Their minds are impenetrable. Their brains untouchable. Their feelings unchanging. Their emotions calculated. Their destiny assured. Their database closed.
These are America’s elites.
They are not susceptible to evolution. They have reached what they conceive is the peak of what is possible. They conceive themselves to be the crown of creation, God’s servants and his weapon of truth, power and freedom on Earth.
These are the self-conceived superhumans. The political equivalents of Marvel’s superheoes.
They have no doubts on any of the above or on what they believe is their duty, to bring the fruits of their perfection to all those suffering their absence.
They are the Boltons and Pompeos of this world. The Cheneys, the Rumsfelds, the Perles and all the other self-righteous denizens who live in the cage of illusory rightness and wear their belief bubbles and cloth ears with pride.
They are exceptional. They are the self-awarded universal arbiters of right and wrong. They are the true masters of the universe, the rightful owners of this planet and those members of the glorious fraternity of judges, juries and executioners that make up the 1% of the United States of America of which they are the creme de la creme, the 0.001%.
They await Armageddon and their bodily rapture to the heavenly realms while biding their time... “bringing it on”
Those cloth ears are snug. The belief bubbles round their heads are tight as can be. No contrary facts to their fixed beliefs will either be heard or allowed to enter. Only those facts which support and supplement their beliefs will be gladly heard and ushered speedily inside.
Once the supportive elements are granted access they are immediately exported to the lesser humans who are not privy to the full extent of the activities promulgated and perpetrated by the myriad evil-doers they know of in exquisite and secret detail.
Belief bubbles merge one with another across the group-thought grapevine... to fellow believers, to media nodding dogs, to corporate arms manufacturers and to the slit-eyed facilitators of global manipulation, the CIA.
In perfect harmony all the above spread the word that emerges from throwing a one-sided coin that is the ever-useful regime change paradigm. Those who attempt to refute the holy word coming down from the uniform cyclops entity of the elite state are targeted for neutralization, incarceration and if possible permanent elimination. There must be no doubting the holy commands of those with the right views, attitude and agendas, those who command obedience in this time of global war.
Those within mainstream media who believed facts and events ought to be investigated rather than simply agreed with have been long excluded. They now occupy the far margins of the Agreement Arena or are exiled to the outer reaches of YouTube. Excluded or exiled many seek them out in these days of the USSA, the aborning totalitarian state that resembles Orwell’s ‘Oceania’ where there is only one truth, that of the state and anything other than its narratives is automatically a lie.
Aaron Mate
Max Blumenthal
Anya Parampil
Ben Norton
Chris Hedges
Jimmy Dore
Further afield we find the equivalents of Orwell’s Winston Smith:
John Pilger
Daniel Ellsgberg
In exile:
Edward Snowden.
In jail:
Julian Assange.
These are the outcasts who dare to have their ears exposed and refuse the belief bubbles offered them.
The rest of us are largely passive. We watch as the war of words range.
Some few take to the streets. Some in peaceful protest. Others in vengeful rage.
Meanwhile, those perched in ivory towers, with ears closed and beliefs firmly fixed, tweak and synthesize the meaning of what they see down below to conform with their notions of absolute reality and sense of mission.
Otherwise, hands placed over those cloth ears and breathing deep of the stale air within their bubbles of belief they draw their plans against us.
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