Friday, 28 May 2021


Why is humanity still dogged by discord and war?

At its most basic and banal it is a quarrel over power, and over resources, status and influence.

At its furthest extreme it is about global dominance.

Who fights these wars?

A tiny elite who invent justifications for all their crimes.

Isn’t international law as embodied in the United Nations and International Criminal Court there to protect the rest of us from these excesses by our elites?

It is and they are. However, certain powers believe they have a cause or causes which take precedence over international law and those institutions that uphold it.

Who gave them permission to overrule and circumvent international law and those who support it?

No one.

Why then are they tolerated to act this way? Why, when they conceive themselves above all laws and may break them at any moment should we then continue to live in fear of them?

Because they possess the power to do this with full immunity from international law. And because the media of their states predominantly favors their ability to do this.

Isn’t this a form of unaccountable dictatorship?

Clearly it is.

Doesn’t anyone point this out?

There are people who do, yes. However, they often exist in nations that those who currently have supreme power say are imperfect. Others exist within the most powerful nations.

Why are their words not more widely listened to and acted upon?

Because all such people are accused of spreading misinformation and their criticisms are negated. And because the institutions who might act upon this information are largely funded by those who they would have to act against.

So there is no hope for peace? The fighting will go on?

Not until the issues we have discussed are resolved and yes, the fighting appears destined to continue, at least for the moment.

You mean there is a glimmer of hope these issues may be dealt with in some way?

There is.

If another power becomes influential enough, with enough economic strength to match and perhaps overtake that of the aggressing power and that power has an ethos of finding agreement than waging war then yes, peace may at last come.

And there may be a tolerance of each other?


And we may find common ground with each other?


And we may work together in unity to solve our common problems?


And if your one hope you mention does not come to pass?

Then we will fight on... quite probably forever.

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