Monday, 31 May 2021


‘All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts...’

(Jaques in Act II Scene VII Line 139-142, ‘As You Like It’, by William Shakespeare)


Those of us who care about such things gaze in horrified wonder at how such iniquities as we see remain largely unchallenged by western mass media and the general public of western nations.

We still foolishly retain a trace of hope that the western world is responsive to actuality.

There is something still inside of us that cannot bring ourselves to fully admit the truth.

That the world we live in, at least this sector of it, is totally staged.

There is only a semblance of democracy, the semblance of a free media, the semblance of caring liberal sensitivities and a mere semblance of power resting in the hands of the general population.

I have come to the firm conclusion that this and more is verifiably the case and that protests from below make not one iota of difference. The tiny minority we now are (especially if compared with the activism of the late Sixties) though having grown in recent years, effects little by way of change. The changes we desire will need to come from above also, though not from any western source of power but an eastern one, from the leadership of both Russia and China.

The props, screenplay, script and strategy are all set in place in a one act play that repeats endlessly. It is eternally financed by our own money. The facades are solidly built and convincing for the majority. The publicity for this play is constantly distributed across almost every medium and has been repeatedly displayed so many times that it now runs in almost every brain like a mantra.

The majority of westerners sleepwalk through this controlled drama, every now and again waking to feelings of helplessness and the fleeting insight that though they find it horrible they have no way to change it. Those with employment go to work to survive and in so doing enable the managers of this play to continue putting on their production.

The schizophrenia of living within a construct that conditions the mind to recognize the state-and media-organized facades as a reality leaks into the precariat below causing diverse miseries. Upstairs in the control booth all is quiet, comfortable and focused, knobs are turned, levers pulled and the strings to each entity with power in the West manipulated as required.
This is why our words have little to no effect. The injustices are there, we see them clearly, we see the war crimes, the lies, the effect of the manipulated tools of power... and we react in revulsion. To no discernible effect. The illusion is too strong. Only we have the continuing motivation to ever more clearly perceive where it leaks out at the edges, the vast majority of our fellow humans largely do not.

Those who control the levers of power react to an entirely different universe of stimuli. Their minds are filled with entirely different scenarios and driven by emotions and ambitions that allow for not an iota of alternative thought to exist. They play parts so well rehearsed they need hardly think at all. Chosen by men and women just like them they have never known any other way to think and the thought of doing so would create a revulsion in them.

You can see that revulsion emerge when some few of us achieve a degree of public attention. It emerges as name-calling in most cases. “Useful Idiot”, “Putin’s Puppet”, “Assad Apologist” etc. If public attention builds to an even greater extent then simply using terms to rubbish such targets escalates to calls for a trial, for a jail sentence, perhaps even assassination. Only two names need be mentioned in this context, Julian Assange and Edward Snowden, but there are many, if not quite as extreme cases that could be mentioned.

No interruption to the play... the finely tuned and almost perfectly staged production must be allowed. The show must go on as they say.

Journalists must now be embedded with the troops. Others must contact the State Department or Foreign Office for comment. The framing of reports on Syria, Libya, Iraq, Yemen, Venezuela, Belarus, Russia, China and other targets must always mirror what has been carefully rehearsed beforehand. The script is already written in skeleton format. Any actor deviating from it will be demoted to a bit part, or shown the door.

Gazing into 'The Devil’s Fishtank’ to watch the nightly news is arguably the most powerful feature of the play as written from above. Using a heritage of familiarity and a degree of past prestige it can be relied upon to be the most useful conduit for permeating a convincing sense that the facade being presented is a true reflection of reality.

We all like to think we are good people, governed by good people, all imbued with the best of intentions. Aren’t we the civilized West? Aren’t we the rich West sensitively desiring to help the less fortunate folk of the world? Aren’t we the perpetual good guys who wouldn’t hurt a fly? Aren’t we the ones who will eliminate all those nasty ‘bad actors’ who are evilly oppressing people over there somewhere? Aren’t we the new Victorian benefactors, the Christian missionaries, the defeaters of Nazism, the holy Christians seeking only good things for all?

And more than willing to do what it takes... including the slaughter of millions by our holy elites.

Isn’t that our duty in this shadow play portrayed only in black and white? Our holy quest in our search for the holy grail of human rights and liberation for all? Isn’t it all fully justified? After all... where are the news items apologizing for our past crimes in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen and elsewhere? If they don’t exist then clearly our part in this play is that of noble heroes rescuing the frail princess from the evil dragon, no?

This play will run and run.

Until the theater burns down that is...


‘Full of strange oaths and bearded like the pard,
Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel,
Seeking the bubble reputation
Even in the cannon's mouth. And then the justice,
In fair round belly with good capon lined,
With eyes severe and beard of formal cut,
Full of wise saws and modern instances;
And so he plays his part...’

(Jaques in Act II Scene VII Line 150-157, ‘As You Like It’, by William Shakespeare)


Sunday, 30 May 2021


What’s the difference between engaging others to wage your wars overseas if you are a western state to those who do it at the highest level of ISIS or al-Qaeda?

There is very little in fact.

The U.S. State Department and UK Foreign Office use the same kind of subterfuge as the terrorist leaders. You naturally do it behind closed doors, away from the public eye... secrecy is of course your prime concern and you do your utmost to maintain that secrecy.

Naturally none of those in leadership positions do the dirty work themselves. They find others who will commit their murderous acts for them. This they will pay for in one form or another.

On the private terrorist side the money and support comes from donations by like minded individuals and entities who have something to gain from it. This gives a multiple degree of anonymity to the enterprise. On the state terrorist side much the same occurs via the secrecy in depth provided by the CIA-NGO relationship.

Each of these two terrorist entities employs public relations and propaganda to boost their support and win recruits to the cause. Each uses every device available to provide only those narratives that strengthen their cause and each omits any fact or factor mitigating against it.

Both are utterly cynical in their callous disregard for human life and willingness to use any lie available through whatever channels are available to them. The use of false flag atrocities is simply one of many tools each side uses to gain ground, win positive publicity and arrange attacks upon their enemies.

The fact is that both those usually referred to as terrorists and their supposed enemies within the western elite establishment are birds of a very similar feather. So, it should be no surprise to anyone that they sometimes flock together.

In Syria, as revealed by John Kerry in an unauthorized recording, the USA was happy to see their terrorist brothers gain ground. This game plan had been used before of course, against the Soviet troops in Afghanistan so that playbook was long written and well-thumbed.

By assisting other state terrorists and state sponsors of terror such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait and Turkey the USA and UK were able to infiltrate Syria with tens of thousands of militants eager and willing to create the necessary amount of chaos to destroy all semblance of law and order there. The state terrorists above had essentially merged as one force with the terrorists they financed, trained and armed.

The only thing stopping most people from adding two and two as above is a totally misplaced concept regarding the integrity of their leaders. Though at home their politicians are held in extremely low regard and known to be serial liars and as incompetent as they are untrustworthy. However, for some unknown reason, in the eyes of these same observers they suddenly become paragons of truth and eminently trustworthy when, ostensibly in their name, they instigate death, destruction and utter chaos overseas.

The fact is that ALL western politicians are cynical manipulators imbued with total self-interested and invested in ever Machiavellian scheme that strikes them as the best way to attain their goals. All talk of spreading democracy, freedom and western liberal values is as much hogwash as their stump speech promises on attempting to get their sorry asses elected. In truth they are simply state terrorists on the make, truly brothers and sisters of their counterparts in ISIS or al-Qaeda.

Through the terrorism of lies and activist subversion they instigate the conditions for mass death and destruction just as do those they point at in far off lands as the TRULY evil terrorists. The truth is they are no better and in fact in one major factor they are much WORSE. Though the terrorists OVER THERE do claim to be doing good (spreading their religious tenets for the benefit of others) while the terrorists of the western elites claim the to do the same with other goals) overall the terrorists have a more direct connection to their crimes.

