The hyping up of what was essentially a fake war against Russia was quite clearly perceived as a vital necessity.
There can be no doubt either that it was vital for more than one powerful element within the U.S. elite hierarchy, not to mention that of the EU and Ukraine.
Like all such fabrications, as many major elements of truth as possible were necessary to give the facade being constructed as convincing a face as possible.
Brick One of the “Evil Russia” Construct:
The people of Crimea were facing increasing numbers of agitators from western Ukraine in Sevastopol. Immense crowds had gathered there of locals plus many Bandera loyalists of inhabitants of towns and villages in western Ukraine along with those fresh from the successful overthrow of the government in Kiev. They were a mixture of ultra-nationalists, ex-IDF soldiers and various thugs along for the ride. Some of them had in the last few days waylaid a convoy of buses returning from am autonomy demo in Eastern Ukraine on their way back to Crimea. The windows each bus was smashed, the travelers hauled out and made to crawl on all fourse before being to eat pieces of window glass, then beaten and given the choice of delivering a forced dedication to Ukraine or be shot. Many managed to make a run for it into the nearby woods. Seven died that day. In the square there were shouts of Crimea remaining part of Ukraine or being eliminated of any human presence at all. It was in these hours that the call went out to Moscow appealing to Vladimir Putin to help them. Crimea’s long history has been predominantly a Russian history. Sevastopol is rightly named a ‘Hero City’ for the indefatigable resolution of the people there to fight to the last man and woman for Russia. A referendum was held and the choice of the people was clear. Crimea, only part of Ukraine since its gifting by Nikita Khrushchev, himself a Ukrainian, in 1956, was now again part of Russia.
However, as part of the constructed fable of the ‘Evil Russia’ narrative the assistance given by Russia via Russian troops was framed ‘an invasion’ and their task, to guard against provocateurs during the referendum framed as forcing the vote to go Russia’s way ‘at the barrel of a gun’.
This constituted the first brick in the construct, and western mass media at the highest level for reasons of their own, went along with it.
Brick Two of the “Evil Russia” Construct:
The next stage and second brick was the predictable upheaval in eastern Ukraine. Any electoral map would have told those who assisted in the events in Kiev that winter would have known what was coming. The map would almost have a line right down the center. On the western side the votes went to the west-oriented political parties (not necessarily western Europe, merely oriented to the benefit of western Ukraine). To the east the parties elected were at the very least neutral towards Russia (not necessarily pro-Russian as stated so baldly by some in the West later). As with those in Crimea the majority of those in eastern Ukraine had seen the writing on the wall for their cultural, historical and family ties with Russia and Russians (the border with Russia was essentially open and mixed marriages between Ukrainians and Russians were common... in fact the ethnicity was not a factor, they were Slavs and that was all that they needed to know and they of course knew this without even thinking). There was no way they could simply sit awaiting their fate. The Banderas were arriving by bus there too just as they had done in Crimea. Street fights were occurring, intimidation of the local population was growing by the night. In the days ahead large groups of mainly men would take all the major administrative offices across eastern Ukraine. They knew that maintaining and preserving their way of life there would not happen by asking the new government nicely, not after what they had witnessed on Maidan Square in Kiev with seventeen police dead, buildings burned down and both president and government brought down by a Molotov Cocktail throwing mob. Militants with mortars and shells arrived, along with a motley crew of drunk Ukrainian soldiers and proceeded to fire random shells into apartment blocks, as well as hitting hitting hospitals, schools, village homes and town centers. Local men fought back, their numbers bolstered by old soldiers who traveled across from Russia to help. Many of these selfless old Russian fighters, convinced this was a return of the threat of fascism, met their deaths in eastern Ukraine. The word in the West was relentlessly that they were simply regular Russian troops and part of an invasion force.
Thus the second brick in the 'Evil Russia’ construct was laid, this along with events in Ukraine would constitute the “Russian invasion of Ukraine”.
The full story of what had occurred, including the obvious unconstitutional usurping of a fully democratically elected president and government and the predictable reactions in Crimea and eastern Ukraine would play no part in the construct.
The new leaders of Ukraine (as predicted in a leaked phone call between U.S. officials Victoria Nuland and Geoff Pyatt) would be greeted with a very warm welcome in Berlin and elsewhere. The required framing constructed at that time would remain from those initial days until today. “Russian aggression” had taken place. Ukraine had been “invaded”. End of story.
The entire western world as composed of its leaders announced themselves totally disgusted at how Russia had infringed in such a horrendous and brutal fashion on Ukraine’s sovereignty and demanded it hand back Crimea and eastern Ukraine to its rightful leaders immediately. There has been no let up in this rendering of the truncated version which starts well after the riots in Kiev of which only ever more glory was to be heaped and references to evil Russian influence whenever and wherever possible.
For many people in the USA and clearly within the EU too the “Evil Russia” was immensely important. The mix of course included NATO, desperately seeking a new reason to be kept in business after the end of the Cold War. The Russian interventions that had taken place, humanitarian as they may have been were also strategic to some extent. The Russian Black Sea Fleet was based at Sevastopol and the thought of NATO coming right into eastern Ukraine and right up to the open border with Russia was anathema to Russian high command and of course to Putin himself.
