Tuesday, 17 November 2020


They operate well beyond democratic reach, making plans with detailed precision to shift geopolitical realities. They work in exclusive isolation, immune from all far-flung realities stemming from their dedicated efficiency.

These are the members of an extremely elite group which exists in every western nation but which are in greatest numbers in the USA and UK. They are the enforcers of elite will, the architects of military missions and of diplomatic initiatives. With logistical precision they transform requirements from above via in-depth knowledge of all personnel and materiel utilities to action plans. The conversion of state requirements, complete with short-term, medium-term and long-term goals is the constant activity of tens of thousands of specialists, analysts and experts both civil and military, delivered with all the detail required to mobilize all available resources in order to attain them.

This is a bloodless, methodical task taking place in an atmosphere of perfect calm, in a highly-regulated and coolly efficient workplace within well-appointed offices where every possible technical facility is at the disposal of those who work there. The final products are detailed plans with all logistical features in place, the movement of military units, the in-depth design of training facilities, the structure of need-to-know connectivity or exclusivity, all timescales delineated, project goals and mission statements set, ambitions communicated in terms of high, medium or low risk assessments, every possible aspect of every action plan set out to long agreed uniform, bureaucratic standards.

The atmosphere is calm though the activity engaged in is never less than constantly busy within this well organized hive. Information flows in at high volume, contacts are made at all levels with military precision with usual norms and protocols in place via high security fully-encrypted lines. Government officials meet with high level specialists here, a Middle East specialist is called in for consultation there, the various CIA or GCHQ contacts deliver their in-person briefings in this or that tightly closed environment with all necessary security protocols in place and strictly observed. The hive of these urbane, neatly dressed, well coiffured and calmly efficient men and women operates as a highly efficient machine in an atmosphere of dedicated civil service duty and constant desire to deliver meeting all delineated requirements.

These are the unaccountables... and what is it that they deliver you may ask.

What do all these hard-working, highly intelligent, immensely well-educated and scrupulously vetted people produce? These incredibly well-paid men and women with beautiful homes in leafy suburbs with lovable fresh-faced children going to the very best schools and universities... what is their ultimate product? What is it that all this activity, completely beyond all public scrutiny and the supposed systems of democracy that are meant to give the people a say, brings forth to the light of some far away day?

The fruits of the labors of all these tens of thousands working within the auspices of western governments in this tightly controlled and methodically regulated world are several.

They are seen in far away places such as Iran, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, The Sudan, Ukraine, Yemen and in the recent past, primarily Syria. But not only... the unaccountables work much closer to hand to achieve their employer's goals also, you may even recognize some of their "fruits" in your own location from time to time.

Action plans are drawn up for myriad missions and initiatives, flowcharts for delivering coordination of events, detailed connection displays and the mobilization of all “devices” to attain sub-goals leading to primary objectives, tools and projects for opinion-moulding, initiative tweaking, dynamic planning and overall the minute detail and planning in depth required to effect to effect the rendering of plans to meet western state needs.

It is all very efficient. All very sanitized, compartmentalized, without emotion, all contained within known mental guidelines excluding any extraneous thoughts regarding untoward eventualities. These are all men and women who have been vetted for such thoughts, thoughts that indicate conscience levels that are too dangerously active. Such people were rejected after the multiple interviews that feature in any selection process for this sensitive work. Willingness to dedicate oneself completely to the work with total faith that all that is done is right and proper and for the safety and security of millions, never to be doubted or mistrusted. Only those with the “right” characteristics will ever be allowed within the ranks of the unaccountables.

They are monitored closely and in depth in many ways, physically, mentally, by personal contact, even interrogation, study of social media use in all locations not excluding their homes. They are certainly not unaccountable to their superiors but to us, the general public, they certainly are. As millions walked the streets of western capitals prior to the second Iraq war stating by their vocal presence they wanted no attack on that nation based on flawed intelligence those unaccountables worked on as efficiently as ever. So many logistical demands were made upon them at that time to coordinate the war to come. As yet they had not received instruction regarding what would follow. At that time, so soon after the events of September 11th 2001 this was too large a task, too unpredictable and not the overwhelming priority of the main task which demanded their full attention and time.

While the people protested and were perhaps even within earshot of the Whitehall or Washington office blocks where they worked the unaccountables without doubt simply worked on as usual, heads down, doing their tasks with unaffected, assurance, measured consistency and with their required efficiency.

These intermediaries are a vital necessity, the indispensable medium by which elite requirements gain the traction required on the ground to effect their goals whether that ground is located in Idlib, London, Belgrade, Yerevan, Chicago or Beijing. Without the unaccountables using all their modern technological utilities, their access to unlimited expertise, in-house and allies’ software of surveillance, web of NSA, CIA, MI6 contacts and input, armed forces liaison and global satellite big data with all contacts, information, planning coordinated to exquisite depths... what could those state elites do other than wage war in the old bloody ways of the chaotic and barely predictable past?  

Now war could be waged with every aspect controlled, with all message systems in place to assuage the needless fears of those of lesser concern, the great mass of uninformed irrationality that was the general public. Yes, certain deeds would not be moral or ethical... but they were necessary, now that 9/11 had revealed that necessity. Not that the unaccountables should be affected. Monitoring of this vital asset had to be even more strictly observed across all such assets. For they are truly indispensable. The foot soldiers in civilian dress, the conduit to the overt or covert management of nation take down, the delivery of the needed distress in targets where public unrest would serve best, the coordinators of controlled chaos and enlightened militarism with a humanitarian hue.

Only for all the best possible reasons of course...

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