Western state terrorists and their allies in the Middle East manufacture a far higher level of pretense and engineer themselves to be divorced from their murderous acts to a far greater degree. They in fact pose as virtual saints while engaging others to perpetrate mass slaughter. This is perhaps the only real significant difference between them.

Otherwise these self-sanctified western elites are merely the chief executives, rather than the head jihadists, of their terrorist state enterprises.



It is one of the great mysteries of this world how the establishment agencies of the western world can keep on using the same playbook on other nations to destabilize them yet those who point this out are so few in number.

Normally you might expect that journalists would step forward to do this, however true investigative journalists in the mainstream now hardly exist, if they exist at all.

Robert Fisk was one of the last. Fisk was barely tolerated within the mainstream toward the end of his life due to his tendency to portray all aspects of the things he saw. When the great man died the glowing obituaries in mainstream news outlets were notable by their absence. John Pilger is another vastly experienced investigative journalist who just clings on to mainstream exposure by the skin of his teeth.

These men presented an awkward problem for the editors of mainstream news organizations and their owners, they had this inconvenient attitude that they would state the facts as they were no matter who they offended, which toes they stepped on or what agendas they risked interrupting.

Regarding Syria, both Fisk and Pilger fearlessly stated the facts as they saw them. It was notable that when they did so this was a barely welcome occurrence if welcome it was at all. The vast majority of so-called journalists tended to portray them as having a somewhat strange take. Being fixed to their desks in each case and quite unknown out in the field they much preferred the standard narrative as delivered by State Department or Foreign Office,

Now, in Xinjiang there is no Fisk to report and the last article published on John Pilger’s website was in December of last year so it seems he is at last tiring of the fray.

However, new young investigative journalists have risen to take their place. But not in the mainstream. Mainstream news appears to have given a collective sigh of relief that all earlier awkward customers in the field of journalism have now departed completely from their ranks. The vital new journalistic blood is all in the independent arena of YouTube and elsewhere, those such as Max Blumenthal, Aaron Maté, Ben Norton, Anya Parampil and Daniel Dumbrill. Max and Daniel in particular are focusing on the issue of the Uyghur minority in Xinjiang, the issue which the West clearly hopes will open a geopolitical fissure in China they can exploit to maximum effect.

Max and Daniel are busily exposing the holes in the narratives being created around the Uyghur Muslims and giving repeated warnings that many in the western world are having their emotional vulnerabilities exploited mercilessly to the potential detriment of millions.

Currently fortunes are being spent to buy and amplify the voices of those attempting to create the maximum possible chaos within this region of China. Myriad activists, many of them linked to organizations advocating, sponsoring and financing terror are being aided and abetted by western NGOs such as the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the agency set up to perform the task the CIA used to in this field.

An extremely well-heeled campaign to assert fabricated narratives about the situation in Xinjiang is in place. It has immense power to manipulate minds via the complicit agreement of mainstream media to provide a direct channel of access to the public mind.

We have seen all this before. Yet, due to the general public's eyes and ears remaining largely invested in a habitual reliance on mainstream media the necessary awareness of the depth of conditioning going on is to all intents and purposes absent. At least this is how things appear. We cannot truly know as public opinion is not reported on such issues. The only mouthpieces to gain exposure are those within mainstream press and televisual media.

The elites of the western world have almost succeeded in their goal of creating a captive audience only hearing and seeing those aspects of fabricated realities they wish that audience to be exposed to. Their only bugbear interrupting this vacuum chamber system of indoctrination are the few souls on social media who continue to attempt investigative journalism interested in discovering the realities within each issue.

How long they will be permitted to do this is a moot point currently as those few souls doing this work are increasingly being accused of spreading misinformation. I leave it to yourself to fully grasp the immense irony behind this accusation.

As to what is really happening in Xinjiang, the facts of which you will not hear from mainstream news outlets, goes something like this:

The Xinjiang region of China has a turbulent history going back many hundreds of years. Various peoples have occupied and ruled various parts of it down the centuries, the Mongols, the Uyghurs, the Han Chinese. It has changed hands many times, finally ending up as an integral part of China.

It could be said that the constant changing of hands there is still in progress. Certainly a section of the Uyghur community wish this and are willing to do almost anything to make it happen. Many dreadful terrorist acts took place there some few years ago, hundreds were killed, both Uyghur and Han Chinese, innocent civilians mown down by trucks or blown apart by bombs.

A group seeking the overthrow of governance in Xinjiang (what they refer to as East Turkestan) was formed in the late 1990s and was then placed on the U.S. list of terrorist groups. It’s name is the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM). The State Department concluded last year that it no longer exists and it was taken off the U.S. list of terrorist organizations. How this conclusion was arrived at was not stated.

This from the United Nations Security Council in 2011:

‘Among the violent acts committed by ETIM members were the blowing up of the warehouse of the Urumqi Train Station on 23 May 1998, the armed looting of 247,000 RMB Yuan in Urumqi on 4 February 1999, an explosion in Hetian City, Xinjiang, on 25 March 1999 and violent resistance against arrest in Xinhe County, Xinjiang, on 18 June 1999. These incidents resulted in the deaths of 140 people and injuries to 371.’

According to the United Nations, ETIM has received support from the Taliban, al-Qaeda, and the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan and is still listed by the UN Security Council as a terrorist organization.

Guantanamo had a number of Uyghur prisoners presumably found on the various battlegrounds in Afghanistan and Iraq.

A significant number from the Uyghur population have also fought against the Syrian government during the last decade. They will undoubtedly have had training in all the dark arts of the terrorist trade such as the manufacture and operation of suicide vests and IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices), with possible knowledge of surgically implanted body bombs, chemical/biological weapons and dirty bombs.

The province of Xinjiang has a border with Afghanistan where it is known that many Uyghur fighters operate. There can be little doubt that the transfer of such people back and forth is a common occurrence.

During the time when the Soviet Union had troops in Afghanistan and China was a rival power it set up training camps within Xinjiang which served as a conduit supplying fighters to drive the Russian troops from the centers of power in Afghanistan.

Finally, a relationship began between certain Uyghur Imams and those within the Wahhabi sect of Islam in Saudi Arabia. This resulted in a schism between the more traditional Muslim majority and the new, more radical form of Islam as represented by the Imams moving to the radical version as personified by the Wahhabi leadership. New mosques dedicated to Wahhabi precepts were built financed by Saudi Arabian sources in Xinjiang. You will know well by now I’m sure how the Wahhabi form of Islam leans toward the use of violence again unbelievers.

There can be few that doubt that the Communist government of China and indeed the Chinese people themselves would be a main target as unbelievers to such people. A target too for radical Christians, particularly within the United States who are known to have been active against China elsewhere, such as in Hong Kong.

The main source of so-called news concerning the accusations against the Communist Party of China is himself an extreme example of Christian radicalism, Adrian Zenz.

These are the past and present elements that have resulted in action being taken by the Chinese government to bring a permanent level of stability and safety to the region and the central clues regarding forming a complete picture of events there unavailable through western political circles and mainstream media news.

The end goal is the undermining of the present system of governance in China and its replacement with a form that the United States and its allies find agreeable.

There is no true concern for the well being of the Uyghur minority in Xinjiang. None at all. They are simply a tool to be used, as were the diverse groups of militants in Afghanistan, Libya and Syria. The use of proxy forces is more financially acceptable for the U.S. and UK governments and in terms of deniability and losses of their own troops. Using activists in combination with mainstream media at home and in addition controlling the narrative through the work of NGOs by omitting all inconvenient facts as described above, a virtual vacuum chamber of conditioning “news” can be created.

