Friday, 9 April 2021


The following will hopefully convey the theme encapsulated in the title above:


Saudi Arabia has been mercilessly slaughtering civilians and bombing civilian infrastructure in Yemen for seven years and counting. Yemen is the Arab world’s poorest country yet an economic embargo on the country is in force and western nations predominantly the USA and Britain have continually supplied Saudi Arabia with weaponry and logistical support including targeting further decimating the infrastructure and ability of the Yemeni people to survive. Cholera is rife in the country yet the sanctions regime which denies access to finance with which to fight it remains. Since January 2019 there have been 2,500,000 cases. During the last three years 25 percent of civilian casualties have been children, according to statistics from Save the Children. UNICEF has reported that 20 million out of the country’s 30 million people currently rely on food assistance.

The Hypocrisy:

The USA and Britain, the two primary suppliers of high-tech weaponry and logistical support to Saudi Arabia in this merciless war against the people of Yemen claim to be the humanitarian conscience of the world. They ring their hands and cry crocodile tears concerning what they claim are the humanitarian and human rights abuses of others, particularly Russia and China while helping their dictatorial monarchy conduct a seven year campaign of mass slaughter in Yemen.


It is known from many verifiable sources that the USA, Britain and their allies worked together on delivering the Syrian people into a hell almost without end. They trained, financed and armed militias to enter Syria and cause maximum mayhem, death and destruction there with a view to making stable governance impossible. The ultimate goal was to totally undermine the president, government, military and administrative stability of the nation for their own ends. This has resulted in devastating harm to the country which continues to this day due to an inability to finance reconstruction and adequately feed the population through being denied their oil fields (held by U.S. troops) and draconian sanctions (imposed under the recent Caeser Act).

The Hypocrisy:

The USA, Britain and others involved in Syria’s misery assert that they are the standard bearers of humanitarian concern. Their elites continually point their fingers at others talking of human rights abuses and insisting they occupy the moral high ground that entitles them to undermine, sanction and invade other nations that don’t conform to their “high standards”.

In the case of Syria in particular the UK devised a scheme for use in Syria to be used for propaganda purposes against the Syrian authorities and their Russian allies who are assisting against the West’s terrorist proxies. This scheme resulted in the formation of a unit named ‘The White Helmets’. Massively well funded and equipped by the UK Foreign Office, U.S. State Department and many NGOs in the West they began, along with other anti-government activists in Syria to channel propaganda and disinformation to the so-called ‘Syrian Observatory for Human Rights’ based in a London suburb. This propaganda tool was useful in the effort to continually make the war against Syria appear a humanitarian endeavor. Callous cynicism met hypocrisy in gleeful union.


Western powers, primarily France, Britain and the USA conspired to bring down the president of Libya and the entire state administrative structure in Libya, one of the most prosperous nations in Africa. NATO was used quite illegally (as was the case against Yugoslavia) to totally destroy the infrastructure of government there. A campaign of violence was unleashed resulting in the death of thousands and the murder of the Libyan president. The island was reduced to an ungovernable chaos of warring factions and militias and in recent times has seen the resurgence of slavery conducted openly in the country.

The Hypocrisy:

The reason for this wanton destruction and mass murder was given as a humanitarian concern for a group of anti-government militants who were in danger of being killed by the official Libyan military on their way to Benghazi. In addition it was said that Libyan troops had been given Viagra tablets to indulge in mass rape. Both of these claims were subsequently found to be untrue.


Iraq was chosen as a target of choice by the then George W. Bush president and the British Prime Minister Anthony Blair shortly after the attack upon and invasion of Afghanistan. Many reasons were given for targeting Iraq including a spurious and easily disproven claim that Iraq was linked to the 9/11 attacks. Other reasons of a humanitarian nature were offered, that Iraq had a bad record regarding abuse of its civilian population. (Yet Iraq at this time had arguably the highest standard of (free to all) education and health service in the region with no discrimination regarding gender. Iraq was at that time a predominantly secular nation where the two main religious factions of Islam, Shia and Sunni lived under a strictly enforced peace. Ultimately, according to Paul Wolfowitz, a prominent neoconservative, the “believable lie” of Iraq having weapons of mass destruction including chemical weapons was chosen as the “justification” for the attack and invasion of the country by ‘The Coalition of the Willing’.

The Hypocrisy:

The nations of the West claim they are the trustworthy guardians of truthfulness, morality and ethical conduct that others should look to for inspiration and example. Yet the two nations most vocal in asserting their integrity are those which lied most regularly and most prominently in the months leading up to what the UN Kofi Annan Secretary-General of the United Nations at the time said was an illegal attack upon and invasion of Iraq which has cost up to an estimated one million lives and left the entire region in an anarchy of death, destruction and internecine conflict ever since. What followed on from this attack was the rise of the Islamic State and a fragmentation of the Middle East that continues to this day and will take generations to resolve, if ever.

These above are the “humanitarian” credentials of the West and in particular of the USA and Britain. If it is seen as humanitarian and supportive of human rights to wreck economies, usurp leaders, destroy vital infrastructure and perpetrate mass murder then these two nations fully deserve their name as the peak providers in this sphere.

Not that they rest on their laurels. They constantly search for new areas of concern to apply themselves to. They are constantly seeking to spread division and fear through agencies such as NATO, they dispense with the vital tool of diplomacy in order to create and widen differences that could potentially lead to war, they point their bloody fingers at others, they threaten and demand others change while refusing to admit any fault or flaw in themselves.

These examples, and much else besides, expose the humanitarian hypocrites of the western world.


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