Wednesday, 23 June 2021


The above covers a lot of sins. Sins that are claimed as virtues.

How does this seeming contradiction make any sense?

It makes sense when you believe only you and your people are pure of intent, forwarding a purpose that has an equally and unquestionably pure goal.

Tens of thousands of Americans working for the CIA (and many others within entities both governmental and private) appear to have no doubt whatsoever that both above are true and unquestionably so.

They clearly believe that the end justifies the means in almost every case where an obstacle to their goal is found.

The “pure” goal talked of above has the same characteristics as average Hollywood movies of all eras since the motion picture industry began.

It is to wipe out all the “bad guys”, to remove them from power wherever they find them and in doing so install the “purest” political system ever devised, that of democracy.

This is literally, a la James Bond, a license to kill. In fact, it is a license to do almost anything. As long as you are convinced your intent is pure along with the goal you seek then you can justify acts that others may consider reprehensible. Murder, torture, propaganda, disinformation, subversion, demonization, war crimes, crimes against humanity and essentially anything else across the full spectrum of deceit, violence and any wrong-doing you can imagine. Those perpetrating such acts will no doubt sleep soundly afterwards however as they are content that their intent is pure, as is the goal they seek.

What you have seen and heard over the last three decades at least which gave you the distinct feeling that something was wrong in our world came from the notion that the “good guys” should never have their hands tied but should be free to respond with whatever weapon they consider will work against their chosen foe. And no moral, ethical, social, military or political code of right conduct should interfere in any shape or form as such interference may eventuate in the evil that is being attacked to eradication may escape and the consequences of that happening are much worse.

This is the circular doublethink involved at this level of elite western thought, supported and strengthened by an environment where group-thought reinforcement is all-pervasive.

It is for these reasons that the USA can have propaganda outlets such as The Voice of America spread far and wide across the planet with the sworn mission to influence populations while at home anyone suspected of doing the same thing is condemned outright. Because we’re the good guys.

We have the right stuff. Our intentions are pure, we come like Superman to save you from the evil big boss. We’re the cavalry riding over the hill to save you from the savages. We’re the knight that rescues the fair damsel from the evil dragon spitting fire. We reflect all the heroes down through American literary, televisual and motion picture history.

No matter what we do, what chaos we cause, what civilians we kill, what prisoners we torture, what leaders we slander, what nations we invade and destroy… we remain the good guys with the best intentions for humanity that it’s possible to have.

What? You want us to stop? Are you insane? We are the only ones saving you from slavery!

That’s why we can’t allow you to hear just anything. We have the “good stuff”, the “right stuff”. Listening to us you hear the truth. All else is disinformation. So we are going to stop those creeps with some other view infecting your mind. Why would you want to read or hear the words of evil men and women anyway?

Unless you’re one of them.

You see how this works?

We are the good guys. You better believe it!

You don’t want to come to our attention, do you?

Why support the enemy?

If you do, you might be surprised what we can do to you.

Working against us is working for the enemy. That makes you a traitor and fair game for anything we might want to do to you.

Live free. Just don’t get in our way, keep your head down, believe what we say, and never look anywhere else for your information than us.

Then you'll be fine, right?

Tuesday, 22 June 2021


So many negative claims have been made about Vladimir Putin and the Russian state that a fabric of toxicity has been constructed around them.

The genesis of much of this can be found in the pure and precious state in which the elites of the West regard themselves.

They see themselves as epitomizing the peak of civilized values, forever displaying integrity and unassailable decency in both intent and act. They have set themselves up as the universal standard that all others must be judged by. Naturally these judges consider themselves to be of unquestioned probity. How could they demand obedience to their strictures and punishments if they themselves were in any way flawed?

These points of view have resulted in the job description western elites have provided for themselves, to act as global school masters and mistresses, lecturing, warning, threatening and punishing any errant pupils with a view to making them adhere to codes of conduct they have laid down.

Why has Putin and the Russian state caught this collective teacher’s eye and fallen foul of  its codes of conduct? The view expressed on this depends crucially on which eyes you are looking through. Through the eyes of the pure-as-driven-snow professorial elites of the West they need a touch of corporal punishment to make them mend their ways.

These elites, considering themselves the closest thing to political perfection attainable in this world see any nation not behaving as they do as an errant pupil needing a clip around the ear.

Meanwhile, anyone in these errant nations having a leader considering himself in any way a teacher like them and not acting according to the rules of the ‘central authority’ (i.e. the western elites) is seen as also requiring multiple clips around the ear.

To allow such “bad behavior” to go unpunished would be impermissible. So, such continuing “bad behavior” brings with it ever more lectures and punishments in the hope of forcing a change of attitude that is more amenable to the codes of disciple laid down from above.

This attitude of ultimate superiority, of being unassailably exceptional is so deeply ingrained and so comprehensively and inviolately held as fact that the status of global teacher is now regarded as a totally permanent and unquestioned institution. It is an institution that cannot possibly tolerate its probity to be questioned. Not by anyone and particularly not within its own sacrosanct offices.

The irritation and frustration, amounting at times to outright rage of the global teachers regarding pupils who constantly refuse to obey and whose behavior shows no signs of coming into line with “acceptable standards” knows no bounds. How dare they flout their resistance to authority!

This is the locked-tight reality of those in the upper echelons of the western political establishment. To question the foundations of this reality would be to risk descending to the level of all others. This is completely unthinkable to them. How would the school survive if there were no entities enforcing discipline on the naughty pupils? It would surely descend into anarchy. The teachers clearly believe this to be the case. However, what is also the case but which they have no incentive to inspect is that to relinquish their position would significantly diminish the present status which they find very conducive to their own personal needs.

With a patrician view like this and the added incentive of all the positives associated with being the self-awarded highest authority you can see that extending a hand of cooperation to those you consider lesser, imperfect and annoyingly rebellious mortals will never prove easy.

Western elites want things done their way globally. They clearly consider this important, indeed imperative. Imperative for the USA at least, not so much for Europe. The elites of the USA have the specter of 9/11 in their minds at all times, whether on a conscious or subconscious level. Controlling every class in the entire school 100% of the time is their unquestioned but unattainable goal. They will find that goal to ultimately be totally impossible to achieve... but they will continue their attempts to the absolute end point come what may, without deviation, diplomacy and quite independent of all destructive forces unleashed along the way.

The existing, unrecognized teachers of errant nations cannot possibly be given anything approaching the kind of status the school authorities have. Any attempt to appear cooperative or inclined to reach some settlement with the authorities will be seen as a trick, a ploy, some maneuver designed to allow an upgrade to his status, something that cannot be allowed without total agreement to the full demands required of him.

Those who express loyalty to such unrecognized teachers of errant nations are regarded in the same way, as suspect, bad actors, naughty schoolboys who create disorder in the school and cause frustration and irritation among the masters.

So, to answer the question at the head of this commentary, no, it appears impossible for the West to overcome its Putin and Russia phobias.

Not until they submit to the punishments inflicted on them, repent their past actions in full and promise faithfully to comprehensively obey the codes laid down by the self-awarded global masters in future.


Monday, 21 June 2021


The West wants too many things to go its way to allow anything much to go the way the world requires for its future safety.

It has in its sights nothing less than that no other forms of government exist than those seen in western nations.

Yet it is faced with what are fairly clearly insurmountable problems in achieving this goal.

In recent years it has used violence to disturb the existing status quo of a number of nations.

This may be seen by some western elites as moving them a step or two toward the goal envisaged above. But how satisfied can they really be when the results are yet so very, very far from the dream scenarios (indeed their delusional scenarios) of societies that mirror their own in political terms?