The great danger now is that all those pointing out the full facts, those who have significant followings on social media such as Max Blumenthal and Daniel Dumbrill will now be focused upon with campaigns to remove their presently very successful platforms and terminate their effect.

Western elites wish to create the same effect as they created to a significant degree in Syria. The desire is to so demonize the target that western elite narratives become unassailable in the public mind as solid fact on both a conscious and subconscious level. With this being the case they can create the maximum degree of chaos within the target location while maintaining a facade of respectability, probity and utmost integrity.

This is what was done in Syria and it is what is occurring in regard to Xinjiang using the Uyghur people as the primary tool to sow maximum death, destruction, instability and chaos before moving on to the next target as planned.


Saturday, 29 May 2021


It’s almost as if the United States wants an entry in the Guinness Book of World Records.

The number of entries could well run into double figures in fact. It would depend only on the number of categories created.

1. World Record for number of countries attacked/invaded contrary to international law: USA

2. World Record for blowing most number of civilians into tiny bloody pieces: USA

3. World Record for number of countries undermined through assassinations & coups: USA

4. World Record for number of lies told prior to attacking & invading nations: USA

5. World Record for widest reach of propaganda through media worldwide: USA

6. World Record for killing most civilians in shortest time (Hiroshima/Nagasaki): USA

7. World Record for using mental patients and prison inmates for experimentation: USA

8. World Record for comprehensive genocide of a native population & in shortest time: USA

9. World Record for using most slaves with least conscience for longest time possible: USA

10. World Record for dominating the world for longest duration despite all the above: USA

And, though there will never be such a category, the World Record for being responsible for so many criminally heinous acts and yet perpetually talking of itself as the bringer of naive sweetness and light, the epitome of decent values, plus freedom and democracy for all.

Records for hypocrisy, criminality, state terrorism, pornography, drug addiction, corporate and political corruption, murders by police, racism and many more would be falling again and again in our alternate book of world records... all certainly “won” by the USA.

But the most significant World Record of all would undoubtedly be the last to be listed here.

The record for the longest time one nation can cause this many criminal acts, war crimes, campaigns of unconscionable slaughter, destabilization, destruction and all in all the most evil acts by a single nation and litany of perpetual fuck-ups and still portray itself as a nation imbued with exceptional purity of intent and the right, in perpetuity, to judge all others.

It must surely be that this last World Record will never, ever, be beaten.



China has the most successful economic system the world has ever seen and Russia is rising to join her. China’s economic success has fueled a revolution in life chances for the Chinese also, bringing millions out of poverty year on year for the past thirty years. Russia too has the same ambitions and her economy is also continually rising.

‘It it ain’t broke why fix it?’, as the saying goes.

But the elites of the western world are determined to change China into some oddball version of their own societies with all that would entail.

Just imagine that for a moment.

Imagine what that would mean for China (and Russia for that matter) in both the short and long term.

Conceive of the chaos for a moment of what these western elites want to unleash on China and Russia. Consider the emboldening of the kind of self-interested crooks that often come to power (calling themselves politicians) in the West. Think of the rise of corporate power as seen in the West. Think too of the enormous criminality of all kinds as seen in the West, the corruption, the graft, the influence of the mafia of pornographers, illegal drug manufacturers etc. etc. etc.

Western elites are willing to use any issue, any deception and any means to effect the deconstruction and reconstruction of China (and Russia also). In one example, by attempting to dismantle the present political structure of China through spreading phony human rights abuse and stirring anarchic activist movements in China western elites are being completely cynical. They seek to maximize the spread of chaos, to empower the most destructive, greedy and ambitious Chinese (and Russian) individuals to generate whatever division and destruction of harmony may be fomented within all nations (including China and Russia) targeted for regime change.

You will surely know the U.S./UK playbook by now.

They use the enormous budgets and manpower of the CIA and MI6, they use the surveillance technologies of the NSA and GCHQ, they deploy all the dirty tricks that the State Department and Foreign Office can muster via a plethora of NGO troublemakers and activists both outside and inside China and Russia, they accept the willing complicity of new networks like CNN and BBC to muster support for the whole process at home and attempt to hit both China and Russia with everything they’ve got.

This is war. And the Chinese and Russian leaderships knows it.

Why do you think the tone of Chinese and Russian spokesmen and women has toughened up recently? Why, at the recent Alaska meeting between top officials, including Antony Blinken and their Chinese counterparts was a new, more abrasive atmosphere seen to emerge between the two sides?

Instead of merely taking the usual holier-than-thou statements from the USA, with all their usual patronizing and accusatory tone with quiet rebuttals, Chinese officials took a different tack. They responded in kind. They went onto the attack.

And there is of course plenty about the West and its elites to attack.

The USA, UK and many European nations are in various stages of crisis. A general warmongering nature that has cost hundreds of thousands of lives in recent years, a cynical use of lies to justify waging them, failure to effectively deal with the coronavirus, racial discord, police violence, political upheaval massive national debts, crumbling infrastructure, societal decay and so much more.

All the above while China quietly expands her economy (the only major nation to do so during 2020) finds new trading partners and creates the most sophisticated, efficient and unifying trading network since the Silk Road, the Bridge and Road Initiative (BRI). The BRI will eventually span innumerable nations all the way from China on its way to the heart of Europe. China is assisting all nations along the route with finance for huge infrastructure projects on both land and sea from new railway links, lines and stations to motorways and renewed sea ports.

The elites of the West will fail to stop China in its quest to increase its ability to trade and create ever better relationships. They will also fail to halt the increased influence China will have through those relationships.

Always keep in mind which nations raised the alarm when the USA and UK were determined to start their endless wars in the Middle East, the nations that would not submit to the powerful propaganda of that time but raised sensible objections and called for other means to be deployed other than war to resolve the issues involved. They were not heeded. But history has shown who was right and who was so utterly wrong. Those who stood up to be counted for a peaceful solution at that time were China, Russia and France.

The above is important as it negates the fears of some that China, by far the most powerful of the three in economic terms, will act just as the USA and UK have in their belligerent arrogance and warmongering blood lust, seeking to dominate, manipulate, threaten and control. China has in my opinion shown that it is not in the least interested in the hegemony the western elites quite obviously long for.

China wishes to trade. To invest. To make agreements. To acquire resources she needs and in return assist in helping nations develop their economies in a win-win bargain where coercion, threat and bullying play no part.

A by-product of the continuing economic rise of China will be the coincident decrease in belligerent U.S./UK influence. By creating a new standard of international cooperation through agreements beneficial to both parties China offers a far better and more equitable, more trustworthy and equal arrangement where it becomes a far, far better partner than the U.S./UK with all their colonial baggage could EVER offer.

China, along with Russia as a close partner and long-time friend are the rising stars of the world potentially being born before our eyes. We may soon see the highly malignant domination of the West, with its history of genocide, slavery, colonialism, exceptionalism, racism, patrician snobbery, threat and an ever-present poison of great power manipulation, subside and fade from view.

This is the promise of China and that of Russia also. The two primary forces for peace through agreement and respect for international law and the sovereignty of nations in our world today. They can herald a new geopolitical paradigm and make possible the dream in many minds held so long now, for a world unified in peace, a peace gained through agreement and tolerance of diversity.

The USA and UK along with their allies are attempting to circumvent this possible reality. They wish to retain and expand their ability to dominate others, manipulate events, to retain their ability to threaten, cajole and twist arms to get what they want. If they get their way we will se a world continually at war, riven by the kind of chaos we have seen these two powers create so often both in the distant and recent past. If they succeed in undermining China and Russia they will endeavor then to fix their power in perpetuity creating a system of full spectrum dominance worldwide with which to control the world. By surveillance and the elite power of mainstream media propaganda, by forcing nations to comply with their needs and commands they will create a prison planet of total intolerance here.

