Sunday, 7 February 2021


The elites of the USA and UK might as well wear all-encompassing bubbles round their heads for all the freedom of thought they allow themselves. Their minds are fixed in a group-thought mentality that personifies those destined to be human dinosaurs. Designed at their fiercest to be conscience free killers and to be swept away, unwilling to change along with the environment they live in.

These frozen minds, imbued with and awash with notions of their own perfection are completely unable to allow reality to enter their bubbles of belief, instead constantly replaying a broken record of past victories that subjugated their “enemies”.

These “enemies” were illusory, but very convenient as a device to shore up their notions of self-righteousness, to invigorate their desire to portray themselves as macho to the desired extent their egos demanded.

The fixed view, immune and impermeable to updating keeps such people locked within a robotic sphere of obedience to a lie machine that they cannot conceive living without.

This lie machine keeps the entire enterprise afloat and all those coining plenty of cash within it that glues the whole thing together. Cash usually taken from the everyday citizen that is kept deluded into thinking they have some say or democratic rights.

The lie machine spews out propaganda in every direction constantly delivering weasel words concerning “freedom”, “human rights”, “humanitarian aid” and “democracy” when what is truly at stake for these elites who control the machine are “interests”, “resources”, “markets”, “income” and “influence”.

The lie machine is designed to gull the gullible and dupe the dumbos... time after time after time.

At any one time western elites are waging multiple wars to assert and maintain their “interests”. Undeclared wars, but real enough. They do kill people. Others they impoverish and deliver misery to without a trace of compassion or even the slightest iota of concern for “human rights”. While doing so they apply verbal fig leafs about weaponized “humanitarian aid” they want to use to exert pressure while making criticisms of the same nations they are doing their utmost to undermine.

Delivering ”Freedom” and “Democracy” are the last things on their minds. These are useful terms with which to manipulate those they consider ranks of uninformed dummies at home who need to be shoved in the “right direction” by their betters. The real goals are as above, “maintained and increased influence”, “ensuring their interests” and “continuing their ability to manipulate all comers”.

There is no idealism involved. None whatsoever. At the levels we are talking of positive human emotions have long been replaced by cold calculation. They stoke the lie machine to keep the sheep at home docile via their complicit mainstream media puppets. They already have all those immediately below them in their grip, the military, the police and of course the majority of corporate and media elites. As the late great American comedian, George Carlin said, “It’s a Big Club... and you ain’t in it.”

No mind in the bracket being talked of is open or receptive. Their belief bubbles are totally impermeable to facts other than those which reinforce their long-held fixed beliefs. They have repeated the same lies to themselves for so long now that they have almost come to believe them. If they ever do have doubts they never express them. To express alternate thoughts in an elite sphere where all others keep to the accepted long-held narratives is to invite occupational suicide.

In these ways mass murder become inevitable.

The primary fixed idea among U.S. and UK elites is that they and their systems are clearly perfect in every way and that all who disagree about this are “enemies” requiring elimination. regime change has become the norm for these examples of exquisite self-awarded perfection. The notion of their exalted status has become an unquestioned given. They look out at any nation not immediately accepting their status as alien sub-humans desperately needing adjusting. And they, they unquestioningly believe are just the requisite high and mighty super-beings to adjust them.

Meanwhile their societies crumble, sub-divide and decay, mired in debt and wallowing daily in a sea of cultural effluent where an anything goes mentality sinks them ever deeper into the mire.

These elites look outward to conquer and shore up their positions while their citizens live with the decay and ever-declining prospects that surround them, unnoticed, disregarded and of extremely little interest to the Little Hitlers above them.

Little Hitlers with their belief bubbles screwed on tight, ever cranking up their lie machine with always a rabid desire to prove themselves by waging endless, murderous wars. 

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