Yet the goal remains:

No other forms of governments on the planet except those seen in western nations.

This goal appears sacrosanct. Why do I say this?

Because though there is obvious intent to do SOMETHING about other issues which trouble us as a species they are clearly unwilling to fully engage with those whom they intend to destroy.

The decade-long war In Syria was made immensely worse by the apparently sacrosanct goal to dislodge Assad and the entire superstructure of the Ba’athist Party from power (as was done in Iraq and Libya). This goal remains today in spite of all evidence showing the elites of the West and its allies in the region lost the campaign to achieve it. It must surely be known that the Syrian people cannot in all conscience be left to die in devastation, denied any ability to rebuild. The sanctions imposed on Syria make its rebuilding impossible except at a snail’s pace.

The emotional commitment to undermining Assad and the security apparatus of Syria is so strong and so little thought is given to the subsequent collapse of all order (as seen in Libya and to some degree in Iraq) that the policy is untenable in any direction other than to allow a system of governance that does not mirror those of the West.

This determination to attain the goal described above is so strong that it if nothing changes it will massively hinder any forward progress of the world in facing the immense threats that loom on the horizon and which quite clearly hinder that progress currently in regard to Covid-19.

The resistance against Sputnik-V is a case in point. Because it is perceived in the West that Russia does not sufficiently meet the criteria above regarding democracy many who would be positively affected by it and whose lives could well be saved by it are denied the Russian vaccine.

In regard to the issue of human-caused climate change the case is of course much stronger.

By holding fast to the goal of transforming all nations into political mirror-images of those in the West no matter what it takes and maintaining that as a sacrosanct dogma western elites are playing with the lives of millions.

Achieving unity of purpose across the world in the face of a common threat such as climate change and much else would clearly and obviously make a significant contribution to understanding generally. But this is denied the world due to the West’s ultimate goal. It dare not improve relations as this puts off it perceived necessity to maintain an aggressive position towards these nations in the hope of succeeding in the primary goal.

No doubt western elites see the need for urgent action in the face of a time for humanity when multiple dangers of enormous power threaten us. yet they cannot square the circle required to accept nations as they are and move forward in cooperation with them. In this way they increase the likelihood that no adequate solutions will be found or agreed upon, that the world will remain divided and most likely become more so. Resources such as water will be fought over rather than shared through agreements made if the intransigent and divisive western mode of operation wins the day.

I see few signs that the U.S. is willing to countenance allowing the present diversity of national governance to exist without a constant effort to undermine any form not reflecting so-called ‘western values’... no matter what disasters may befall us as a species.

It’s all or nothing and a one-way track in most cases.

In Afghanistan, after twenty years trying to buck reality, the U.S. has finally accepted it. There was no way it could significantly alter the reality of Afghanistan and transform it into anything resembling a western democracy. Does it really have to reach this stage in every case? For it will, eventually. Yes the U.S. and its allies such as the United Kingdom can attack and undermine even more nations in the Middle East. They are relatively easy meat. But others are proving more resilient, Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia and Nicaragua for instance and certainly Russia and China.

Until the USA, the UK and their allies give up on their massively destructive and unattainable goal of transforming all nations in the world to mirror images of their political systems we will remain in this impasse where threats grow larger and humanity weaker.

It’s a Catch-22 the West simply seems incapable of escaping from. It will clearly go right down to the wire to levels for others of totally unlivable chaos, division and discord where populations suffer immense and continuing deprivation before it even considers trying.

By then it could all be far, far too late for humanity to recover.


Saturday, 19 June 2021


For those with eyes to see it is obvious.

The completely dysfunctional and destructive policies are right there in front of us all.

No sane men or women could produce the level of discord, aggression, antagonism, economic failure and belligerent warmongering we have seen for decade after decade.

That there is something fundamentally wrong is totally obvious, despite a wall-to-wall media campaign that constantly tries to say all’s well and that there’s nothing to see here.

You don’t get the chaos seen in the West which exists at almost every level now unless sociopaths are at work. And the fact that they have reached the upper echelons of western society should come as no surprise.

The ethos of the West is exemplified in the notion that everyone should be free to rise to whatever position in society they are capable of. This sounds all well and good until you begin to consider what motivates a sociopath and what methods they are willing to use.

Sociopaths, considered to amount to around 1% in any population, absent any feeling of ethical constraint to their desire for wealth or power cannot help but find it relatively easy to rise in such a society that lauds this rise and places few restrictions upon it.

The sharp elbows and silver tongues of sociopaths mean they have few personal or social constraints upon them. I am not talking of serial killers here, these are socialized beings. They simply share the lack of emotional connection to others that serial killers are known to lack. They may appear to some to be good managers, hard individuals who drive others relentlessly to greater performance levels or who are brought in to to make redundancies ruthlessly and without emotion hindering their task.

Sociopaths have an entire arsenal of skills based on a willingness to say absolutely anything whether true or completely false. This gives them an edge over those who prize some degree of integrity. In office politics or otherwise they have a keen sense of how to play others. They can spot and exploit weaknesses and engage in machinations others would balk at. Having no interest in the feelings of others they play hard ball and play to win at all times.

Is it any wonder that these beings migrate up the chain of command in western society in inexorable style? Imagine these power/wealth-hungry beings, whose existence is well known in the field of psychiatry, acting out their determination to rise in whatever field they’ve chosen, day after day, decade after decade. Is it a surprise then that the West has the society it has or the foreign policies we see displayed daily?

It would be a surprise if it were otherwise.

The main factor which makes such an obvious reality cloudy is the way mass media is embedded within the reality the sociopaths have created. Naturally enough mainstream media is deeply embedded within the society it purports to report on. The news broadcasters we know all too well today, such as the BBC and CNN, are animals bred within the same cage.

As Noam Chomsky has pointed out, a filtering system exists whereby those with the views and attitudes which fit are accepted within them. Those who are outliers with views which would not fit well are largely excluded. This is why we see these latter individuals remaining independents, outside of the one-narrative viewpoints of state and corporate news media.

Within establishment news there are only openings for those who will protect and nurture the veil of lies that purvey the notion that the West is best and its elites well motivated, doing their level best, to be trusted and indeed lauded for their attempts to spread freedom and democracy.

This mirage, this façade of lie upon lie, of nuanced conditioning to massage a smile upon the grinning and bloody skull of western foreign policy, is reinforced every minute of every day across the western world.

Behind the manipulated ever-smiling and saintly visage those with eyes to see perceive the ugly reality. The illusion being created leaks heavily at all sides. Blood seeps from under it. But only for those with eyes to see. For many everything seems utterly normal, they are inured to accepting this is the way it is and believe (more or less) that all’s well... or at least 'normal’.

They say shit always rises to the top, well sociopaths do too… inevitably. Who is going to stand against them in this day and age when only a shallow patina of respectability is required and the dynamic, loud, and bold individual with great promises on his or her tongue is considered the obvious front runner?  

How many are fueled by an urgent desire to help mankind when they enter politics. No doubt a few. How many survive the hard reality of back-stabbing and betrayal they experience to go on to high office? How much easier it is for the conscience-free back-stabbers and Machiavellian sociopaths who, without a trace of empathy for their fellow beings, can wheel and deal at will.

Those who have the entire spectrum of deceptive devices to use as verbal missiles against all others. And abundant manipulative powers to fine tune their success through whatever corrupt means they choose? Truly, what chance have the good to rise in such a milieu in such circumstances and if they do, for how long?