Only China has the economic power to effect the fundamental change in present geopolitical circumstances and free us from the pernicious, ingrained, unconscionable and habitual methodologies of the USA, UK and their allies.  Russia no longer has the economic power of the Soviet Union (this was seen to by the same kind of western elites no matter what you think of their motives). However, Russia stands with China in her view of what a truly civilized world would look like. The mutual respect among nations and willingness to work together to resolve differences through negotiation, compromise, agreement and the discovery of new ways to create a better future would be key. War would no longer be seen as anything but an absolutely last resort. Just as was advocated by Russia and China when the dogs of war in the West could hardly restrain themselves... and ultimately could not.

The elites of the West won’t stop attempting to weaken China, to hinder here and Russia too. The mentalities involved are too fixed, too solidly ingrained. Happily China will remain largely unaffected and shows no sign of any significant slowing of her rise. If China was not as she is there is no possible way Russia could achieve what is necessary alone. Together the future has the potential to be open-ended toward something wholly extraordinary.

The West should not oppose them, but join them in creating the world most of us have always hoped we might live to see. A world at peace, where unity of purpose is the most obvious virtue, rather than the competitive war of diverse and opposing ambitions, which is currently its most obvious vice.



Friday, 28 May 2021


The odds were stacked in the favor of what was clearly going to be the undoubted winner.

Other efforts were overwhelmingly puny by comparison.

The outcome had never seriously been in doubt. The track record of the victor had been so impressive.

Across every activity involved, with every discipline brought to bear and with each weapon deployed, the death count clocked up had left the mouths of spectators wide open.

The enthusiasm with which targets were blown apart was so evident in each theatre of war encountered.

Supported and encouraged at every stage by a vast army of supporters, including loyal news media, nothing could stand in the way of their ultimate success.

This was a team effort however, with every team member allied in coordination for maximum effect engendering a most efficient and effective kill rate.

With a supremely effective public relations campaign providing moral support and a backdrop of confidence behind them they managed to sweep all opposition before them.

Now with innumerable wins across Latin America and the Middle East under their belt the winners are fully hyped up and ready for their next big win. They are locked, loaded and raring to go. Mopping up the next opposing teams ought to be easy the team coach was heard to say. He certainly expects flowers to greet them on both arrival and departure as the Death Games continue on to their third season next year.

These guys will be hard to beat.

What they lack in brain power they certainly make up for in fire power!

So here they are, brushing smatterings of blood from their hands and clothes they bow to the massive applause as they enter the 'New Coliseum’, valiant modern gladiators of the gun.

Those who are about to die salute you!



Why is humanity still dogged by discord and war?

At its most basic and banal it is a quarrel over power, and over resources, status and influence.

At its furthest extreme it is about global dominance.

Who fights these wars?

A tiny elite who invent justifications for all their crimes.

Isn’t international law as embodied in the United Nations and International Criminal Court there to protect the rest of us from these excesses by our elites?

It is and they are. However, certain powers believe they have a cause or causes which take precedence over international law and those institutions that uphold it.

Who gave them permission to overrule and circumvent international law and those who support it?

No one.

Why then are they tolerated to act this way? Why, when they conceive themselves above all laws and may break them at any moment should we then continue to live in fear of them?

Because they possess the power to do this with full immunity from international law. And because the media of their states predominantly favors their ability to do this.

Isn’t this a form of unaccountable dictatorship?

Clearly it is.

Doesn’t anyone point this out?

There are people who do, yes. However, they often exist in nations that those who currently have supreme power say are imperfect. Others exist within the most powerful nations.

Why are their words not more widely listened to and acted upon?

Because all such people are accused of spreading misinformation and their criticisms are negated. And because the institutions who might act upon this information are largely funded by those who they would have to act against.

So there is no hope for peace? The fighting will go on?

Not until the issues we have discussed are resolved and yes, the fighting appears destined to continue, at least for the moment.

You mean there is a glimmer of hope these issues may be dealt with in some way?

There is.

If another power becomes influential enough, with enough economic strength to match and perhaps overtake that of the aggressing power and that power has an ethos of finding agreement than waging war then yes, peace may at last come.

And there may be a tolerance of each other?


And we may find common ground with each other?


And we may work together in unity to solve our common problems?


And if your one hope you mention does not come to pass?

Then we will fight on... quite probably forever.


A them and us environment within mass media is rapidly gaining ground across the western world.

The ‘them’ consists of the traditional establishment individuals and entities, the government, the most popular news broadcasters and those who occupy some position of power across the primary nodes of influence.

The ‘us’ consists of the rest of us essentially. Some of ‘us’ rely on the above establishment individuals and entities to tell them what’s true, what’s factual, what’s real news, what are real issues worth talking about, and what is not.

For ‘them’ things are pretty cut and dried. They decide what the truth is and then they relay that truth to ‘us’.

Now those in the establishment camp along with those who look to ‘them’ for the truth have a problem.

There is a minority section within ‘us’ who have become highly skeptical regarding the ability and/or wish of ‘them’ (our establishment elites) to tell (or tell ‘us’) the truth. This minority is now rapidly being seen as committing a crime, almost a crime against humanity, in communicating this skepticism and what’s more communicating their own view on what’s true.

This has in the past being known as having an opinion.

Of course having an opinion doesn’t mean it can be relied upon as pointing to anything inherently true or factual. Hasn’t decade after decade of America right-wing shock jocks spewing everything idiotic under the sun proven this time after time after time? But did anyone seek to shut them down, insane as they were? Warmongering and racist as they often were? If there was a call to do so I didn’t hear it. (Of course many people might have wished this to have taken place but I suspect that in the end leaving it to grown adults to make up their own minds was ultimately the better option.)

With the advent of social media platforms such as YouTube things have been taken to another level. There are a growing number of ‘us’ there giving a different take that the establishment ‘them’. These pundits, observers, analysts, commentators and communicators are often HIGHLY skeptical of establishment narratives (and by this point, considering all the known establishment lies over the last two decades it is hardly surprising).

It wouldn’t matter to the powers-that-be if these commentators were talking within a virtual vacuum chamber with only a few listening... but there lies the problem. Many have large audiences who tune in regularly and even contribute financially to these channels broadcasting an alternative message to the mainstream. They are becoming increasingly successful and influential.

Therein lies the bundle of problems that are increasingly beginning to irk those in the ‘them’ category. The success of alternatively-thinking voices threatens the relied-upon and much-deployed potency of establishment narratives. In future years these unregulated voices may even threaten the continuing high income enjoyed by the major media channels.
This is why we are likely to see an increasing number of calls to regulate the outlets such voices can now be heard on in even more stringent fashion than now. Or even remove them completely from each and every one of the major social media channels they now broadcast from.

This very process has been underway for some time now.

As Kim Iversen has said in a recent video, this is to a large extent what was seen in the “evolution” on Cable TV in the USA. When it first arrived it was largely unregulated and much more varied content could be seen there than on the mainstream TV channels. This caused uproar among a section of ‘us’ that voiced their outrage that sexual content in particular should not be so easily available to their young. Over subsequent years Cable TV was then gradually tamed and sanitized.

The ability to experience alternative views that contradict the generally agreed-upon views within the establishment elites and their adherents is being eroded. Currently it is still in reasonably healthy shape with many successful observers able to communicate their opinions, analyses, theories and investigative reporting direct to the eyes and ears of those with a mobile phone, laptop or Internet TV. Gradually however, as Kim Iversen has related on many occasions, the net of censorship is being widened to include more and more topics. Those ‘opinion criminals’ (a term I may use often in future) who deign to express themselves on these topics are being demonitized (receive no income for videos containing banned topics) and may even be removed from a social media platform for continued “criminal” behavior.

