Are western political elites talking to themselves when spewing obvious lies as Anthony Blinken did on ‘Sixty Minutes’ recently? Do they even care if anyone believes them any more? Is it all just a ritual?
Naturally the presenters of such shows are good at appearing to show respect and nod politely on cue... but how does the obvious theater of TV talking head obsequiousness go down at the other end of the line, in the homes of America.
Is anyone falling for this same old shtick any more. How many are sitting watching, believing all the usual jingoistic crap about ‘enemies over there’ now? Can there be that many?
We’ve just come through four years of time-wasting, money-burning crapola about Russia. Now we can look forward to four years of a similar bullshit harmonic about China?
Poor USA... always the victim of somebody. Somehow an enemy is always in sight doing the dirty. Well, how convenient. It’s their fault, those lesser human beings over there. Those who can’t see how superior we are and bow before us as they should. Help! They are even competing with us and exceeding us in this way and that. That’s can’t be right, can it? We’re God’s chosen ones, the best in everything. Isn’t that what he promised us?
Poor North America, bristling with weapons and men at arms, thrusting a mighty fist at those with only a tenth of its power. Look! Those weaker nations over there are such horrific aggressors... we only outgun them by fifty times. To feel safe we better make it 100!
Someone’s got a complex. Not a superiority complex, surely? Seen a shrink recently?
The self-confessed richest country in the world feels vulnerable to the nasty characters ‘way over there’... perhaps a few hundred thousand need to die so they feel better huh?
The USA with its pals have slaughtered hundreds of thousands in recent years based on lies... but them over there, THEY’RE the aggressors.
Yeah, right.
Maybe Blinken ought to commission a survey to see who believes the shit he’s peddling now.
Perhaps he ought to stop speaking into a mirror frightening himself with Chinese bogey men.
Perhaps he ought to wise up and realize that the reputation of American politicians has now been shot more times than Iraqi journos by Blackhawks.
How many more lies that no one believes will he tell before someone taps his shoulder and tells him?
Blinken and Bullshit. To mix farmyard metaphors, it’s just more of the same from the same stable that the last horseshit came from.
Monday, 3 May 2021
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