Friday, 26 March 2021


The rest of the world is supposed to look at the social, political and financial systems of the western world with envy.

But what is the reality, the underlying reality, beyond the endless self-congratulatory statements about these systems and the pretense of perennially ethical conduct by western elites?

The reality is a damn sight darker than the rosy picture painted, is it not?

While the West’s elites get up on their hind legs and sing their own praises while pointing at others not following their example something simply does not ring true.

Which nations used a pack of lies in recent times to attack and invade nations killing hundreds of thousands that had not laid a finger on them?

Which nations caused the financial crash of 2007-08?

Which nations are endlessly embroiled in social discontent with attendant riots, looting, arson and demands for reform?

Which nations have the largest proportion of their citizens incarcerated?

Which nations have the biggest drug problem, homeless problem, financial fraud problem, killer cop problem, pornography and pedophile problem etc. etc. ?

And which nations have a history including genocide, slavery, colonialism and mass murder on an industrial scale?

Can it possibly be those same nations whose elites claim to have an inalienable right to judge all others, to name them as not rising to their standard, to claim they need to change in order to mirror them and to act to destabilize, subvert and perhaps even attack and invade them to make them change their ways?

How could this possibly be? Someone is being hoodwinked don’t you think?

In fact it is an enormous PR facade, very well funded and fully complied with by the mainstream media of every western nation plus their allies.

When this facade is punctured even to the slightest degree by media not owned or under the psychological domination of western states such as RT (Russia Today) or Sputnik International or a host of crowdfunded YouTube commentators then these outlets are criticized as propaganda.

Could this scenario get any more 'Alice in Wonderland’ than this?

Reality is turned on its head in the West. Realities are reversed. Black is White. And of course, as Orwell warned, War becomes Peace. The West kills for peace, threatens, bribes, kidnaps, tortures and assassinates for peace.

And we are all supposed to believe it is all right and proper because every mainstream outlet subliminally infers it. Polite and highly deferential questions are asked. Politicians, generals and various talking heads are queried about what to do concerning the terrible deeds of those foreigners ‘over there’. But even a cursory mention of the evil deeds ‘right here’ in the West? Almost never. The only recent example came from a sociopath for heaven’s sake! From Trump. In answer to a leading question seeking confirmation that Vladimir Putin is “a killer” Trump replied “You think we never killed someone?”

This the truth that cannot be spoken in the West except by those with no to minimal connection to its elite and not owned by some “news” corporation. The truth concerning the West’s past and present and warmongering future is a forbidden zone only those who want to lose their jobs, be vilified and never see promotion again and become a social pariah can voice. Unless they have broken free from the jobsworths of the mainstream, people like John Pilger and the late Robert Parry and Robert Fisk.

Where is this West of supreme integrity, free press, freedom of speech, humanitarian concerns and holier-than-thou NGOs who stand in line with their elites pointing bloody fingers?

The West that is riven with discord, drowning in debt and reeling from a pandemic is was so obviously unfit to counter. That is the West we see. The West of regime change wars, of black site torture, waterboarding and inhuman treatments, of political in-fighting, of obese citizens wracked by ill-health,  of racism and nascent fascism, of a myriad forms of division tearing its societal fabric apart.

This is the West we see. A West at war with itself and nations it wants to bring down to its level, not up to some fake self-image of itself.

This is the real West. Unfit in almost every way. Unfit to speak concerning the faults and flaws of others. Unfit to claim anything about itself that others should follow. Unfit to be in the company of nations of true integrity. An unfit and failing group of states whose history and behavior both past and present should make it thoroughly ashamed.

A West totally unfit for purpose.


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