This is certainly the direction of travel. And, as Kim Iversen revealed on one of her recent shows certain members among the establishment elite are identifying such people communicating their own views successfully to others are going to be characterized as spreading misinformation. Anything that comes from Russia, China and indeed from anyone repeating views that are not at least closely aligned with western establishment narratives if not mirroring them 100% will be labelled as misinformation. With this kind of framing why would they tolerate it? Why would they tolerate Kim Iversen, Max Blumenthal, Abby Martin, John Pilger, George Galloway, Jimmy Dore, Lee Camp, Aaron Maté, Ben Norton, Anya Parampil or any of the increasing number of alternative voices? You can see the next step clearly that would enter their minds. If this activity is inherently wrong, deceiving and bad for society why should they tolerate it?

And then you have it. In the societies that conceive themselves to be the absolute epitome of free speech... having an opinion which doesn’t fit that of the establishment... becomes a crime.



In the region of the world that claims it has free speech a great many people appear to be tying their own tongues in knots.

A wide range of subjects and issues are now bordered by rules consisting of cancel culture barriers. Infringe on these and those doing so soon find out there are limits to a freedom they were told was inalienable.

These dogmas that are to be obeyed on sufferance of censure and loss of livelihood have varying degrees of sense to them. Naturally there are few circumstances in which voicing an admonition to kill is appropriate... yet for the U.S. military there is an obvious exception.

To use hate speech is also prohibited and with good cause, to maintain good order within society where prejudice doesn’t raise its ugly head by promoting division. Yet certain government officials are allowed a special dispensation when talking of nations not within the U.S. orbit of control.

To display racism is another case in point and the USA has one of the world’s worst records along with the previous white regime in South Africa. Yet the wars the USA has waged against other nations in recent years have all been against weaker nations with colored populations.

On the flip side there is the notion claimed in the western world of the free press and media. But just how “free” is it when certain narratives are clearly fixed in aspic and ruled to be incontrovertible? The best example is the New York Times’ output on the subject of Russia. How many balanced articles appear? How many journalists believe anything approaching a balanced article on Russia will be accepted by the editorial staff and published. The figure I am certain is zero.

How truly “free” can the ‘free press and media’ in the West be when the resultant journalistic product follows obviously strict guidelines on what can be said on such subjects as Vladimir Putin, Russia, China, Ukraine, Venezuela and others individuals and nations that the USA is seeking to depose, subvert, overthrow, destabilize and bring about regime change within?

The rules governing the etiquette of the cancel culture are quite loose in favor of prohibition. For some the slightest wavering from an agreed narrative is cause for cancellation. During the last four years and continuing to great extent still, anyone not adhering to certain motifs regarding Russia was fair game to be slandered, socially ostracized and denied access to a right of reply in mainstream media. The case of Professor Emeritus on Russia, Stephen F. Cohen is a case in point.

Unless you vocally salute the right narrative on Russia you are looked on as suspect at least and considered by many either a ‘Useful Idiot’, one of ‘Putin’s Puppets’ or a ‘Russian Agent’ and possibly a traitor to your country.

A similar standard of intolerance is shown to those who object to the evidence-free accusations against the Chinese Communist Party regarding the Wahhabi-influenced, previously terror-attack-inclined Uyghur minority. If you wish not to accept at face value accusations of genocide based merely on the word of activists you will immediately be called a ‘genocide denier’.

This was seen also in the attitude to ‘The White Helmets’ in Syria, the group formed by a former British intelligence officer and funded to the tune of $millions by western governments and their NGOs. To even suggest that they were not an even-handed, truly humanitarian entity was tantamount to a treasonable offense. To point out that they were an obvious CIA/MI6 construct would get you immediately framed as an ‘Assad Apologist’.

This is the portrait of freedom of speech in the western world that belies the oft stated noble principles on which it claims it stands resolute.

You can say what you want then be attacked for it, shamed for it, sacked for it, excluded for it and branded a near traitor for it. That is how free you are in the western world. If that is the definition by which freedom is gauged then I leave it to the reader to place their own estimate on exactly how free that “freedom” truly is.


Thursday, 27 May 2021


Each side in this war sees it as described above.

Though the explanations of why it is the case cannot be wholly trusted on one side of this divide.

At its most basic level you have:

1. Nations who have clearly expressed a wish to be left in peace to trade and to expand their economies.

2. Nations who have dedicated themselves to assuming the mantle of ultimate arbiters of good and bad with the sworn mission to change the nations in 1.  above.

The reasons for those in group 1. feeling the way they do are stated in the description and hardly need further explanation. There are no signs that they wish to spread their modes of governance to any other nation.

Anyone inferring this merely from them wishing to engage in trade where both sides win, they gaining resources and wealth and the other products, services and investment, is over-egging the pudding as the saying goes. They are inferring negativity where none is truly evident, though it should be said no interaction of this kind is every wholly unproblematic.

On this side at least there is no significant trace of a desire to rule the world by establishing global hegemony and forcing all others to follow them.

The reasons for those in group 2. feeling the way they do are far more complex. For them, on a surface level as may be expressed by their elites, their mission is a duty based their own perception that they have the most perfect, liberal and free systems possible and that it automatically follows that they must work toward the end of changing all those in group 1 to their particular mode of governance.

The end goal would certainly entail the end of all forms of governance not conforming to that of the nations in group 2. This is surely obvious, and leads inevitably to the conclusion any hopes that the policy of regime change by this group would end were false.

Due to the past activities of many in group 2. a high degree of skepticism is warranted regarding their stated reasons, i.e. democracy, freedom, western liberal values as standard. The track record of the nations making these claims hardly confirms the purity expressed in the terms used. National interests of the nations concerned have time and again been the priority for many of these nations as evidenced by their assistance to nations who flout their claimed goals and still do to this day. In addition, several of these nations have undermined figures instigating the policies they claim to wish to spread and replaced them with those directly opposed to those policies, i.e. dictators rather than democrats.

However, the elites (both political and within mainstream media) insist that they have a refined and just purity of intent now, despite any slight “mishaps” of the past.

On the subject of world domination it seems clear that only group 2. has this ambition. That in as much as they wish to remove all forms of governance except their own (with the possible exception of certain Latin American and Middle Eastern dictators if such are willing to conform to their geopolitical dominance).

The title to this commentary is not in any way wild hyperbole. The war being waged now, can with justification be called the Final World War. When one side or the other wins there will remain no possibility for any further such conflict.

I will now speculate upon what might emerge after the total victory of one side or another where one side realizes and acknowledges they have lost and capitulates fully. (Of course this would be a long drawn out process and such a clear and unequivocal admission of defeat would be unlikely, but could be seen clearly by other means than a stated surrender.)

If the nations in group 1. win there can be no doubt that there will then exist a world where diverse systems of governance are tolerated. In the atmosphere of such a world agreements can be made under conditions of mutual respect. A greater degree of unity of purpose, despite all differences, will emerge as a strong possibility due to this high degree of respect being shown. The sovereignty of nations would without doubt be regarded as sacrosanct and international law once more be adhered to without any one nation being able to act above it.

If the nations in group 2. win there can be no doubt that there will then exist a world where diverse systems of governance are not tolerated (except by decree in specific cases by the victors). Nations who had previously been run under different rules of governance would be subject to close inspection and control requiring a high degree of monitoring to ensure they never slipped back to earlier, unacceptable modes of governance. It is very likely that a massive expansion of entities such as the NSA and GCHQ would be required for this monitoring to take place effectively.

These, as I see it are the two potential destinies of our world depending on who wins this last of all possible world wars.

My estimate is that most of us alive now under the age of 70 or even a little above in continuing good health will see clear signs of which group will emerge victorious in the hugely bruising war now under way.

