The elites of the USA constitute the world’s most feral beast. It is untamed, vicious, uncontrolled and incapable of training.
If the world is not to be further savaged the U.S. elite beast must be quarantined.
There is a dysfunctional circuit within the robotic mind of the American beast.
It lies constantly activated and pulsing in the composite hive mind of its elites.
This dysfunctional circuit provides constant false data and instruction to its deranged mind and is impermeable to any attempt to disconnect it from its motor functions and terminate the disastrous effects of the delusional state it engenders.
The circuit creates myriad delusional beliefs and constant reinforcement of those beliefs. No normal means of exposing the host to reality exists after the great many decades it has been existence wherein it has been programmed to complete insulation.
The effects of this group-mind circuit:
1. The generation of unlimited concepts that reinforce the delusional concept that its host, the composite of all U.S. elites are superior to all others and that they have a God-given mission to correct Mankind.
2. The group-thought belief that its composite host have the God-given right to supersede all laws governing respectful behavior in relation to international law and that this host is a de facto God on our planet and that therefore all judgement and punishment will be in its hands and those of its allies.
3. Within the circuit are additional insane concepts regarding its relationship with the god of its choice and the supposed war to end all wars which will herald the coming of an additional superior presence to assist in controlling the world and dealing with the damned.
4. The recourse to immoral acts of overt or covert destabilization of sovereign nations under the justification of the concepts above and the furtherance of the outcome of global control through the use of unlimited violence, invasion and mass murder.
All the above precepts, concepts, activities and intents pulse through the circuit in question each nanosecond as it reverberates to each world event. These events it modifies to agree with its unquestioned beliefs and self-serving, self-reinforcing mantras. No data is permitted access that does not agree with these beliefs and self-serving, self-reinforcing mantras.
The circuit controls every aspect of the beast in its relentless pursuit of its goals.
The circuit and the beast are no longer subject to change and both act in a virtually autonomous mind-space where no doubt is ever expressed, no guilt ever felt, no compassion allowed and no limit to its violence countenanced or permitted.
Only the willingness of others either directly affected by or disgusted by the mechanical functioning of this beast have the capacity, in unity, to quarantine it, if they dare.
Currently the beast remains in control of allied subjects who assist in its goals. They constantly supply energy to the dysfunctional, deeply-embedded circuit in its hive-mind. These subjects, such as the United Kingdom agree with the concepts within the deranged circuit of the beast. It developed its own deranged circuit through a similar process of assumed superiority and right to control others.
Nations free of these circuits of exceptionalism and self-assumed right to manipulate, control and punish others are currently too weak or are in too much fear of the beast to mount an effective campaign through which to quarantine it. However, the time is coming when the energy feeding the beast will rapidly diminish as their energy rises. At which point there will exist a very real and rapidly increasing possibility of acting in union to finally strip the beast of its remaining power and thus bring it at last, snarling or whimpering to its virtual cage where it will remain quarantined in perpetuity.
Thursday, 3 September 2020
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