Sunday, 22 November 2020


All the pieces are in place, the backdrop in development, is now complete.

The audience, no matter how out of touch during rehearsals, has now grasped the unfolding reality.

A tragedy is now about to unfold.

The point about the previous ignorance of the audience is important. It is now clear to everyone in the audience that this play concerns them, that they have something at stake, something, perhaps everything, at risk.

They see to that the players strutting across the stage are so hopelessly lost within the complexities, machinations and maneuverings that keep them locked into what has become the primary insanities that will lead to the coming tragedy.

Various members of the audience call out the very obvious solutions that could be part of averting that tragedy... but they fall on deaf ears. Every aspect of the play has been scripted in depth such as to be totally unalterable. That catastrophic circumstances will ensue, that insane decisions will be taken and clever ones avoided is simply written within the text in indelible ink. The audience sees where this is going and becomes increasingly restless, more and more shouts rise from them with hands gesticulating, faces in tears of rage, fear or sadness. Yet the players on the stage seem deaf and blind to the audience and totally unable to veer from the script, not even to save their own lives.

The USA is going down. It is going down in full view of the rest of the world which has largely ripped up the similar political scripts that the U.S. politicians are unwaveringly sticking to.

The theater may burn down around them but the actors on that stage, in their almost hypnotic trances, where an archetypal fixed notion of what it means to be of this or that political persuasion, holds them completely in its sway. Like wooden puppets they can convey only those emotions and make only those limited gestures that their political strings will allow.

The coronavirus is set to decimate the entire U.S. economy with the possible exceptions of Big Pharma, Big Healthcare and the Military Industrial Complex. Meanwhile the upward transfer of wealth to the elites and the upwardly mobile graduate population plus certain liberal middle class households will continue just as working class households hit existential crisis after existential crisis.

While student loans are forgiven, blessing the upwardly mobile doctors, nurses and others in the academically-privileged soon to be elites, mass layoffs, home foreclosures and the closing of small businesses will hit those far less well off like an almost endless series of economic tidal waves.

The Democrats with Joe Biden at their head won mainly due to the upwardly mobile and already secure who reside predominantly on the coasts of the USA but who also are well represented in U.S. cities and those will be the ones who will now be rewarded for their faith in the Democrat’s message via Joe Biden that nothing will fundamentally change.

Those who crave for something to change and who continued to hope that Donald Trump would be the agent of that change are about to see their jobs disappear along with their homes and access to health care. Calls for them to unify around a Biden version of ‘America First’ will fall on deaf ears as he offers them virtually nothing, but instead transfers even more to those who already have so much.

Virtue signalling, empty of anything substantial will be the order of the day. A roster of women will be placed on stage as evidence of “change”, several of whom are known hawks that will change the political scene only in as much as they breathe new life into the neocon rhetoric of the Bush administration.

For the players on our stage have flipped roles. The Democrat players now play for the Big Business team, the elite academics team, the well-heeled liberal team, the rich conservative team and of course for their donors first and foremost. On the second roster are the upwardly mobile strivers who wish to join those aforementioned teams. The drawbridge is being pulled up. Those left outside screaming and shouting will be labeled extremists, populists, racists, fascists and malcontented deplorables. And they will almost all be working or underclass along with the members of the audience who have been shouting their insights from the audience since the curtain went up.

The classic ingredients for a revolution are in place, the vital elements of a full scale class war complete with the same touches seen in previous revolutions, an out of touch, smug and infinitely patronizing and privileged elite and a terminally impoverished class of virtual slaves of those elites who are devastated in every area of their lives including, importantly their dreams, both for themselves and for their families.

Who will lead that revolution? I think we can already see who. The "dying" king who will soon be replaced amid shouts of "Long Live the King!". He will have an ever-increasing number of followers and avid supporters who will continue to see him as having been usurped. The king in exile will have a ready audience of the dispossessed, disgruntled and hurting. The anger he can focus will be huge and ever-rising in volume as the USA goes down.

Check the location of all fire doors to this theater people. The American political stage is about to burn.

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