There could hardly be a more important issue due to the mode of global governance of this planet in perpetuity, for every generation to come, being at stake.





First, read this extract from one of Britain’s foremost mainstream newspapers, ‘The Independent’, from an article published on Sunday 15 November 2020:

‘Coronavirus has been circulating in Italy since September last year, researchers say.’

‘Coronavirus was present in Italy months before its outbreak is known to have started, according to new research.

Scientists have found Covid-19 antibodies in blood samples from as early as September last year. (Edit by me: September 2019)

The findings “may reshape the history of the pandemic”, they said.

Italy reported its first coronavirus cases in late January, after which an outbreak swept through the country, hitting northern areas such as the Lombardy region particularly hard.

Traces of coronavirus have also shown up in Italy’s water from December last year – suggesting the virus was circulating more than a month before the country’s first confirmed infection.’


And this from LIVESCIENCE:

‘COVID-19 may have arrived in US by December 2019‘

‘COVID-19 may have already arrived in the United States by December 2019, before the disease was even identified in China, a new study suggests.

The study researchers, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), analyzed more than 7,000 blood donations collected by the American Red Cross in nine states between Dec. 13, 2019 and Jan. 17, 2020. Of those, 106 samples tested positive for antibodies against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

The findings suggest "SARS-CoV-2 infections may have been present in the U.S. in December 2019, earlier than previously recognized," the authors wrote in their paper, published Monday (Nov. 30) in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases.’


I would be surprised if you heard about even one of the above instances of Covid-19 being present in 2019, well before any mention was made of Wuhan.

Of course neither article proves that the virus DIDN’T come from the lab in Wuhan and adds nothing to the debate about whether an animal to human transfer took place.

However, the reason you probably heard nothing about these reports is that they would tend to take the focus off of China. And this would be contrary to what must strongly be suspected was the central mission of the Trump administration and U.S. foreign policy both then and now, to use anything possible to weaken China by any means possible.

China represents an enormous economic threat to the USA. The USA’s global dominance and ability to exert power of command depends upon its economic strength. Without that economic strength behind it it cannot possible have the manipulative ability it now holds to defend what it calls its ‘national interests’. These ‘national interests’ are open to wide interpretation but certainly include and are most likely dominated by access to economic assets and political influence.

It must be obvious to most of us by now that the elites of the USA and its client states, most prominently the UK, are engaged in an economic and attendant propaganda war against China. There is hardly any attempt to hide this now, nor has there been for some time.

As with the similar ongoing war against Russia it has been almost exclusively one sided until quite recently. For a very long time previously both Russia and China simply took the flak and remained largely silent. Perhaps a muted statement of disagreement regarding one of the state-to-media channeled attacks was voiced which received next to no coverage in western mainstream news. However, this has changed in recent months.

You will hopefully have noticed that the responses from both Russia and China in recent months have become more robust, challenging the attacks against them in far more aggressive terms than at any time over the last many years. They have clearly decided that enough is enough after finally recognizing that no amount of trying to 'get along’ with ‘western partners’ (as Vladimir Putin used to call them) was going to change anything. That this was a war to the death by the West, no matter what it took and no matter what was said or done, it would continue.

Now we have Biden asking the U.S. intelligence community to look into whether the virus did indeed come from the laboratory in Wuhan or alternatively came from some animal to human transfer.

On the face of it this may seem innocuous to some but what is the likelihood of that being the case.

A previous investigation in the USA into the same question was terminated due to the conclusion that it was a waste of public funds. Where was there any great benefit to be found in doing this compared with the undoubted vast cost of doing so? And why rely on spooks to get to the bottom of it rather than virologists and others within the scientific community?

This brings back unhappy memories of Blair’s 'Dodgy Dossier’, a series of desperate attempts (including a student’s college thesis) to create a convincing report and PR campaign to “prove” there was a case for going to war with Iraq.

 If it could be announced that a “definitive” answer had been found, as asked for by Biden, and that the answer was that Covid-19 had escaped from the Wuhan lab, or better still had been manufactured there and an escape engineered, this would suit the current U.S. foreign policy agenda very well.
Russia will not be dropped as a regime change target but my suspicion is that it will be put very much on the back burner now in order to concentrate the vast majority of resources on attacking China. China is after all, by far and away the primary threat to U.S. manipulative power worldwide.

There may even be some attempts to encourage discord between Russia and China, to entice Russia with certain positive developments such as the meeting arranged next month between Biden and Putin.

Whereas the Trump years were all about “Russia! Russia! Russia!” it is clear the Biden and Harris years will be almost (but not quite) exclusively about “China! China! China!”.

Any and all weapons, great and small against China will be used in what I believe will mirror the tactics used by the USA and its allies against the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact in the Cold War. And quite likely in even more merciless fashion where the dirtiest tricks imaginable are deployed.

The current ridiculous and utterly scurrilous claim that the Chinese Communist Party is committing genocide on the Uyghur population of  Xinjiang is a prime example of what to expect.

The gloves are well and truly off on both sides now.

And Biden appears to be cooking up the latest weapon against China in his propaganda lab right now.


Wednesday, 26 May 2021


Look over there!

See the danger approaching!

Look at how terrible they are. What they are doing is unconscionable, don’t you see?

Let us save you from them!

Meanwhile... let me just insert this newly sharpened knife into your back.

Let me just ask… who is the true danger here? And why might that be?

The elites of the USA know that money is the key to power. For decade after decade they have acted in the light of this knowledge. A casual observation of U.S. actions both overt and covert over the past hundred years will allow you to see exactly how this transfers into crimes against humanity... all for the best of all reasons (as according to the accepted formula).

Usually the need for ever more money (and attendant grip on resources along continuance and increase of power) is always sanitized as “protecting national interests”.

Suddenly, with the unstoppable rise of China there is a new guy on the block that can offer a different relationship to the one of do as we say, not as we do, threat and violence methodology of the U.S. elite.

It is no secret that the abiding ethos of the U.S. business world is to play hard ball whenever and wherever necessary. There cannot be a single person reading this who has not at least watched a dozen Hollywood films and TV series that show this in graphic detail without reading academic tomes or even accessing documentary films.

The ethos of the U.S. state within successive administrations shows that it reflects that of its corporate community to the nth degree. The U.S. political elite superstructure acts as a mega-corporation jealously guarding its assets around the world playing as hard ball as it gets. There are no holds barred in this enterprise, massive loss of life, destabilization of rivals, every kind of dirty trick imaginable overt or covert and an abiding determination to win at all costs retaining power and pushing its influence ever wider.

But, as said earlier, finally there is emerging an increasingly powerful and influential protective shield against the virtually constant abuses of the West stretching back a hundred years and more. It is now no longer the case that the rest of the world is sufficiently weak, vulnerable and unable to resist it. The rising stars of the east, Russia and China have become invested in sufficient power to say, “Enough!”.

That alone was sufficient for the state terrorism and criminal propaganda of the West to be activate full force against them. The propaganda now seen on a virtually daily basis against the leaders of Russia and China is blatantly obvious and I content the reasons for that propaganda are to be found above. And the means being used have significant effect due to the modern nature of mainstream media news in the West.

Within the closed vacuum flask of western mainstream media news the narratives concerning Russia and China are exclusively those of western political elites. The variety of broadcasts forwarding these narratives focus almost exclusively on areas within Russian and Chinese political life that can be exploited for political purposes.

The long litany of crimes against humanity, coups, assassinations and wars based on self-interest and lies by the USA receive virtually no mention. That hundreds of thousands, even millions have died, entire nations destroyed and regions fragmented beyond repair rates hardly a mention if any mention at all.

