Sunday, 24 January 2021


How far can abject rubbish be promulgated in societies where all reality is subject to individual interpretation?

Pretty damn far it appears.

The USA and UK have long since lost a firm grip on what is true and what is fantasy.

Especially the USA of course. Hollywood and a plethora of cults and conspiracy theories plus what appears to be widespread drug use has fueled an intelligence-draining acid corroding American brains. Add to that a state of war between multiple sides with each having its own alternate truth, particularly within the political arena.

From above, permeating its own additional acid is the mass media “news” industry which makes money out of exaggerated realities designed to create shock value. Simply reporting the news is not enough any more, the 24 hour news cycle demands content to continually suck in the attention of viewers. Thus we get talking heads sharing their notions of what reality is, what nefarious plans are being drawn up by this side or that depending on their political affiliation.

In the UK the BBC suffered a coup and made a swift right turn after being hounded by the then Labour Party government after a radio interview with a journalist who exposed Blair’s lies on Iraq’s non-existent WMDs. All semblance of impartiality departed on geopolitical issues where regime change targets of the USA and UK were concerned. Russia became public enemy number one and Putin began to be referenced as a modern day Hitler.

Newspapers became viewspapers across the western world in recent times in an effort to stay afloat when the tide of social media and online news threatened to crash their business plans. The Guardian switched from left to right after UK foreign office agents raided it to smash computers holding Snowden revelations. It joined a baying chorus of Russophobic voices vying with each other to print ‘Russia Did It’ headlines.

The Democrats in the USA either immersed themselves in a group-thought mania against Putin and Russia that they actually believed or saw their only chance to relieve Hillary Clinton of the huge embarrassment and enormous blow to her pride of being beaten to the U.S. presidency by an orange loudmouth and sociopathic thug by claiming $90k of crazy irrelevant Facebook ads cooked up by Russians swung the 2016 election for her rival.

This madness has run for years now and there appears no end to it.

I constantly wonder at the seemingly endless mania with which the Putin Paranoia and Russophobic runes are cast out on an almost daily basis to a western public still not immune to mass media’s constant delivery of unbelievable content. How many lies do people have to be told on multiple regime change targets with catastrophic results before people re-learn the benefits of skepticism?

The gullibility of the many seems endless. meanwhile those with level heads still intent on gleaning facts rather than in accepting fictions scratch their heads in dismay at the seemingly endless ability of modern humans in what is meant to be the ‘Information Age’ to be gulled into the most brain-addled of states over both Vladimir Putin and Russia.

When you think of the calamities we face as a species, the huge and growing threats of the current pandemic and the imminent arrival of climate change catastrophes both desperately requiring world unity the mind boggles at the stupidity and reckless irresponsibility of both western leaders and media creating a constant focus on division.

Russia does not have the capacity or the intent to harm the western world in any significant fashion. Putin has demonstrated repeated willingness to work with western powers on the important issues and threats of the present day and precarious world we now live in. If you have doubts at all about this please find Putin’s speech in Munich of 2007 on YouTube. It is there in its entirety translated into English in subtitles. The speech is prophetic, as relevant now as it ever was and demonstrates the qualities that make Vladimir Putin the most outstanding world leader we have and have had since he assumed office in the year 2000.

Increasingly we have seen what looks like madness overtake western elites across the board from the world of politics to the defense industries to mass media and beyond. It almost amounts to some death wish desperation, a mania for some delusional end times scenario, a desperate end game world domination gambit or descent into an Orwellian dystopia where we are all monitored by a U.S. big brother 24/7.

While China rises fast owning great swathes of the mad beast that has become America and creating a trading network to rival the great 'Silk Road’ of the past to Europe and beyond... the West obsesses on Putin and Russia. Putin the modern day Svengali and Fu Manchu combined mixed with a dash of Hitler and Stalin in a cocktail to self-infect western elites with self-serving mania that allows insane policy paths forward. NATO policy being chief among them.

We are in an Ice Cold War, not merely a Cold War vers. 2. This war is absent any true dialogue. No detente will occur. No dialogue of any depth. The western elites are in a fight for their lives, for the continuance of their power in a world which is seeing the constant erosion of their power of command, the fading of the reach of their colonial mentality, the eclipse (by China) of their patrician domination. In addition, the absolute determination of the U.S. elites formulated immediately after 9/11 to achieve full spectrum dominance over the entire planet to make America safe is losing ground daily to China.

But evidently it is all Putin’s fault acting with the Russian state to stymie the noble efforts of virtual saints in the western world to bring democracy and freedom to all. /sarcasm

This is where we are. In a world gone mad. Where the most dangerous entities wear halos of sanctity and those who could bring an element of sanity to the proceedings are slandered as despots.

Russophobia rules in the West without any apparent end to the insane memes constantly enlivened by new evidence-free accusations by political puppets and headline hungry editors alike.

This is how the world moves forward, in a daze,  more divided than ever... sleepwalking toward disaster, mesmerized by ever-increasing delusion, confusion, division and a terminal inability to face reality.

In 1967, aged 17 I believed we had a wonderful future ahead of us. Each decade thereafter has disabused me of this notion. Now it seems to me we have reached the ultimate crossroads, the end product of all the wasted years when we could have worked together to solve the ecological and geopolitical fissures that will work destroy all our lives if we don’t heal them urgently now at this last minute we have left.

But no, those of the West would apparently welcome no world in preference to a world they can’t continue to control.

And Russophobia and Putin Paranoia appear to be its answer and solution in its suicidal quest for continued dominion... or death.

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