the
east, united in their plight of failing patrician leverage due to China.
Those in the east will do all they can to withstand the attacks upon
them from the West as they await the total disintegration of the western
empire from within.
Regime change wars initiated by the West will be redoubled in strength in the form of rhetorical weaponry and economic missiles. The CIA will also redouble its efforts given the unambiguous signal that all is allowed now in the quest to safeguard the “Free World” from its many ferocious enemies.
No cracks in the wall of allied western unity will be allowed as it galvanizes itself into the weapon required to vanquish all dragons breathing fire in its direction. The scenario in Orwell’s ‘1984‘ will be as nothing compared to the final war to end all wars initiated by the West and to the death.
There will be no more diplomacy than now. Diplomacy died after 9/11. It will not be resurrected.
This is a fight to the death. An existential struggle by a dying West to maintain its hold over the world. It’s hold is weakening and Biden’s quest will be to strengthen it... in the name of the golden, innocent and ever saintly “Free World” of the West.
The era of Trump will pass in a fanfare of celebration across a newly
unified and emboldened West where a determination to hit out at all
those who oppose it will be all-consuming.
If you thought the Trump era was awful (and it was) with all its
attempts to undermine China, Iran, Syria, China, Russia, Venezuela,
Cuba, Bolivia and Nicaragua you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
Biden’s ‘Free World’ you can read ‘Warmongering World’, for that is the
certainty of world conflict and unbridgeable global division toward
which the western world will lead us under his “holy" leadership,
however personally stumbling it may be.
And if it is not his fate to see it through to the end the cop who is his VP surely will.
Saturday, 22 August 2020
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