The memes used to excuse and justify the above crimes of state terrorism are clearly accepted at the editorial and administrative level of the news entities and corporations of the West and thus are consigned to some category of unmentionable subjects.

What consequences does the failure to hold western elites accountable lead to?

Clearly it leads to a license to endlessly repeat the process.

The elites of the USA, UK and others within the western world have set themselves up as the righteous judges and arbiters of all behavior. This could not be sustained if an honest appraisal of their own crimes was agreed among their fellow elites as it is among most of the world’s population.

The judges must be put within a framework of purity of intent, honest endeavor and be constantly provided with the right to mete out death and destruction wherever required.

This is the upside down world of western geopolitical thought in a nutshell.

The state terrorist nations, the USA, the UK with the active complicity of others have taken the right to inflict their brand of terrorism on any nations they choose to attack out of their own narrow self-interest. No judicial entity within the western world dares admit this fact. The International Criminal Court at The Hague attempts to assert its right to investigate war crimes of the USA or allies of the USA such as Israel and is sanctioned for it. This reveals the vital necessity for western elites to maintain their facade of saintly judicial rectitude despite bathing in the blood of their victims at regular intervals.

But no, no looking around here at home. Look over there past the still rising smoke of our last cruise missile attack, don’t listen to those relatives wailing in grief over their dead children, ignore the tombstones raised over the millions we slaughtered... it’s over THERE you must look. At the terrible foes who objected to our wars and who resist our demands, who insist on their sovereignty and wish to make agreement, not aggression the way forward.

THEY are your enemy.

And that pain you feel in your back? You are mistaken if you think that it’s us doing that even if we the only ones here with you. That is them over there too!




There is no nation on the planet more riven by discord, poisoned by hatred or fueled by mania than the United States of America.

Yet this is the nation all others are recommended to follow as the premier example of good governance and order.

If you can square that circle you are a modern magician my friend.

It’s almost akin to an Aids victim so devastated by the discovery of his affliction that his impulse is to spread it to as many others as possible.

No nation has slaughtered more people, destabilized more nations, fractured more regions and spread more fear than this one.

Yet, it is this same nation that crows about its magnanimous bounty, it’s special place in the eyes of God, the sanctity of its purpose and the perfection it embodies.

There must surely be a psychiatric term to fit it and its noxious presidents who preside over the spreading of its toxic lies. A term that captures the insane mental cancer that spawns its crimes against humanity. A term which renders understandable the rabid form of self-awarded sanctity with which its leaders pursue goals leading directly to mass misery, destruction and the slaughter of millions.

And the treatment?

Currently there appears to be no vaccine against the virus of American interference mania. In its most virulent form seen time after time it feeds upon itself, each mind infected and compartmentalized to only see what it wants to. And what it wants to see is always the same, a shiny haloed city on a hill... but never the river of blood running directly from it.

The vision of sanctity held unmovable in such diseased minds provides the fuel which in turn provides the self-awarded justification to do with the rest of the world whatever they wish. This fixed mania, surrounded by endless layers of myopia keeping reality at bay, denies all the symptoms of decay within itself, holding always before it the false image of its own “perfection”.

Legions of state entities have been put in place decade after decade reinforcing all these delusional notions with interminable mutual agreement on how “perfect” the USA is and how noble is the cause to preserve it.

It stands, not as a shining city on a hill, but as a piece of blatant fakery akin to a smiling shop window dummy, hollow and vacant of any true reality, rotting from inside out. A dummy wielding a weapon in some decrepit army and navy store’s window. Its diseased eyes seeing nothing... certainly not its own state of decay.

However, an antidote to this monstrosity of a nation is on the geopolitical horizon. A fast rising China has an economic strength in depth that the U.S. has always claimed for itself. It is putting to use every precept of the so-called American Dream with one hundred times the efficiency and equanimity of its tawdry western foes. And very soon in geopolitical terms China will soar past its rivals who are desperately trying to restrain it, impotently doing their dirty best with as many lies and criminal economic acts as they can muster.

China has proven herself very good at combating the kind of virus the USA, UK and others represent. Her ability to stem the tide of the western disease has been exemplary to date and shows no sign of weakening, despite all her enemies efforts.

Meanwhile the USA and its obedient clients continue repeating their mantra of the The West is Best, still triumphalist while the rot deep within their societies bursts out of the fake shiny bodies they claim as their real selves.

The cancerous perfection broadcast is fooling less and less of the world’s population with each passing day. The bursting out from its vainly re-plastered self of myriad demons, destructive impulses and a plethora of social diseases cannot be contained. Sooner or later the edifice will fall revealing the mewling wreck of a fatally diseased victim, still desperately, violently and delusionally attempting to assert its “perfection”.


Tuesday, 25 May 2021


When there are geopolitical issues that have acquired unquestioned status, which demand only one side of a story is ever told, and when this approach is consistent across all major media outlets/political parties, you can readily infer one fundamental fact with great accuracy.

Leaving aside the actual content for a moment, when only one narrative is THE single take on a geopolitical issue, you know that war is being waged on that target.

This is quite obviously evidence of a general state of one party at least, being in ‘war mode’.

These days wars are rarely announced. No formal announcement is heard on radio or on television. The attack upon and invasion of Iraq and the bombardment of Libya are most likely the last semi-announcements of military operations against an “enemy”.

There are now no perceived benefits in announcing an enemy before seeking its destruction. The preferred mode now is at the most to confer the status of ‘adversary’ on those you wish to weaken, and potentially destroy.

It is most likely felt that this mode of framing the perceived enemy as an ‘adversary’ creates the same effect as the word enemy and transmits the required general attitude in the listener but also signals that he or she need not worry over any disruption from a military conflict.

This allows adversaries to be attacked using semantic means via selected accusations which are emphasized again and again and which provide the new ammunition which replaces bullets, bombs and missiles.

The new wars then, consist of weaponizing words therefore, along with the use of other means such as economic weapons, i.e. various forms of sanctions.

In these new wars the same rules apply as in the earlier hot wars of military conflict. The entire nation attacking is expected to adhere to the rules I have tried to enumerate at the start of this text regarding conformity of view.

The enemy/adversary is to be hit with every form of word or economic weapon which weakens it or strengthens the attacker. Facts lose importance, evidence also. The accusatory words are almost solely in command at the public level. Meanwhile economic means are applied with only minimal attention to the public sphere.

As it is deemed of overwhelming importance that the war is one and the enemy/adversary is defeated those who are refraining from attacking it or worse still, relating information that minimizes or reduces the guilt of the target is themselves seen as in league with the target and therefore well on the way to being seen as a traitor.

There can be no tolerance for minimizing the asserted guilt of the target. A vast number of staff commensurate with the vital importance attached to the war are put in place, or already exist from previous wars, to attack and negate those seen as de facto traitors.

You need only imagine this scenario in the context of the Second World War. Consider how you would have seen those who expressed the opinion that Hitler was not as bad as he was portrayed in western press, that there were good points about him and perhaps talking with him would bring better results than waging war.

There were indeed such people, people such as notable aristocrats and figures such Oswald Mosley. I don’t think many of you reading this would have had much sympathy with their words at the time and would have been minded to silence them if possible. The war effort was that important, the lives of millions hung on the defeat of Hitler. The concept that he should get ‘a fair hearing’ would hardly find any favor with you I surmise.

This I believe is where we stand now in regard to Putin, Xi, and those who work closely with them. Joe Biden has even gone as far as accuse Putin of being ‘a killer’ and having ‘no soul’. Xi is not receiving this treatment just yet however, if the accusations over the Uyghur people of Xinjiang (genocide by the Chinese Communist Party) are taken to their logical conclusion he soon will be. They are more likely than not to be depicted ultimately as being just as evil as Hitler. In effect this is the case even now by implication. With Putin it has gone further than implication at least since 2006 when he made it clear Russia with him as president would not follow instruction from western nations.