You can imagine this 1% and their progress within western societies quite easily if you try. And you can easily spot the effects of their rise also... if you are one of those with eyes fully open, free of the daily conditioning mass media glosses over the yes of many.

The truth is frightening. Those in the western world live within a mental asylum run by those who should properly be mental patients. That’s a very uncomfortable reality. But I feel sure you will have seen just how true it is and what a predicament is now faced by those who recognize it.

The individuals running the West are insane. True, they don’t act like those seen in the film 'One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest’, but clinically insane they are nonetheless. They have reached the highest positions possible with ambitions to control and have more unassuaged. Their motivation is eternally combative, always self-congratulatory and eager to deceive for gain, willing to use anything, including military might to get what they can never have enough of, wealth and power.

These are obsessive sociopaths, blind to all but their own ambitions. They have reached the highest echelons of wealth and power in the West by all means they deemed “necessary” and are now using those same means and more in a never ending war against all other nations to remain dominant to the nth degree.

These are the terminally destructive forces that fuel the West’s ambition to control the world and dominate it. These are the promoters of exceptionalism and 'America First’, the purveyors of the empty words 'Freedom’ and 'Democracy’ behind which lies 'Slavery’ and 'Dictatorship’.

Despite the attempts of mass media to gloss over their existence and that of their effects, these are the obsessive sociopaths who quite clearly run the West. 

Friday, 18 June 2021


Which countries are truly authoritarian?

We are told by western elites that the West is gloriously free. Why is it then that the trend in the West is increasingly toward ensuring only one side of any geopolitical story gains prominence and that those deigning to express another point of view are subject to attack?

Why is it also that it is in the West that we predominantly find militarized police? Aren’t Russia and China supposed to be those who clamp down on protesters most ruthlessly? However, you will be aware by now just how many are killed by cops in the USA year on year. Yet China gets relentlessly criticized for supposedly draconian methods in both Hong Kong and Xinjiang where protests have been extremely violent... yet, not a single person has died through police action in either case.

The attempt to suppress and denigrate alternative viewpoints to the official state narratives of western nations is ongoing. Social media giants are being pressed harder and harder to eliminate so-called ‘fake news’ and ‘disinformation’. The problem is that what is considered ‘fake news’ and/or ‘disinformation’ has increasingly been anything that doesn’t reflect the official line, the agreed narrative of western elites and their media stenographers.

On Syria, on Russia, China and on issues such as Covid where western states have pronounced a judgement, if you are a prominent enough influencer you will find yourself in hot water if you get too vocal in expressing an alternative view.

A vast panoply of sycophantic state supporters with a vested interest in maintaining the status quo at all costs is ready and very willing to verbally pounce on anyone with a degree of popularity who evinces a view that fails to correspond with the “truth” as agreed upon in the upper echelons.

If you watched the shenanigans which took place during the 2020 U.S. presidential campaign you will hopefully have observed the trashing of Tulsi Gabbard. It was spectacularly methodical in its crushing power. I am unaware of anyone in the elite echelons of politics or media coming to her aid with a few helpful words concerning freedom of speech and everyone being entitled to a point of view. The consensus was clear. The narrative she was contradicting was believed in rock solid form. For those within the righteous echelon of state narrative believers there was no doubt it and they were right and anyone saying otherwise must be... a ‘Russian Agent’, an ‘Assad Apologist’, a ‘Useful Idiot’ and so forth.

When an entire elite superstructure has the power and intent to destroy anyone who deigns to contradict the accepted narrative then you have a very real authoritarianism, not only from those at the highest level, but those well down the hierarchy among the ultra-powerful mass media broadcasters who have the ability to make, or break you.

Tulsi Gabbard was not perfect. She made mistakes along the way. However, those who know something of the reality behind the facade of western elite narratives are aware that she spoke more truth than all of those set against her put together. Therefore, the truth not being welcome to the party she had to be denigrated and slandered to the point of propaganda sure to put enough doubt about her in the public mind to end her chances.

If we are to believe this is how freedom of speech and democracy works in the USA then we can surely see just how alloyed those aspects of U.S. life have become. Clearly you have to toe the line and say what’s expected, praise the foreign policy of the USA as wholly right and without fault, repeat the correct mantras and end with a “God Bless America”. Anything less and you put yourself at risk of being attacked by the most powerful people around who have the loudest megaphones available to the point where you are beaten into submission or driven to withdraw from the fray.

How much more authoritarian is all this than the reports about Russia or China that greet our eyes and ears on a routine basis? Yet the same blanket facade of righteousness means that even a whiff of criticism that this is even vaguely authoritarian will see those saying so targeted as above. It is a vicious circle where blindness is rewarded and actuality of insight punished.

As the saying goes, there are none so blind as those who WILL not see.

And those who will see nothing but their own self-protecting prejudices are the most blind of all. And the most authoritarian. They belong to nations they would have act out of this very blindness and prejudice, killing thousands without compunction because they see only rightness in their conduct. They belong to the damned, to the eternally conscience-free killers who perpetually assert only one single view and who forever sing the inviolate praises of all one narrative nations who collectively comprise the West.


It’s all very familiar.

They are different from us. They may seem successful, unified and good at what they do. But they are evil and threaten us.

Be afraid, be very afraid.

In Hitler’s time it was the Jews.

In Biden’s time it is the Chinese and the Russians.

They are the new ‘others’, the far lesser beings, the perpetual threat and the new candidates for elimination so we can prosper.

The connections to racism and fascism are obvious.

We are the superior western race, we are exceptional, the guardians that is all pure and good.

Those with inferior minds and ways threaten us with their insistence on following a different path.

This is an all too familiar mentality.

One of Hitler’s most trusted lieutenants and committed Nazi, Hermann Goering stated the techniques involved perfectly.

“Why of course the people don't want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people don't want war: neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But after all it is the leaders of a country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or fascist dictatorship, or a parliament or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peace makers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”

These techniques have worked all down the ages.

The medieval pogroms against the Jews enlisted them. They were ‘the other’, too successful, too unified and seen as a threat and affront to the accepted norms of those persecuting them. There was also the possibility of financial gain in doing so. You could replace them, have the jobs and access to wealth that they vacated.

Think of China in this respect. The USA and UK see their opportunity to undermine a fast rising economic power that threatens both their own economic strength and influence and which, if eliminated would boost them to new heights and establish their domination.

Human nature has hardly changed an iota over the millennia. The same obsessions prevail, the same evils rise when ambitions and desires become paramount driving ethical conduct and notions of morality to secondary status.

When Richard the Lionheart took an army through Europe seeking to attack and occupy Jerusalem by driving the Arabs of Saladin out he used these techniques to convince lords along the way to join him and to supply troops, sustenance and financial support to this “noble” quest against the Arabian savages. These “savages” were living in peace alongside the Christian population in Jerusalem at the time. But were described by Lionheart as evil sub-humans who enjoyed the taste of Christian blood taken from freshly butchered Christian babies. This early piece of fake news worked exceedingly well in garnering troops to the cause and in the conscience-free slaughter of any Arabs encountered.

It’s an old and bloody trail from the days of the Crusades through the pogroms against the Jews in medieval times to the Nazis and the holocaust. It continues today through the likes of Pompeo, Bolton, Trump and Bannon and this perennial flower of division, fear and hatred is again resurrected by Biden, Blinken and any number of activists who can be counted on to sow the narrative far and wide. Fear of the ‘other’, the strange, the non-conforming threat that can be made to pervade minds and generate an acceptance, indeed a lust for war, is active again among us.


Thursday, 17 June 2021


Certain catchphrases appear always to be agreed upon where the top echelons of western political elites meet. And once the required hymn sheet has been selected for a particular era the western elite choir tend to sing from it faithfully and without fail.

