Now I don’t want to make the case here for the elites of the USA, UK and their allies doing what they do in the best interests of those they target for regime change.
What I do want to make the case for is that even if their intentions were the best in the world what they do is not right, leads to death, destruction and chaos and really proves the well known saying above.
Of course their stated intentions cannot be taken at face value. No one in their right mind and having any kind of intellectual capacity, or interest in geopolitics or global economics could believe them when they say they are acting in anyone’s interests but their own.
It is surprising how many do take what is said at face value however when it comes to the statements these elites make however despite the events of recent years when their lies have been clear to anyone listening.
This surprising phenomenon, the continuing gullibility of many, comes down to so many still allowing the conditioning of western mass media to permeate their brains on a daily basis. Somehow the danger of doing this remains neglected. Perhaps it is only laziness and the continuing habit of switching on a TV to obtain their dose of “news” for the day. And no doubt the opinions they hold on those subjects.
But back to the main theme of this commentary. The elites of the West have a set of narratives they trot out continually. These and the buzzwords associated with them change somewhat from time to time. There was ‘The Axis of Evil’ from Reagan. ‘The War on Terror’ from Bush. Sovereign nations are singled out for undermining and regime change depending on what these elites call ‘Our Values’, ‘Freedom’, 'Human Rights’ and ‘Democracy’.
The West is called by these elites ‘The Free World’ and they never tire of saying how perfect and wonderful it is. To hear them you would think the genocide of the original population of the USA never happened and that slavery also was only some fable concocted to detract from their wondrous perfection. Colonialism is also swept under the geopolitical carpet, as are ‘The Opium Wars’, ‘Vietnam’ and the series of wars of choice based on lies that have totally fractured the Middle East.
But the meme of perpetual perfection that western elites adorn themselves with is all that allows them to lay waste to other nations and to do so in a good cause.
Bringing freedom and democracy via bombs and human rights by telling lies has worked well for them has it not? Dick Cheney’s company Halliburton earned $billions in Iraq after it had been wrecked. U.S. companies like Boeing and Raytheon earn fortunes from war and the threat of war. But all this has most certainly not worked well for those being bombed and who have had lies told about them in incessant fashion in order to keep the U.S. killing machine well-oiled.
As the title above states, even the best of intentions can lead to disaster. And that’s assuming there are some. Children killed and mutilated by cluster bombs... some even to this day who find those that failed to explode on impact in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere.
The sovereign nation of Libya was taken from a relatively stable state to one of complete anarchy where rebel groups fight over the remaining spoils and where slavery has once again raised its ugly head. But where are the reports on TV and mainstream newspapers on that in continual form as westerners were regaled with on an hourly basis to get consent for NATO to bomb the shit out of the place? They are notable by their absence.
Every now and then the bleeding heart entreaties to attack some nation will emerge and to support anyone seeking to bring down a government that has come into the regime change firing line. That is when you will see a constant flow of woe, tirades against those 'over there’ doing terrible things that requires the saintly forces of the West to go and smash them.
Westerners are played time and time again in this way. The implicit message is that we are especially saintly, goodhearted and always imbued with the most noble and sincere intentions to do only good by others. Not like the evil ones we find racially impure and unworthy of existence.
We are so very, very good that you can trust us to bomb, kill, maim, torture and annihilate wherever, whenever and whoever we choose to.
All of course with the very best of intentions in the world.
Saturday, 13 March 2021
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