Think back so see when you last heard a positive article regarding Putin in particular. I would suggest that you have not seen or heard even one such article. Let us though take a lesser case, how many articles about Putin have you read where there was a balance of negative to positive accounts? I would suggest again that you have not come across even one.

This is not normal journalism. Not in the least. Whether or not you believe the negative accounts given is not the point. It is simply evidence of something else at play which is not related even tenuously with true journalism. It serves another purpose entirely. That purpose is the demonization of an enemy you are at war with and who, whether rightly or wrongly you must frame as totally black in thought and deed. A person with no saving grace, no positive characteristics whatsoever, a monster in human form and indeed a person quite as evil as Hitler.


It was very clever. And just what we needed.

It was not only under everyone’s radar they came, they got under our skin too... due to their happy effect on us.

What was there to dislike?

They were highly personable. They knew the subjects that would interest us. There was nothing obvious about it. It wasn’t as if they flattered us. There was nothing you could put your finger on, they were just very amiable and we liked them. A lot.

After the pandemics we longed for a bit of normality, we felt a desperate need to talk, enjoy some company, laugh, smile and forget the deadly seriousness of what we’d been through.

The Smilers were right there, ready and willing... just at the right time when we needed them.

You’d meet them at bus stops or at the garage, shopping in the mall or market, fetching the kids from school, at soup kitchens or charity events. Quite out of the blue you’d be chatting with a stranger that felt like an old friend and feeling the relief of something a little more satisfying than regular small talk. And it was so good to find yourself smiling again.

Their presence had a knock-on effect that gradually began to permeate whole nations. Suddenly the world seemed to be brightening up all at once. People were beginning to realize the pleasure there was in interaction with one another. The freezing of relationships other than with nearest and dearest during the pandemic of ‘25 had been total. Life had turned down the happiness dial on all of us. Now things were at last on the upturn.

We began to avoid mainstream news as a downer. As the happiness quotient went up interest in the doom and gloom dramas they endlessly fired at us went down. A new spirit began to flood the zeitgeist, that of trusting one another, of opening up, of letting our bare faces hang out and just being there one to another... we were having fun again and being ever more inclined to see the brighter side of life.

Heavy topics were becoming studiosly avoided. Religion was being abandoned with all its solemn intoning and life-deadening rules in ever-greater numbers. A hedomistic spirit tempered by a sensual openness that was not degraded by abuse, but simply reflected open attitudes of pleasure and trust, began to pervade our lives.

We were not aware then that the Smilers were finding their way to positions where our newfound love of life and trust in others could be encouraged, nurtured and made integral to our lives.

They appeared no different than anyone else, jollier yes, and chatty... folk who were interested in us rather than trying to be interesting. They didn’t want an audience... they wanted you to be the star of the show. They were simply the kind of people that could refresh your life just by the simplest of means, human to human communications.

Except, as we know now, they were not in fact human. Funny, isn’t it?

Back then we were  simply breathing out again after a year of hardly daring to breathe at all, let alone sneeze, cough or even talk. They brought us back to life again, made us feel truly human once more. Really and truly adult humans and happy once more to be human.

It’s ironic, I know.

It was around six months in when by one means or another the news reached us.

One or two of us were still watching the nightly news, we hadn’t all become cheery chappies and chapesses switching to the endless comedy shows appearing then.

The number of missing children was rising.

For those without children this was no big deal of course, they had some initial slight concerns. But not for long.

For those of the W.C. Fields persuasion this was in fact a real boon. They could go on holiday now and no longer be made to perpetually frown due to those noise brats.

For those whose children were safe at home it was only of slight concern at first.

But this was about to change... and quickly.

In these new times Mom and Dad had again begun letting their kids loose from their previous home confinement.

In the decades just past, fear of infection, injury, bullying, the prevalence of soft drugs and much else besides had brought about a trend of keeping kids at home. Now, with the new bright outlook for the future happening and people seeming much more friendly, responsible and nice, caring one for another it seemed the right time to let the kids rejoin the real world outside and to hang with the risks that seemed much diminished now.

It was when the figures for what appeared to be abductions caused the missing children figures to double on a monthly basis that alarms began ringing in those homes where kiddiewinkels were an integral part of the household.

The discordant effect of a newfound jollity and optimism within our societies when contrasted with this disquieting news of disappearing children was pronounced. Mentally some of us felt torn apart emotionally. It was as if one side of the mouth wanted to arc up in a smile while the other wanted to turn decidedly down.

Psychologists began doing better businessness than ever. Self-help groups were appearing everywhere for worried parents. Meanwhile clown academies had never been more popular and more and more began to spring up.

It was all quite a circus.

Still the numbers of missing kiddies continued to rise. Up and up they went... as did the big tents of circus marquees in most major and even minor towns.
I could see in which population there was an exponential rise however. It was becoming as plain as the nose on your face.

Eventually, presidents and prime ministers were called on to take off their costumes and red noses in their effort to ‘get with’ the times, and attend to matters.

Token study groups of child psychologists, welfare workers and kindergarten teachers were formed with elite members of police forces in attendance. A nationwide campaign was initiated that attempted to straddle the divide between humour and horror in what a lessening minority claimed was in extremely bad taste.

Still the numbers of sweet little darlings disappearing continued to rise.

Most people trusted that it would all come out right in the end, that there was a reasonable explanation, to not worry and instead look on the bright side. This cheerful outlook made a minority of those still inclined to the darker side of these events extremely angry. They took to the streets in increasing numbers, loudly vocal in calling for an end to the totally innapropriate cheerfullness they saw all around them.

Most onlookers it must be said however, tended to snigger as they joked with each other, remarking on how silly the placards were. Those holding them went by faces frowning in anger, some snarling with a heartfelt hatred, threatening to punch the grinning faces gaping at them from all sides.

All was going very much to plan as we now know.

But there was much more to come before we realized.

The Rainbow Unity of Trust (Happiness and Just being plain Silly) group arrived.

It was matched by The Realist Tendency (Holding on to our Sanity) faction who were set up to oppose them.

There were many riots in one. One was a riot of color and gaeity. The other was a mass of black clothes and dark temperaments. The last was rather red and bloody. But that’s still colorful you must admit!

Cream pies flew along with bricks from opposing sides. It made for quite a mess in one way or another. Smiling faces were smashed. Frowning faces were painted with day-glo colors and a funny hat plopped on rabid heads. The psychedelic Sixties of fond memory had nothing on this!

But I shouldn’t laugh. It was deadly serious. At least I’m sure it must have been...

It’s quite hard for me to tell. I find it hard to take anything seriously these days.

There’s this guy who’s our president now who I’m pretty sure I should recoil in horror of regarding his bizarre behavior. He laughs uproarously when giving the most draconian instructions to his band of rather wild and wooly-looking staff. His recent pronouncement that The Realist Tendency was to be designated as a terrorist group was given with a series of belly laughs where he needed several minutes to recompose himself before continuing with his announcement.

But his will was done. And with a determined smirk on every face too!

The round up took several days but eventually all were found and taken to Las Vegas. There they were given a week to shape up and smile. Or, well... be exterminated as wet blankets spoiling the party for the rest of us.

I did take a peek at the news tonight before turning to happier channels so I am able to inform you that none of the terrorist mob could be made to smile. So we are happily free of them at last.

Free too of all those children who could be SO very annoying and demanding, ALWAYS wanting us adults to do what THEY wanted, without EVER giving us a thought to OUR happiness!

It’s so good now. All’s well in the best of all possible worlds.

The Smilers even arranged a big smile on the face of the Man in the Moon!

We’re ALL Smilers now.

You’ll have seen the posters everywhere, am I right?

You got it!




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