Whether those elites appear in the rose garden of the White House, sitting around conference tables in Brussels or at NATO HQ they make sure they echo whatever memo has emerged to assign them an agenda and the semantic narrative to be followed.

Whatever the chosen target for regime change is there is always a particular meme designed for broad distribution. Reagan had ‘The Evil Empire’ and ‘The Free World’. Bush had his ‘War on Terror’ and the entire spiel of an entirely innocent USA wronged by vile evil-doers. Obama used the sanctimonious tones of America the Exceptional and 'Yes We Can (Destroy Libya). Trump and Pompeo, in their brain-challenged ineptitude and creative vacuum could only hurl pathetic insults and slanderous allegations at China.

But what has emerged from the Biden administration? Some new innovative language? Hardly.

Only a series of constantly repeated sound bytes that echo Reagan’s 'Free World’, a cascade of noxious lies and hypocritical, self-awarded plaudits.

The quest is clearly to set western nations as the exemplars for others to be judged against. And for those judgements to gives the thumbs up of approval to western elites. International law can be bypassed once more due to those other nations falling so far below western standards as to be fair game. The green light to be given to attack them on whatever level will do most damage.

Among these sound bytes awarding the West 'best’ status are the following:

‘Western Liberal Values’ often shortened simply to ‘Western Values’. The current regime change targets ain’t got ‘em. The phrase “they don’t share our values” is a dead certain sign that whatever nation is being talked about is having a war waged against it of one kind or another by the West. It seems this is enough to have a cabal of nations gathered against you now. One of the West’s “values” is apparently ignoring international law which requires that a nation attack you before you have the right to attack them. But what does international law matter to western elites? They have assigned themselves above such inconvenient barriers to their desires.

Which brings us to ‘Rules Based Order’, yet another soundbyte you will hear. The West adheres to this apparently. Though the many illegal wars it has perpetrated in recent times (see above for the legitimate justification for one) belie the claim that the West adheres to any such rules based order. Those western elites accuse of not abiding by this rules based order, i.e. Russia and China were ironically two out of the three nations who opposed the West’s illegal regime change wars. Spinning lies doesn’t get much more iniquitous than the way western elites do it, they are past masters.

The pose then is of a free, noble and ever-innocent West, always acting with the very best intent adhering to set rules and acting as the indisputably pure guardian of the very best values possible.

How many who have seen the filthy underbelly of life in the USA and UK can recognize the statement above as fact? How many who know of the Madoff’s, the Epstein’s, the Saville’s, the financial wheeling and dealing, the Opioid epidemic, the Covid chaos, the porno paradises, the drug, gambling, prostitution, the war mongering, hyper-capitalist exploitation, corruption and political insanity can recognize that statement above as fact?

Western values? Really??

A Rules Based Order? Ask any Afghani, Iraqi, Syrian, Libyan or Yemeni about that claim.

The truth is that western elites create a facade of self-promoting lies to promote their iniquitous wars, and the above are simply the latest.

Most human beings have similar values. A good education for their children. Decent life chances where stability and peace are present are valued highly along with access to employment and health care.

What have western elites brought anyone in recent years?

In the Middle East for instance?  None of the above. The reverse of the above in fact.

The claims western elites make for their societies ring hollow, they are merely a very cynical exercise in the manipulation of western populations and a synthesis of think tank propaganda prepared to endlessly wage war on others.

As George Carlin memorably said: “It’s all bullshit folks, and it’s bad for ya.”

What values come to mind when you think of the West?

And what western elite ‘rules based order’ can you discern?

Any at all?



For all their talk of an intent to spread freedom and democracy around the world the political elites of the USA have as their number one aspiration to control and dominate our planet.

The primary driving force behind this objective is fear, fear of uncontrolled individuals and nations similar to those which enabled the events of 9/11 2001.

These elites have an uncontrollable desire to make the USA 100% safe at all costs, and the costs are certain to be borne by the rest of the world while also affecting the general population of the USA.

Much of the technical network designed to monitor Earth’s population is in place. U.S. satellites circle us, eavesdropping on us constantly along with the NSA and others within North America’s intelligence and security apparatus. Much more is undoubtedly in preparation. Space flights where payloads are confidential are a regular feature of a section of the NASA program.

But the U.S. elites have a problem which their regime change program is designed to remove. This is the barrier that certain nations pose to their goal of knowing and controlling all that goes on here on our planet. China poses the largest barrier, then Russia. After these two come Iran and other weaker powers which are failing to submit to U.S. requirements and command.

Make no mistake about it, these elites, aided and abetted by those in the UK mean to know everything of significance that goes on. They wish to circumvent any and all possible threats and the only way they can feasibly do that is by a system of overarching, totally invasive surveillance of all telecommunications.

The network to do the above is, as previously said, already in place. It will be constantly enhanced, both on land, sea, air and space.

What is not yet in place is control of nations not willing to accept that they must bow to the USA in respect of all aspects of their political life or economic systems which could in any way pose a threat of any kind to U.S. power and control.

The elites of the West have always considered themselves exceptional, the civilized powers, those who the world depends upon to remain stable and at peace. They consider they have the best possible systems, values, institutions and structures. What they do not accept and will never allow into their consciousnesses is that they are also the most pernicious and destructive, the most exploitative, manipulative and controlling of powers. Their past history of slavery, genocide, colonialism and war shows this clearly.

For all the reasons stated above it is vital that primarily China and Russia continue to move forward, to maintain their technological prowess, build their economies in unison, connecting and reinforcing each other. In addition, to help preserve the sovereignty of those other nations under threat from the USA such as Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba and others they must find ways to build stronger connections with them also.

Space will arguably present the greatest challenge of all to both sides. The virtual war to have the strongest presence there will be one of the hardest fought. That is why the news of a Chinese space flight today to continue work on China’s new space station is so important. The USA must not be allowed to dominate the world from space. The proposed Chinese-Russian station on the Moon will also play a vital part in ensuring there is no such domination.

I repeat, the overarching goal of U.S. elites since 9/11 has been to gain full oversight across the planet, to intercept every communication with a view to determining its effect on the USA or its allies and to nullify that effect in advance. This will in effect make a prison planet of our world.

If China, Russia and the other sovereign nations now refusing to bow to the wishes of the West’s elites lose out in the present quest to maintain their freedom we will find ourselves always aware that we are being monitored day and night.

If China, Russia and the other sovereign nations now refusing to bow to the wishes of the West’s elites win and succeed in denying them their fervent desire to monitor and control us then they will be forced to allow tolerance for diversity. This would mean we would then maintain our freedoms and not be dominated by a single power, or a group of powers; the USA and its allies.

It really does come down to this in the end:




Our common future as a species depends on what will occur in the next decade before us.

The continued rise of China, Russia and their allies will guarantee the emergence of outcome 2.

The desire of western elites to technologically and militarily enslave us winning the current war will guarantee the emergence of outcome 1.


Tuesday, 15 June 2021


To understand just how cut off from reality western political elites are you must attempt to see the world as they do (or as they profess to).

Attempt as best you can to get into the following mindset:

You hold that the values of your nation and its allies are the only correct ones and symbolize democracy and freedom.
(This despite vast levels of corruption, fraud, exploitation and obvious degradation.)

The past acts of your nation and its allies were all done with the very best of intentions.
(This despite all the lies told, the massive loss of life caused and fracturing of the entire Middle East.)

You believe you have the right to judge the world based on your own self-awarded status as world leader.
(This despite no authority having agreed ceding any such authority to you.)

