There is a new America that wants to be born.
But those who have their hands on the levers of power controlling change refuse to allow its birth.
The progressive consensus sees the desperate need for change. The powerful who have grown accustomed to their corruption and its benefits demand to retain their grip.
A duopoly of wealth-garning political graft dominates a country coming apart at the seams and reinforces its control thinking only of themselves and their donors.
Both primary parties in America have corruption at the highest levels. Both cream off vast sums from donors in Wall Street and within the Pharmaceutical and Defense industries.
They work for their donors to maintain their own status, wealth and power while ignoring the needs of those they pretend to serve, the American public.
War has always been good for business and these in these modern times business has never been better. Multi billion dollar contracts create massively expensive weapons with which to efficiently kill the increasing number of enemies being manufactured.
Enemies are constantly required to generate and expand the fear among the home population in order to justify the disposal of endless dollars within the military industrial complex and so maintain the flow of its largesse to its political benefactors.
Meanwhile American infrastructure crumbles, battles rage of America’s streets, an underclass driven to crime and drugs endlessly increases in size and corporate crimes of every kind are indulged in with impunity. Elites are seen to be more and more corrupt and perverted. The police are exposed to be sadistic, racist and intent on murderous violence. A pandemic kills hundreds of thousands in a country with a healthcare system that is the shame of the world.
What changes do the leaders of the Democratic and Republican parties mean to make in the face of a country about to see the wreckage of all dreams as the jobless and homeless turn to them for succor?
While they suffer below those on high have their focus tightly centered on gaining or retaining power, on stuffing their donors’ pockets with money and ensuring the minimum of all possible assistance goes to those in greatest need.
America cries out for change. America cries out for help. But money talks much louder than any human voice. Though the cries of America are strong on the streets in the corridors of power they become a whisper. While the entreaties of the 1% are insistent and penetratingly loud.
The empire of willful American elites and their, self-initiated ignorance at the very top of the American political tree is more dominant now than at any earlier time. A needless economic and propaganda war against Russia, China and their allies Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua among others is seen as vital while the pleas of their own citizens goes unheeded.
Progressives lament the end of another Bernie Sanders campaign to be president as he once again puts his personal reputation and friendships within the Democratic Party in front of his loyalty to his base. He is rendered impotent and useless by this party. He is denigrated and plotted against by this party. He is demeaned and tripped up at every turn by those who claim innocence within its controlling committee, the DNC. Yet he maintains his loyalty to the man who says nothing will change if he becomes president.
While the thing America longs for MOST is change.
A previous president said he’d bring it with his “Yes We Can” slogan. He couldn’t. He didn’t.
Now the leadership of both parties ensure any progressive momentum for change is blunted and eliminated if at all possible. It would interfere with their income flow from those that REALLY count for them. No demand for change can be allowed more than lip-service especially in the Democratic Party where attention is focused at the top on a continuance of support from their donors. Change for them is anathema. They like things exactly as they are. Wall Street is booming and the rich are getting richer. What need is there for change?
And so the restrictions on the welfare of the majority, the 99%, inevitably grow as the floodgates of wealth and power are opened for fellow elites in the fraternity of the 1%.
A tiny majority are free of all restraint and their dedication to maintaining their power is absolute.
Meanwhile the majority in America are due to suffer like never before and be fixed in their unenviable suffering like never before... as the 1% tie the knots on their bondage ever tighter unable in their lust for ever more power and wealth give the merest glance toward their suffering.
Friday, 21 August 2020
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