It all worked well within the very near “Evil Russia” construct. Ukraine needed the construct. (The first president of Ukraine, Poroshenko first conjectured about 5,000 Russian regulars in eastern Ukraine. It would evolve to 10,000 and I think, to 50,000... though somehow they were never seen or heard from. Besides, the money required to keep Ukraine afloat now must be predicated upon some form of threat as its best guarantee. The EU needed the construct as Ukraine was now de facto their fiefdom and the need to be seen as ultra-loyal was clear to them. It was too bad, Russia had many contracts with EU farmers and various others companies and concerns... but they would all have to go. The USA needed the construct too. Europe was to be kept in line and besides, this had been a joint geopolitical op from the start. There was no backing out now. The focus if there was to be one was not to be the economic and social disaster Ukraine would inevitably now become or who had played a big part in causing it. That couldn’t be allowed to be the focus at all. I think you can guess by now who and what was to be the focus. That evil Putin and an equally evil regime and army.
A Few More Bricks in the Wall:
This was working tolerably well for quite a number of years. The death toll rose and rose eventually reaching 13,000 but the way it was reported you would think the deaths were being caused by “The Russians!” but in fact these were civilians who were dying and they were dying not because of “rebels” but because of the Ukrainian troops and militias who had laid siege to two regions, Donetsk and Lugansk and were firing blindly into them almost the whole time. But of course... even though this was the case... it was still spun as “Russian aggression”. Naturally it was.
The slant was clearly totally skewed of course but everyone across the political and media elites of the West acted as if they hadn’t noticed this “slight” anomaly. It was “The Russians” that were to blame, and that’s that.
Seven years have passed almost to the day since the killing began over there. Not that there were any deaths when Crimea returned to Russia or when the local people of eastern Ukraine took over their administrative offices. All those 13,000 deaths occurred only from the day Kiev sent its ragbag army and a horde of ultra-nationalists, Hitler’s memory devotees and assorted criminals east to teach the ‘Moskals’ there a lesson.
The seven years of the “Evil Russia” construct in Ukraine is no longer bearing much fruit for any of those who benefited from it now. The present president, Zelensky gave it one last fling but purely for electoral reasons it seems. His approval ratings have plummeted since he was elected and looking tough against Russia no doubt seemed a winning ploy as a last gasp attempt to curry favor. So far it doesn’t appear to be working.
Over in the USA and in her closest ally the UK there have been new reasons to stir the “Evil Russia” pot. The intelligence agencies of both nations got to work when a sociopath talking up better relations with Russia won the U.S. presidency. They and the Democratic Party were both aghast, horrified and felt a mix of shame, humiliation and total disgust. A con-artist had pulled off the semantic scam of the century, of many centuries in fact. Backed by equally megalomaniac advisers he had the gift of the serial liar ability to push every button and make every necessary promise to a despondent and hopeless America and had won. It couldn’t be allowed to stand.
It didn’t matter that Trump had merely mouthed the pro-Russia stuff to put clear water between him and Clinton (who had become an avid Russia hater). It interfered with the whole “Evil Russia” construct. So... it was decided that as it had already been created with some very believable contexts behind it that it was a no-brainer to expand it further to get Trump.
Thus we had “evil Russian” electoral interference by way of $90 of wild and wonderful Facebook ads created by those “evil Russians” that had unerringly beaten $100 million of Democratic Party ads to win the 2016 presidential election for The Donald. Then for good measure there was the Skripals affair and more recently Navalny and now a very strange bit of jiggery-pokery in the Czech Republic as perhaps the very last hurrah of the “Evil Russia” construct.
I say perhaps with some hope as I see little for the various actors involved to continue gaining from the construct that has been played to death till now. What more can be hoped for? Crimea isn’t coming back to Ukraine, Donetsk and Lugansk are not going to give up and let their pro-Russian culture slide down to permanent oblivion. All that’s going to happen from here on out if the “Evil Russia” construct is continued is more and more damage to Europe and through Europe to Britain and the USA. To Russia too? Not so much. Russia has meanwhile turned east. And, if the Nordstream 2 pipeline from Russia to Germany becomes operational the present pipeline through Ukraine will be totally sidelined and Russia will gain a constant income stream (no pun intended) from Europe and ever-better relations there as a result.
Russia has survived the economic hardships of the sanctions unwarrantedly brought against her. She will rise steadily now and those sanctions will have ever less effect. The net effect has been to wean Russia off her oil export dependency to good effect, strengthened up the necessity to find new markets, new partners (chief among them China) and develop a defense industry second to none and has an incredibly effective vaccine against the novel coronavirus Covid-19. Russia is on the up.
And in the States the Democrats gained power (only just) and must surely be wondering by this time at least if its wise to keep pushing “Evil Russia” when every analyst, foreign policy wonk and national security strategist is creaming “It’s China Dummy!”
Not that this is at all crucial to how geopolitical decisions are made Biden must surely have also been filled in during his intelligence briefings... “And by the way, basically the entire “Evil Russia” thing was a construct, you may want to consider dropping it now and concentrating on China?”
“Evil Russia” served the purpose of a great many players and each part of their not insignificant empires coordinated each episode along the way to near perfection. But it has become so yesterday... time to move on to the “Evil China” construct, right? The Uyghurs, Tibet, Hong Kong... these and more areas of “concern” will need all heads concentrated in THAT direction now. China is taking off... so, for these designer subversives... it must be taken DOWN.
Sunday, 2 May 2021
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