When torture and abuse of prisoners takes place you say it is only due to the behavior of  a few ‘bad apples’.
(This despite official guidelines on using the ‘enhanced interrogation’ techniques employed.)

Your nation and its allies abide by international law at all times.
(This despite the nations you attack never having militarily attacked you.)

You believe you have the right to interfere as you wish in the internal affairs of sovereign nations.
(This despite your repeated statements that no others should ever do this as it is criminal and reprehensible to do so.)

You believe you have the right to condemn, criticize and seek punishment for other nations.
(This despite your nation opting out of the International Criminal Court and sanctioning its members if they seek to investigate war crimes committed by your troops.)

You can deploy your military in any location across the globe, including in the proximity of those you name as adversaries.
(This despite your outraged anger if any other nation does anything remotely similar.)

You wish to free all nations from dictatorship and authoritarian rule.
(This despite your nation having allies such as Saudi Arabia that are absolute dictatorships you are loath ever to criticize.)

You believe yourself a suitable source to criticize the human rights abuses of others.
(This despite your history of genocide, slavery and support of human rights abusing states such as Saudi Arabia.)

You believe all you do is for the good of mankind and that you have a God-given mandate to use all means necessary to fulfill your mission and mold the world to your wishes.
(This despite your nation polling year on year as the most dangerous threat to world peace that exists.)

Western elites must adhere at all times to every one of the delusions and assertions above. It is necessary for them to do so as it gives them the self-awarded right to judge all others due to their purity of intent and act.

While within this belief bubble of self-perpetuated delusion heinous acts can be contemplated and enact with the self-assurance that no blame will be accrued or accepted within the elite western orbit.

In recent years all western media elites within the mainstream have agreed the view expressed above and seek to support it. No true journalism can take place as all the points above mitigate against it. Within this milieu of self-imposed delusion western elites are simply incapable of the perception of doing wrong, whether that means sanctioning, destabilizing, subverting, manipulating, slandering or militarily attacking other nations. In the mindset of western elites, whether within the political or media spheres all possible acts of war are justified due to the perpetual self-awarded sanctity of those engaging in them.

The delusional state described provides an allowance to engage in acts of war, surveillance, propaganda, the instigation and use of terror and terrorists and essentially any and all means deemed necessary to attain the goals of the “exceptional” and “saintly” states of the West.


Saturday, 12 June 2021


Western elites appear intent on spreading generalized hatred and fear just as the Nazis did.
The Nazis targeted the Jews among others they considered sub-human, not at their level of Aryan superiority while western elites are targeting Russians and Chinese, inferring they are far below their own exceptional status.

This form of generalized demonization was seen exemplified in the remarks made by both U.S. and UK representatives during the height of Russian intervention in Syria. The claim was repeatedly made that members of the Russian and Syrian militaries were quite knowingly bombing schools and hospitals. The inference is clear, that officers and men of these services were actively seeking to kill school children and hospital patients. That they would have no possible reason to do so is surely clear to everyone. There is no military advantage to doing so. If any buildings of the type described above were no longer used for their original purpose but were used as bases for terrorism then we can understand why from time to time they were attacked. But no such explanation was offered, instead a bald assertion was made with no nuance attached and done so in this form with an obvious purpose.

Demonization of this type is a common feature of western elite propaganda. Its effectiveness as a tool to generate loathing of an enemy is ages long. It was a technique used long before western elites and before the Nazis. During the crusades Arabs holding Jerusalem were depicted as demons drinking Christian babies’ blood. It is a very effective means to recruit troops and generate fervent support with which to, in conscience free manner, use lethal methods that would otherwise be considered thoroughly criminal.

In recent months the attention of the western butchers and torturers of the Middle East has turned from assertions regarding the “murderous”, “poisoning” and “interfering” Russians to the “genocidal”, “authoritarian”, “human rights abusing” Chinese. Perhaps you can detect a pattern here?

Those who have been responsible for fracturing multiple nations in the Middle East are pointing their blood-soaked fingers to targets far ‘over there’ hoping you are paying attention to them rather than to their own murderous acts and abuses. Naturally those ‘over there’ are not like us, they have evil motives and employ dirty means... unlike ‘us’ who exemplify all that’s good and fair, always well motivated, caring, kind and exceptional above all others.

The comparison with the Nazis will only stretch so far.... however, think of how Hitler managed to generate enthusiasm and compliance for his acts of savagery, brutality and mass murder. he was fond of pointing at “enemies” ‘over there’ too. Why re-invent the wheel? Do much that can be read in the western intelligence playbook bears repeating over and over as it works so well. Such as Himmler’s admonition to accuse your enemies of crimes you are committing yourself. Or Goering’s where he explains how citizens instinctively averse to fighting wars can be easily mobilized by telling them that a foreign enemy seeks to destroy them.

There is nothing new under the sun as they say.

But a new thought I would like to see emerge in your mind is that the western elites who are attempting to dupe you (but seem so good and sincere at times) are indeed using the same techniques as the Nazis to do so.

Paying attention to this is important if you care how geopolitical affairs are conducted in an age when western elites are not behaving in accordance with international law and are flouting it with impunity time after time and give every impression of being willing to do so from here on out.

Don’t be confused when you hear one side being accused of being virtual Nazis, demonized to the point where you start to consider them sub-human devils worthy of total elimination for your safety. A attempt is being made to manipulate you, to generate unlimited hatred within you so that certain agendas can be fulfilled, set goals accomplished and potentially vast criminal acts sanitized.

The oh-so-goodie-two-shoes West is up to its neck in the blood of those it has murdered in recent years but has no wish to stop now. As a potential barrier to it continuing to reap havoc wherever it wishes and for its own national interests it requires you to be docile, submissive and if possible, fully supportive.

To accomplish the above it will resort to any semantic and/or visual image it can find to generate the response it needs from you. Think ‘The White Helmets’ and the photos of them “rescuing” little children from piles of rubble. Think of how they are funded, presented and lauded... and think too of how they were founded, by an ex- British intelligence officer. They are simply another weapon in the demonization war being fought by the West. They are far from alone, many others assist and have long been weaponized, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, the OECD, much of the United Nations along with the more obvious candidates such as the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) which openly does what the CIA did covertly in the past.

It’s all part of the same kind of Nazi entity activity that we are all supposed to despise.

Yet it’s all done as part of the supposedly pure and exceptionally innocent western endeavor to bring sweetness and light to the world. In these realms black is portrayed as white with apparent sincerity.

Orwell would certainly have nodded in recognition.

War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery.Love is Hate.

Such techniques as used by both the Nazis and the new Nazis of the western world as seen as too powerful to neglect.

Watch out for them.

They will return time and time again.


What is it that Biden and Johnson want?

If we take them at their word (a dubious concept if ever there was one) then they want every nation the world over to be run like theirs. To have 100% democratically-elected governments ostensibly accountable to their citizens.

In this word ostensibly we can see where their perfect world starts to look far less perfect than would undoubtedly be claimed. For each one of us knows how far from true democratic principles western nations are. Unless you are a person who thinks having a vote every once in a while makes for a perfect democracy then you will surely have complaints when Biden and Johnson claim it’s all you need and therefore all you’ll get.

Perhaps they’ll point to politicians democratically-elected being held to account by the ever-vigilant free press and media in what they like to call 'the free world’. But anyone who has watched the sycophantic nature of western press and media regarding the wars of the political elites and has compared their coverage to truly trustworthy figures existing outside the mainstream, you’ll be highly sceptical of that claim.

