Trump may have started his presidency with internationalist beliefs, i.e. that it was possible, and ultimately beneficial, for the USA to work with rising and potential rival nations such as Russia and China.
Trump was clearly disabused of these ideas in short order and informed that no such thing could occur and that the protocols agreed after 9/11 made only one choice possible, to be an exceptionalist, i.e. to see these nations as permanent enemies of the United States who could never be trusted and could only be responded to by confronting them and fighting them economically and where necessary, militarily.
Biden is already fully aware of these protocols and his recent rhetoric indicates he will act in full compliance with them if elected president in November.
Trump, the deal maker and showman has been limited in his forte in this respect to North Korea with, without doubt the foregone conclusion that nothing will come of his razzamatazz showpiece and that he should be given this single outlet. As far as Russia is concerned he was allowed to meet with Vladimir Putin and agree precisely nothing. On China there is no need to comment as Trump’s rhetoric and policies are completely transparent and devoted to economic war.
Why are we in this position, fighting on the “Titanic”, rather than unifying to save it?
The fundamental reason, the primary reason things have come this far is 9/11. The goals previous to 9/11 were hardly internationalist but they were not wholly exceptional either. To find a true internationalist you must look as far back as the presidency of John F. Kennedy.
Almost immediately after 9/11 the small coterie of remaining internationalists slid out of sight, were actively eliminated, dropped from every committee or think tank. No peacemakers would now be required. True diplomats were replaced with hardline figures and those who had ambitions to create agreements, take part in dialogue or diplomacy were sent home, took early retirement or recognized the hopelessness of their task and simply gave up the ghost. The entire upper tier of Washington’s inner circle was to be washed clean of everyone but warriors.
The atmosphere after 9/11 was toxic, xenophobic and totally belliggerent, the anger was immense and equaled the shock and horror of the day they had seen their defenses were too weak and their enemies too cunning. No enemy real or imagined was to be spared to keep American safe. There would be negotiating peace, no compromises, no true diplomacy. They had to be comprehensively located, weakened, neutralized and ultimately eliminated.
Since that day the exceptionalists have been in full control.
The election of Donald Trump as president however, sent a shockwave through this fixed system and permanent foreign policy outlook. His statements on the campaign trail of creating better relations with Putin and Russia were anathema to the inner circle and ran totally contrary to their policies as mandated by the 9/11 protocols.
Trump had few people to choose from to forward his own proclivity for internationalism. They had all been replaced or had removed themselves after 9/11 and it is likely there were few of them even before as money and careers are made in Washington by spreading fear and creating enemies, not through promoting peaceful relations. For Trump, the showman, internationalism held out the promise of much glad-handing and status-building. He had used the fact that Americans were tired of waging war and the dreadful losses that ensued both for them and others. But there was no way Trump could circumvent the set-in-stone protocols of 9/11 and the monopoly on power the exceptionalists had across Washington and within the White House.
He had to hire more. Thus we get Nikki Haley, Mike Pompeo, Mike Pence and even the ultimate ogre of exceptionalism himself, John Bolton.
Exceptionalism is the wrecking ball foreign policy. The all or nothing policy. The policy that is a direct consequence of the anger and determination to defeat and eliminate all enemies for the sake of the safety of America. No alternative, no weakening, no questioning of that policy would be tolerated and any meek individual who harbored thoughts that were less than robust to the hilt had better keep his or her mouth shut... or see their career in politics, analysis or intelligence ended right then and there.
So there we have it. The elites of the USA as now constituted will seek to attack and destroy every individual or nation that does not kow-tow to their wishes and submissively comply with their demands without wavering in the least. They must be “with us” or they are “against us”. No middle ground would be tolerated to exist. No negotiations would take place that did not end in compliance with these wishes and demands. Until the world was made safe for America.
Even if it had to be utterly wrecked in the process.
Thursday, 17 September 2020
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Hi folks,
ReplyDeleteDid you see the mobile game where Russians kidnap Donald Trump in 2013 during Miss Universe in Moscow, clone and put him in the White House? If preprogrammed clone does not follow orders from the Kremlin, the auto-destruction mode will be triggered? Where is the real Donald Trump?
It is a fantasy game inspired by all the noise around the Russian interference in US elections.
Check it out. Search online for “BadAsVlad. Birth of Clones” to find the homepage
Have a wonderful day!