What are the US elites & their allies seeking to gain through their diplomacy-free policy toward China, Russia and their allies?
What is the ultimate goal?
Where is their constant bellicosity leading?
What is the end game we are facing?
For just over two decades now a war has been waged in full view but totally unannounced.
It was never once declared but it is real enough. Many have been surprised at its ferocity & the fact that no diplomacy took place or was ever called for by the side waging it.
This unannounced, undeclared war has been fought not only by the US & European politicians. It has been fought also by the entirety of western mass media. These three powerful elites have fought side by side for twenty years against their primary targets, China and all her allies including Russia.
Western elites are in a relentless pursuit of multiple regime change targets to avoid their global patrician dominance being eclipsed by China and her allies.
The goal of the war far exceeds damaging/destroying China and Russia however. It has a far more ambitious goal than even this.
The goal is global U.S. and western elite control.
The USA won't stand alone at the apex of a new, controlled world. It’s primary ally Britain will be there also, bowing low & taking commands as usual. The USA’s other allies will take somewhat lesser positions.
The rest of us?
We will be supervised VERY closely.
In the end game war there are to be no loose ends. No unaccounted for communications. All MUST be visible, known, supervised & certified safe within a milieu of full spectrum dominance by the USA and its allies.
If there is any gap in this dominance over all others it will be flagged for attention. The level of response will be applied rigorously.
9/11 bored deep into the traumatized skulls of all those who would enslave us increasing an already existing demand that the world bow before U.S. elites.
The war against those not in full compliance with U.S. wishes has been ongoing since the events of 9/11 took place.
However, it was only in 2007 that the present level of urgency was felt & first seen via the initiation of persistent & ever-growing attacks by mass media on Vladimir Putin.
Ultimately the plan is to have everyone monitored 24/7. GPS positioning of the entire human race by satellite.
The USA has had a messianic desire to teach the world how good it is & urge its systems upon it almost since it was founded. A sense of superiority prevailed for various reasons & as time passed the sense of being exceptional rose to its present peak.
The western world is already monitored to a high degree.
It began with CCTV, continued with personal detail collection. It surged forward via the internet and the mobile phone. Now with seamless systems collecting each call, text, email with location visited, purchase made & so much more. Big data grows bigger daily.
Before 9/11 it appeared that the majority in the USA had more or less accepted the world as it was. The feeling of superiority continued, though the desire to transform the world in its image abated somewhat, assuaged by the "successful" conclusion of the Cold War.
9/11 changed EVERYTHING.
It's true Neocons existed before 9/11 along with their concept of overall US superiority & their goal & determination to ensure ultimate US control in perpetuity. However, it took 9/11 to make the crucial difference between a plan & action.
In the days after 9/11 it was agreed at the highest possible level that there could be no more ignoring potential threats.
Each statement indicating a less than positive view of the USA & US foreign policy was to be noted for present & ongoing future attention.
In those meetings after 9/11 it was decided that every single negative factor seen anywhere worldwide, any individual in authority & any government deigning to express negativity toward the U.S.A. was to be a target for undermining & eventual elimination.
There were to be no exceptions.
No targets too small, or too large. Meticulously detailed files were to be scrupulously kept. Programs of demonisation & destabilization were to be carefully planned & executed. The 9/11 security project was to have highest priority.
Trump is a willing and highly amoral agent of the permanent U.S. state that holds these policies to be sacrosanct. He is Machiavellian to put it mildly. He knows little about geopolitics, it’s true. But what he knows a LOT about is survival. Trump is cunning. He knows from experience which people can protect him & help him and which he must attack and undermine. As a socialized psychopath/sociopath he is utterly ruthless on both counts. It is no accident he is surrounded by religious freaks and Neocons.
In any case Trump has no choice. The 9/11 protocols are set in stone till the day full spectrum dominance dawns. No president can alter them. They are sacrosanct, untouchable, immutable, inviolate. The backdrop to his slogan, ‘America First’ is the ultimate end game, the determination to make the USA the permanent global hegemon in an equally permanent unipolar world.
The phrase 'Full Spectrum Dominance' provides the key to the ultimate goal being pursued.
9/11 showed US elites they MUST have this level of control to ever feel secure again. It was imperative that not one single entity voicing negativity toward the U.S. remained.
Full Spectrum Dominance demands that ALL sources of power anywhere across the world be subject to US preeminence.
Every area of potential risk for the U.S. is required to be under its full control via deep & broad levels of surveillance & the ability to nullify all adverse entities quickly.
One of the first areas to come under the Full Spectrum Dominance umbrella was western mass media.
Its power to influence a majority of Americans & Europeans was & is enormous. It is a vital asset to smooth the path of the many regime change targets planned for. ‘Operation Mockingbird’, the CIA op to control U.S. and international media and to make it reflect U.S. state narratives is more active now than ever.
Manufacturing consent for U.S. aggression toward the rest of the world has become an industry.
The closest parallels are with public relations & propaganda. To achieve global domination with all it entails the masses have to be well groomed to demonstrate compliance.
Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya & Syria were only the first few of a longer list of nations. Iran, Lebanon, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua and Somalia still await their full preliminary weakening and ultimate regime change fate.
All operations are ongoing simultaneously at different levels and stages. These operations are progressing consecutively in tandem as circumstances allow. The ultimate target is China however as it, far more than any other nation, presents the greatest challenge to U.S. and western elite hegemony.
Trump’s signalling that space is to be incorporated into global U.S. dominance will not have originated with him. He can hardly tie his geopolitical bootlaces. This has been part of the plan from day one.
The dominance planned for will be TOTAL if it is accomplished.
And for the U.S. and western elites this is a necessity which brooks no compromise. There will be no diplomacy, nothing which hinders the process. No barrier is to be countenanced, not even a worldwide pandemic. Sanctions and other means of financial terrorism are to be ongoing, even increased.
There is to be no mercy. For these elites are too high for any such considerations. In fact any pain suffered by China, Russia or any of their allies is to be enhanced by every means possible.
You see the power junkies are losing their fix. Western patrician dominance is centuries old. They can’t live without it.
The End Game the USA and its allies have initiated is one of complete self-interest. It is ongoing and will not end unless the elites behind it are weakened, contained and quarantined.
Then and only then can a world based on tolerance, diplomacy and progress toward mutual understanding and cooperation begin to emerge.
Sunday, 4 October 2020
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