Then, as you will doubtless know, there are those closest to those democratically-elected figures who ask plaintively for public trust regarding the system. These are the so-called 'great and good’, the corporate elites and all others who have climbed the greasy pole of wealth and power. Anyone unaware of the direct influence they possess in the so-called democratic systems of Biden and Johnson are living in a world of wishful-thinking miasma, hopeful rather than insightful, lazy and uninterested also perhaps.

Western elites do as they wish rather than the bidding of those who elected them. When not they are most likely doing the bidding of those elites closest to them in status and power and as in the USA who donate most to their political campaigns.

So this is what Biden and Johnson wish to see exist everywhere, in Russia, China, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Nicaragua and anywhere else where they believe a lesser and more authoritarian system exists. They consider themselves the crème de la crème of politicians in the crème de la crème of political systems.

But just imagine it for a moment. Even allowing for the fact that diverse nations such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Sudan, the United Arab Emirates or any similar nation in the Middle East show no interest in democracy, the chaos which could potentially erupt can only be imagined.

As Iraq and Afghanistan have shown, imposing democracy is an art the elites of the West are simply no good at. And they want to impose it on much more powerful nations such as China? Somehow I don’t rate their chances highly.

What they WILL do however is cause chaos, disruption, destabilization, subversion and endless activism in any way they can. I feel pretty sure they know this will not and cannot achieve the goal of imposing democracy in these nations. But then is this REALLY the goal? Isn’t there a more obvious goal where the migration of democratic systems of the West overseas is a non-starter? That goal being the purposeful weakening of nations both socially and so economically with the notion of delivering democracy the fig-leaf that gives them supreme and continuing deniability?

There they stand, Biden and Johnson... preaching in saintly manner how they have only the purest wish for humanity, to spread the holy gospel and practice of democracy while cunningly using the vile methods of social and economic disturbance for the other goal stated above, to weaken an economic adversary.

They can perpetually deny the dirtiness of their schemes from now to kingdom come, even as nations descend into internecine strife, bloody conflict and endless wars between those attempting to stabilize their nations and those greedily seeing a means to take them over.

You need only look at Syria as a prime example of what Biden and Johnson in all likelihood will do to other nations given half a chance. Every maniac, sociopath, greedy bastard hungry for power will get their chance. And who will lose out? The schmuck who thought he or she would have a say via a now and then vote. With national differences of course, mafia here, corrupt entrepreneurs there, drug barons in this one, monied elites in the other. Democracy lends itself to a corrupt and corrupting free for all with those at the bottom of the pile losing out every time. It works once in a while but is no panacea. And should not be forced on any nation.

One size does not fit all. Only the totally deluded, megalomaniacs and political sociopaths assert democracy is best each and every time and in every possible case. But of course it is HIGHLY dubious this is even the true goal of western elites. It is much more likely that they are simply attempting to maintain their present economic and military dominance.

Democracy sounds just dandy in principle. In an ideal world it might just fly as a concept. But anyone who knows a thing or two of history knows just how far from a perfect world this is. And how imperfect are those who assert that they are ideal persons to run things for us.

‘Let sleeping dogs lie’ and 'If it ain’t broke why fix it?’ were sayings Russia and China took to heart in opposing the West’s regime change wars against multiple nations in the Middle East which show no signs of approaching stability two decades later, never mind democracy.

Biden and Johnson want to ride roughshod over international law and wage economic war against nations not democratic enough for them. This should be the scandal of the day in the West if the 'bread and circuses’ materialism of recent years hadn’t made shorn sheep of most of the populace.

Watch carefully. Any result from their activities will not resemble democracy. The result, if they are successful, will be their nations stabilized and increased dominance and that will be far, far removed from any concept of democracy worthy of the name.

The more appropriate name for this circumstance is most certainly dictatorship.


Friday, 11 June 2021


They want you to believe they are the saviors of the world from every evil under the sun.

While being the selfsame nations that conspired to use blatant lies to murder hundreds of thousands in recent years.

This is quite a trick. But they are well equipped to spread such illusions. An entire web of western mass media are all too happy to comply in the pursuit of this task.

The designer-suited devils will smile, eat fine meals and discuss which nations to undermine next, which tall tales and which lies to spread, how to generate better propaganda and demonize those they wish to destroy.

What a very urbane bunch they will appear posing for their collective group photograph, so many happy smiles are shared between some butchers and plotters of endless division, death and destruction worldwide.

For that is their primary task now as urged by the two top devils from the USA and UK. Enemies who might undermine their economic, military and geopolitical domination are rising. They will call them adversaries rather than enemies however, they are too cowardly to engage in military conflict with them... they prefer much weaker nations where they can murder hundreds of thousands based on lies with complete impunity.

The populations of the countries these devils represent are treated to a continual diet as fed to mushrooms... kept in the dark and fed a load of shit. The narratives pass unchanged from the top via the organs of mass deception such as CNN and BBC to the waiting mushrooms, most of whom swallow them with alactrity, apathy or bored uninterest. Manufacturing consent for war and cynical acts contrary to international law has never been easier in the West. Even if an increasing number see through their charades, facades and every public relation event such as the current G7 meeting these elites know they have things thoroughly sewn up.

Only great opposing powers such as China and Russia together with their allies can make a difference to the geopolitical status quo. Among them China is of course preeminent. Should they fail to push back the current and ongoing western war against diversity in governance then we will then all be trapped as the populations of the West are now. A de facto prison planet will ensew where the demands of the USA are de facto laws written into the ethos of every state, governed, monitored and policed by satellite.

Currently Biden is attempting a far-reaching PR campaign to gain world approval. He needs to create the impression that the USA, the UK, the EU and all others in its orbit are the beneficient saviors of mankind, the holy cavalry coming over the hill, and that all others, those they oppose are the last dangerous dragons to be slain before we reach the perfection of utopia.

As the saying goes however, beware Greeks bearing gifts. Remember Troy and the Trojan Horse.

We keep saying we won’t get fooled again. So keep a keen eye on what is going in as the G7 conspire to snow us all one last time so that all can be brought under control, THEIR control.

They will divide the world just when it most requires unity.

They will spread lies just when ever more truth is most required.

They will destroy trust through endless betrayal, spin and bullshit marketing.

They will largely be unaffected by the destructive irresponsibility which they now engender.

These are the elements comprising the gross idiocy, irresponsibility and ultimate menace of the G7.


Thursday, 10 June 2021


We think of despotic regimes in the context of western political rhetoric... however the war initiated by those elites in the West of their own devising is in itself wholly about intolerance.

Leaving aside that the reasons for this war are not as stated, for freedom, democracy and western liberal values but rather for the self-interest of those nations waging it... the essence of the entire exercise is despotic in the extreme.

With a right wholly self-awarded the murderous nations of the West with their mutual history of genocide, slavery, colonialism and illegal wars have decided they are the bearers of an almighty right to undermine the governance of any sovereign nation they wish.

These ultra-hypocritical elites are the natural inheritors of such evil doers of the past such as Hitler, Mussolini and Genghis Khan, those who took it upon themselves to rip up all laws concerning the rights of sovereign nations to be left in peace.

For purely selfish reasons dressed up as selfless pursuits the elites of the West are currently manufacturing the consent for a permanent war against Russia, China and any others who have decided not to be part of the corrupt, exploitative and failing club.

Not content with the mass murder of hundreds of thousands across the Middle East based on lies, misinformation and propaganda now they have their eyes set on fragmenting all other nations unwilling to bow down to them and then consent to be run by them.

