Thursday, 13 August 2020


Any time there’s trouble in a nation that’s on the U.S. regime change list there's always a helpful mob ready to make things worse for that nation if they can.

The UK is by far the foremost puppet, always ready with its elite collective tongue hanging out.

Others within Europe also display their slavish devotion to the USA in a similar way.

The man and woman on the street hold diverse views regarding the U.S. elite preponderance for violent “solutions” as was seen when millions protested against the coming attack upon Iraq.

But the mainstream state and corporate media in western nations clinging desperately half way up the communal U.S. colon sing like little automatons with a cycling tape inside mirroring the appropriate narrative of faux shock at the behavior of some “regime” that the CIA has had a hand in provoking beyond endurance.

No doubt there are “regimes” that are authoritarian off their own bat needing no prompting but in most cases the CIA and MI6 will be in there, working like Trojans to initiate as much turmoil in such countries as possible.

The playbook is well known and indeed inescapable by now... those who feign ignorance must surely have a sand pit close by to bury their heads in regularly.

The elites make no secret of their desire to overthrow every “regime” that doesn’t bow to the “exceptional” USA. It is their most fervent goal. Without achieving this goal they believe their nation can never be truly safe and ensured of permanent dominance... along with their little mob.

The mob is important for reasons of PR on one level but on other, more seriously useful levels they can be useful in tipping a “regime” over the edge with constant statements and reports demonizing the targets most likely to destabilize the nation in question and allow the necessary chaos to ensue.

The nations of the EU are particularly useful in this respect. Most of them are also within NATO and this makes them doubly handy. Once the instruction goes out by the first few words of innuendo about this or that nation, be it Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua or the larger targets Syria, Iran, Russia or China the signal has then been given. The regime change echo chamber at the heart of the mob with all its waiting stenographers need no further clues.

Immediately the frown of concern regarding whichever nation is being targeted currently emerge. Through entities within the corporate and state media these concerns are faithfully duplicated and channeled to the waiting readers and viewers. Suddenly leading politicians awaken from their slumbers and talk of the threat involved regarding nation ‘X’. In quick succession human rights abuses are claimed by other entities based in the West such Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International. The chatter from all western sources creates a vast hurricane of approbation, accusation designed to create the ‘Something Must Be Done!’ moment that is the goal sought after. The statements are repeated in various forms, from as many angles and agencies as possible until the meme required has been generated with the absolute minimum of actual evidence required. This because there is usually only minimal evidence and most of the time the evidence has been skillfully produced by the West’s intelligence operatives and their useful helpers.

The ongoing effect of the CIA’s ‘Operation Mockingbird’ helps things along... but many within what has become a rather elite class within the world of media are only too happy to spread the word as they are fully signed up for the project to maintain western domination. Most probably even believe that without the West in charge the entire world will go to hell in a hand basket. Their memory for historical facts regarding the U.S. war against Vietnam and the lies that lay behind the death of hundreds of thousands across the Middle East is conveniently poor to say the least.

So the mob gaily gets to work on the target of the day. Currently it is Belarus. A perennial favorite is Russia, returning again soon, perhaps tomorrow. Or will it be the latest regime change flavor, China? Sooner or later the whole array will be cycled through with more pressure also applied to Venezuela, Syria and Iran.

Whatever stories are thought best are enthusiastically used to make readers and viewers frown as their emotional buttons are mercilessly pushed time and again to ensure they get firmly and fully behind the elite mob that is so cynically manipulating them.

The puppet show is never ending. The U.S. elites hold the puppet strings and the rest of the western world dances to their tune. Populations may feel disquiet at times but since the protests against the coming attack upon and invasion of Iraq everything has quieted down immensely. Most have more to contend with such as the corona virus. Soon climate change will begin to have its inevitable effect.

Will pandemics and cataclysms stop the puppet show? It is extremely unlikely. The show must go on as they say... and the mob has shown its great liking for its task, so despite the world desperately in need of a unified response, in spite of pandemics, catastrophes and declining economic prospects across the West the efforts to mob the “enemies of freedom” even harder will without doubt continue.


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