Wednesday, 28 April 2021


The western mind rejects the thought that the elites above them and the society they live in are creating evil. The conditioning to disallow these thoughts has been all-pervasive.

I am not talking of propaganda here, at least not the sort of propaganda we normally recognize as such. It is much more subtle than that.

It exists as much in what is not said than what is. It exists in every matter-of-fact news broadcast where no mention is made of anything that could remotely be labeled as an evil act by western elites. It exists in the humdrum, the usual as much as it does in the mythology of western heroism, defense of human rights and opposition to the dire acts of untrustworthy foreigners who are ‘not like us’.

Gone are the days when bright flickers of conscience arrived via television sets in the West. Figures such as John Pilger had their place in the mainstream. Programs such as ‘Panorama’ in the UK and others, displayed the sordid underbelly of the West and acts of its elites.

There was The Guardian newspaper which until a few years ago also pointed out the iniquities of western elites.

Not that everyone tuned in to their TVs for a blast of these realities, nor read The Guardian for that either. Most no doubt avoided both like the plague. It isn’t everyone’s 'cup of tea’ to be confronted by disturbing facts which they feel they can do little to nothing about. Though these were the Seventies morphing into the Eighties and activism was reasonably healthy. Where is it now?

My contention is that even the most ardent activists pointing out what western elites are doing have a propensity through the interminable conditioning which has gone on throughout our lives to not fully grasp the enormity of the situation. That we live in an essentially evil, deeply irresponsible society, reckless in its selfish desires, ever greedy for more that gives lip service to idealistic impulses while engaging in mass murder and a war against those nations who don’t obey us when asked.

Of course we all hopefully know the risk involved in getting so worked up about it all that we end up neglecting to see to our needs to maintain some light-heartedness and so damage our lives and those closest to us. Yet if we don’t point out the things we do, who will? Most of us take the risk of being seen as strange, boring doommongers simply because we have that type of conscience and consciousness that won’t allow us to ignore these things.

But how hard it is to wish with all our hearts to do something about those issues we have perceived as crucial to us all living lives as decent human beings by pointing out what our elites are doing, only to be treated as wet blankets and social pariahs out of the swing of things.

We don’t enthusiastically engage with the modern forms of ‘bread and circuses’ offered us. We feel disengaged from the materialism and shallow celebrity culture with its Reality TV, gameshows, cooking competitions and travelogues. We long to live in a western world where there is at least some confrontation of the fact that our elites are not the saintly guardians of all decent values they pretend to be.

In a shallow culture where even the long lasting and deeply ingrained relationship with socialism of the UK has all but disappeared, betrayed by those who occupy the business-friendly middle ground of politics and abandoned by those who found themselves to have moved up to a comfortable middle class.

But I diverge. The topic here was meant to be the decade upon decade long conditioning to make all and sundry develop an ‘I’m Alright Jack’ mentality where issues of elite right and wrong are not even considered any more. It’s all essentially about a majority of semi-mindless pigs addicted to the trough of uncaring and willing sheep to the abattoir of forgetfulness.

Oh yes, every once in a while when a regime change target of importance has been identified and a need for a certain public acceptance of violence is required western emotional buttons will be pressed relentlessly to acquire the requisite consent. Children under threat from heartless foreign monsters, women forced into being sterilized, involuntary labor demanded, WMDs threatening from afar, a monstrous, journalist-murdering dictator, chemical weapons use on civilians, schools and hospitals being purposely bombed and so on and so forth. Then western populations are roused temporarily from their torpor and we hear the well-rehearsed refrain: “Something must be done!” Music to the ears of those who played out this familiar tune with its predictable echo from the West’s living zombies.

It’s as predictable as clockwork and where are the mainstream voices who take responsibility by telling people to beware a stimulus-response? They are the information “scientists” who are purveying these “treats” for their Pavlovian dogs, aren’t they? The voices of warning, such as that of John Pilger and many others online are as a whisper by comparison.

We swim within a propaganda soup that is so normal and unrecognizable to most that the word propaganda doesn’t fit it... it’s all-pervasive conditioning, it’s inexorable and lies in every calm nuance that insists western societies are perfectly normal, caring and vitally interests in the rights of all you foreigners out there... as we slaughter you in your hundreds of thousands and poison your societies.

Western populations are busy ‘getting it on’ and are too busy for much else. The elites run the show and surely they are ‘doing the right thing’? We get exorcised only when we might suffer a little from not getting all we want. We moan about politicians and politics yet don’t want much involvement, especially if it interferes with our family life or ‘having a good time’. We will react on cue when our elites point out some foreign iniquity then subside back into our semi-contented slumbers when we’ve done our bit and asked our murderous elites to ‘do something about it’.

Then there are the foreign “enemies” of recent times. The demonized ogres who are relentlessly plotting our demise and of all the values we know and love, those who are interfering with us. Heaven forfend! How dare they!?  This emotion is relentless prodded on a cyclical basis while pointing ‘over there’ where the demons are, inferring of course that we are absolute angels by comparison.

Go to sleep America. Go to sleep Britain. “We’ve got this.”

And they, over there, of course get the pain desired by those endlessly covering their own filthy asses from inspection.

It’s a neat trick if you can manage it. And the western elites manage it very well.

Especially since most western populations are composed of living zombies, wrapped perpetually in cocoons of endless conditioning that sap most real life and responsibility for others from them.


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