This is the war of our lifetimes. WWI was the war fought by our grandfathers, WWII was fought by our fathers. Now the Ice Cold War being waged by western elites is the war we must fight in. If we fail the world will fall into their hands complete, surveilled, manipulated and wholly dominated by their wishes, interests and demands. There could not possibly be a more important moment in our lives than this... or in the lives of countless generations to come. To live free, to exist within sovereign nations... or be dominated on all sides by the USA, UK, and others within their tightly controlled orbit.

Biden has become U.S. president with the goal to tie all western nations together in another coalition of the willing, with the same type of illegal project in mind as was seen in Iraq. This time all the weapons of the intelligence services, NGOs, western mass media and the new agencies working in the private sector for western states, will spearhead a campaign to undermine all target states to sow as much chaos within them as possible.

Every possible avenue will be used to mold public opinion in the West to maximize intolerance toward China, Russia and all others not compliant with western political wishes. The level of spearheaded propaganda will be unprecedented in scale and become a daily meme in the lives of all those within the western orbit. The sheer repetition (as seen in the Russiagate campaign) will drive home a message of hatred, fear and intolerance in the hope of breaking the resolve of target nations. Every possible weapon will be used except the military, sanctions, financial barriers, illegal ending of agreements, disruption of trade and diplomatic norms, no possible weapon will be considered beyond the pale.

The West’s power to dominate the world is under threat, predominantly by the economic rise of China and by the unwillingness of Russia to become a vassal state of westerners eager to exploit it. The elites of the West are fully aware they can’t win a military war against China and Russia but will use all else... and their armory of non-military weapons is vast. If they don’t crush China and Russia now they know they will never have the chance again. This explains the absolute urgency we are seeing now and that we will see intensify in the coming months and years.

Biden and his ilk are determined to split the world in two. The only way they can do this is by posing saintly while accusing others of being the ultimate sinners. Every agency of the West will assist in this endeavor. And every weapon will act against every citizen of the West attempting to generate hate, fear and intolerance in each and every one of them.

At a time when the world desperately needs to come together and act as one against the many threats facing humankind the elites of the West have decided on this moment to divide the world in two by an act of cynical, hypocritical and wholly despotic intolerance.


Wednesday, 9 June 2021


The elites of the USA appear to believe they have the ability to manipulate reality, distorting facts and creating their own alternate facts. Whenever their justifications for the undermining of sovereign nations or their attacks upon them are questioned they act as if they are above all laws if not the originators of all planetary law.

The occupation of the highest positions regarding law, ethics, morality and the arbitration of all right and wrong is something U.S. elites have taken as of right, not by the granting of this status by any earthly body. It has done so because it can. It can because it has the power to do so. And it has done so because its mythology says God wishes it and because it is the exception to all other nations which are inferior to it (in its own estimation of course).

This mythology construct allows the elites of the USA total license to do whatever they like, whenever they like to whoever they like and they will decide whether to act or not, playing the nations of the world like chess pieces. These same elites have decided that no one else should ever reach a position where it can counter the self-awarded hegemony of the United States. The current war its elites are waging has as its goal the retention of the power U.S. elites have and to ensure its expansion into a future where they can reach the goal of full spectrum dominance worldwide.

The internal circle of justification that fuels this planetary takeover is completely closed. It is a loop of self-justification where no contradiction to any narrative, goal, statement or act is allowed, not only in those who are affected, but in the minds of those generating them. This creates an ethos where only unquestioned obedience to the required narrative and goal are tolerated. Thought through insight into historical or current actualities that might allow nuance to intervene in decision-making is frowned upon, discriminated against and inexorably excluded from debate.

A type of intellectual fascism inevitably emerges from the “Yessir!” nature of expected adherence to the agendas and narratives handed down. In war mode it is not only the military who are expected not to think beyond the exigences of command level, but simply obey. In the war to maintain U.S. power worldwide its elites cannot possibly tolerate any significant questioning beyond new concepts that might forward their goal of complete global dominance.

Truth cannot be allowed to intervene. Facts must not contradict the message required. Criminal acts under international law must be deemed necessary and those committing them above reproach. International organizations not under the control of the USA must be contained and/or barred from any jurisdiction which may infringe on any self-awarded elite U.S. rights.

The fact of other nations having objections to their sovereignty being undermined is largely irrelevant in the context of U.S. elite belief in their universal rights to govern others as and when deemed necessary. Events, organizations, governments and individuals in other nations are considered to be completely bound within the orbit of U.S. jurisdiction and liable to criticism, judgement and sanction by the U.S. at its discretion.

This attitude of being the sole arbiter of good and bad, judge, jury and executioner stems directly from the fascistic attitudes inherent in the concept of U.S. exceptionalism, of being God’s special people, systemically perfect and provided with a holy mission to bring its perfect to the rest of the world, by force if necessary.

No other nation in these times has anything similar to the dictatorial goals of the elites of the USA. The elites of the USA stand alone as the empire-building force of these times, fueled in part by the events of 9/11 and in part also by the much longer term concept manufactured by them of their self-awarded so-called exceptional nature.

A nation that loves fantasy much more than reality, where shallow surfaces perpetually dominate natural interaction, wishes to foist its values on every other nation across the planet, whether they wish it or not.

In a world dominated by one single nation which believes it alone was given the mandate to govern, judge and punish there cannot but be an inherent risk of fascism erupting at any moment. By any and all means the elites of the USA are determined to do as they wish and bring about whatever they wish on a worldwide basis and they will use any fabrication, deception, lie and collective milieu of misinformation to justify their actions. Reality is not a concept those striving for their delusional “ideal” wish to have much to do with. They assert the reality, they judge what is right and what is not. As they are the ones to benefit they naturally see their own interests as right and for the good of all others in a circular logic of their very own.

These are the reasons why the elites of the USA deem themselves to be superior to concepts such as truth or international law.

And these are the same reasons why the USA is correctly regarded as the most dangerous nation on the planet.



As Vladimir Putin has said, when empires become very powerful they tend to think they can afford to make mistakes, acting unethically to solve the problems that arise from them. But over time the consequences of these acts only create ever more problems, to the point where they become unsolvable.

So it was with the Soviet Union and so it is now with the U.S. empire.  

Special leeway is given by international financiers to elites of the USA to accumulate enormous debts. This has given them a feeling of invulnerability. This combined with a self-awarded mission to bring their power-hungry system of materialistic corruption to all others has led them to their current impasse.

The USA is a dying power, riven by internal discord, fueled by notions of never-ending wealth and now showing symptoms of incipient death even while asserting a diseased belief in its own exceptionalism. It is a system without the ability to heal itself as it has locked itself into conceiving existence as a wholly individualistic, ultra-competitive, dog-eat-dog wealth-fest. This and the current pandemic has exposed it to the degenerating effects of a self-devouring individualism where flawed solutions are inevitable.

Now, as in the past, the same delusion of this inherently rotten system as clung to by the USA somehow reflecting its status as the preeminent nation to solve all the world problems, has risen once more.

Biden holds up the specter of an ever-expanding U.S. empire of control as a positive banner to the world while the world holds the USA as the most dangerous nation on the planet. (This by every worldwide poll ever held on the subject.)

Other nations are rising in economic power to cumulatively rival the past strength of the USA and its allies. The urgency now seen in speeches by Biden and others in truth reflects THIS development, this reality rather than any need for the self-regarded beneficent force of the USA to cure the world’s ills. This reflects the abiding desire for ever more power, influence and increased income that personifies so much of the U.S. ethos... in its geopolitical empire, as in reflected also in its ever-aggressive corporate empire.

