Saturday, 29 August 2020


Ring #1

The BBC, CNN, MSNBC and the rest serve as a protective ring around the required narratives of their state elites.

If Syria is the current target their tongues start wagging in support.

If Russia, likewise. China, same deal.

Any target signaled from above gets an immediate response.

This tends only to occur during the Trump administration on bi-partisan regime change targets however. If its Julian Assange then no problem, all guns fire in the same direction, all narratives align with the telegraphed agenda. The same goes for Edward Snowden or any other whistleblower.

Word need only come down from above or via compliant human rights agencies ever ready to amplify the needed scare, false flag or Psyop such as Human Rights Watch, Amnesty of UNHCR and sometimes even the OECD or OPCW. Western mass media will amplify further through their talking heads containing ONLY state narrative talking points.

Ring #2

The U.S. military is sacrosanct and never to be criticized.

No rapes, murders, torture or inhuman behavior of any kind is to be discussed. The saintly troops are protected by an impermeable bubble of sanctity that may never be breached. They are ringed in halos each and every one... at least according to western mainstream media, and if some heinous act is too gross to leave unmentioned it is swiftly covered in passing and not dwelt on.

Nothing should ever get in the way of encouraging bright young kids who have nowhere much else to go from volunteering to travel overseas, meet interesting brown-faced people and kill them.

Ring #3

No business will ever find itself being criticized on mainstream media, especially so in the USA. Corporate sponsors are worth their weight in gold monthly. Make them unhappy and you’re sunk as a broadcaster. In most cases in the USA you will in fact be owned by one of them. No matter that the world is being exploited with multiple psychological techniques to make them endlessly buy the products destroying the world. No matter that Wall Street is infested with Masters of the Universe that have a habit of destroying this planet and livelihoods of tens of thousands with it. If you want to stay in business as a broadcaster you need to kiss those corpulent corporate asses.

Woe betide you if you speak out against any of those legalized gangsters within the military industrial complex or be too harsh in attacking those Big Pharma conglomerates who get filthy rich addicting people to Opioids.

You are looking for trouble if you criticize the high price of medicine or appear enthusiastic (or even report too much) om Medicare for All and how the USA is the only industrialized nation to bankrupt many of its populace to punish them for being sick... or mention that a huge percentage have no health care cover at all.

These are the three protective rings of western mainstream media.

These are the three sacrosanct areas that makes a mockery out of what used to be known as journalism in the USA.

All three form to guard in composite form the status quo. The comfortable for them elite status quo where they and their clients all make money... the politicians get their donations as do the media elites and the media elites cosset and protect the narrative of the corporations while they fleece the public.

It’s all very cozy... for them.

While the USA and UK populations sink ever deeper in debt, lose their homes, get sick and find healthcare difficult or impossible to obtain.

It’s a three ring mainstream media circus... and the clowns are all exceptionally evil. 

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