The elites of the USA have used and abused their power time and time again to manipulate events and circumstances to their advantage. Now they fight, with Biden at their head, to save and secure their position by doing their utmost to destroy all opposition that shows every sign of eclipsing them and spoiling their game.

The cynical use of so-called human rights abuses and the framing of other systems as authoritarian are the two major ploys being used currently to hide the true motivation involved, simply to remain top dog in geopolitical terms and in terms of economic power. The ability to spout the same self-serving, sanctimonious dogma as ever, despite have caused mass death and destruction in recent times, is impressive in terms of an almost self-hypnotized lever of self-serving delusion.

But the USA is not what it was just as those nations it seeks to talk down to and criticize are not what they were. Covid-19 revealed just how unfit for purpose U.S. society and systems are, unable to coordinate or agree on the level of the most basic necessities for good order and mutual protection. The aggressive individualism and prioritizing of profit over societal need has brought a nation that sees itself as the greatest to the level of the most grotesque.

In the upcoming meeting between Biden and Putin we will doubtless see the same grandstanding as ever from the U.S. position concocted by Biden’s advisers. The same specious arguments presenting the USA as the greatest force for good, freedom, democracy and so-called Western Liberal Values will be heard. An attempt (yet again) to paint an eminently trustworthy smile on a blood-spattered skull will be made. The nation that has slaughtered hundreds of thousands in recent years will be talked of as a paragon of virtue only interested in saving the world from itself. While being totally unable to coordinate the saving of its own internal chaos or to change it in the way it so fundamentally requires.

A facade seen so many times before will be erected by Biden. The USA as paragon. The saintly savior of all that’s good in the world without whom everything goes quickly to hell. Naturally no mention will be made, or even alluded to, regarding the vast destructive power unleashed by the USA in recent years causing death, destruction and ongoing chaos across the entire Middle East. The same old pristine and utterly specious facade of America the Good, utterly uninterested in gain for itself but only for others, their rights, freedoms etc. etc. will be erected for others to report on. This while most of the rest of the world looks on and knows all too well that behind this well-known facade lies a military industrial complex lusting to exhibit its products once again.

Biden still has a hand to play despite the internal chaos, division, discord and corruption of the nation he represents, there is still much power he can unleash, many bribes and offers he can tempt others with and still many arms he can twist. But time is not on his side.

The crooked hand that Biden will play now contains much more bluff and bluster than the old ability to gain instant compliance. China is on course to eclipse the U.S. economy within the next decade. This is an utterly inevitable and irrevocable certainty. And with this being increasingly obvious the power of the USA to twist arms, slander others with impunity and wage regime change wars of choice (by economic or military means) will decline, atrophy and die. Nations will align with China, Russia, Iran, Syria, Venezuela and those others who decline to submit to U.S. power. Especially not to a power that is now set to diminish visibly before all eyes.

Biden will deliver the same old rhetoric regarding rights, values and freedoms, he will attempt to diminish Putin’s obvious achievements and by one means or another will attempt to slander him. He will use every semantic trick in the book to indicate he has the most powerfully righteous stance, the best of motives, the most unselfish of desires and most perfect and idealistic of plans for the world. It will be all about the so-called free world, human rights, liberal values and not at all about the blood dripping from so many American hands.

Biden is playing with a crooked deck, able to still bluff a while yet... but in my estimation he is ultimately fated very certainly to lose.


Sunday, 6 June 2021


The West’s war against Russia and China is partly ideological and partly economic. It has been fought through a variety of non-military means to date, largely through political statements, media coverage and economic sanctions.

The effect in Russia and China has been to generate an enhanced focus on self-sufficiency and a heightened awareness regarding ending vulnerabilities to western attack, the creation of new partnerships and an increasingly robust stance overall.  

The cost on the western side of the equation has largely been within the ethical and moral base of its political and media mythologies and reputational underpinnings as well as some economic damage within Europe.

What might be the reasons for the current stance of western elites towards Russia and China?

Though the ideological basis for western antagonism centers is focused upon almost exclusively, on the basis that what you hear from western politicians is unlikely to be factual, I believe the true basis of the current war is largely economic.

Russia has recently announced that its gold reserves are now at a level where its entire national debt could be paid off. China is well known for its exponential economic growth in recent decades and without doubt has a massive surplus of reserves.

What of western nations?

The USA has the largest national debt of any nation by far. There are surely no western nations that are free of debt or even close. This puts Russia and China in pole position to lead the world in a post-covid revival of fortunes. Western nations however, will struggle with the consequences of the pandemic for decades to come.

Of course the war against Russia and China predates the pandemic by many years. It is because China is an economic powerhouse that western elites primarily see her as an enemy, not due to her mode of governance, though this latter factors is how the enmity will continue to be framed.

This deceit where one factor is posited as the reason for discord and grievance when it is truly another has characterized the West for some time now, notably in its regime change wars of choice.

We are led to believe that there is political and press freedom in the West yet we can easily see that both claims are now exposed as false, at least when it comes to geopolitical factors.

The war against Russia in particular has revealed the untenable position of western elites that nothing good could ever come from Russia or having good relations with Russia. No politician that cares about remaining within the fold with half-decent career prospects before him or her can say differently. This is especially so after the debacle concerning the sociopath business thug turned politicians, Donald J. Trump. There is no freedom to speak your mind without consequences on Russia in the West if you are a politician with prospects. In respect of political freedom, on the subject of Russia this is non-existent. It is rapidly becoming the case regarding China also.

Regarding mainstream media and freedom of the press a very similar ethos exists. Positive news regarding Russia is a no-no, a route to virulent attacks upon one’s integrity, intelligence and loyalty. Any commentator, observer or journalist even vaguely hinting that Russian governmental policy may not be all bad knows what to expect. To pass any article passed up the line to the editor of any title of consequence with a positive slant on Russia is recognized as a wholly futile act. Thus the so-called freedom of the press can be added to the so-called political freedom of the West as non-existent in a geopolitical context.

China predominantly, with Russia as close partner are set to expand their economic reach and geopolitical influence. This will inevitably create a virtuous circle where one enhances the other. This is what western elites fear more than anything. Their nations are deeply in debt with ever rising costs of multiple kinds. Western populations constantly demand increases to their life experiences, ever better services, products, technologies and infrastructure. To pay off debts and provide all that is demanded western nations require to be competitive and generate additional income. This just as China and Russia threaten to expand their delivery of their own products and services and thus increasingly eating into the profits the West so desperately requires to maintain and increase.

The factors above, rather than any high-flown ideological reasons incorporating campaigns about purported human rights abuses, are in my opinion the true basis for the war the West is now waging.

In their desperation to resolve the economic nightmare, implosion, disaster or however else you wish to characterize it, the western elites are resorting to every single weapon they can find.

As you will have seen, diplomacy has almost become a lost art. The Biden-Putin meeting will no doubt result in some encouraging sound bytes and little to nothing more. As western elites see it things are too far gone for that and that diplomacy itself is now something to be weaponized, a complete bastardization of its true purpose.

This war will without doubt continue to the point where one side or the other is the conclusive winner. Currently I see no chance of the heavily indebted West with all its ever-increasing costs winning it. But for its elites see no other option but to continue waging it. The alternative is to see its populations having increasingly degraded lives and subsequent loss of faith in their elites. If those elites were tempted to be realistic they might find that both Russia and China are truly interested in partnerships rather than as protagonists in a forever war. But such realism seems as far off now as ever was.

This leaves us in a perpetual war situation with an entire western elite superstructure in war mode, a war mode that appears almost entirely futile with an inevitable consequence staring them daily in the face. The rise of China is unstoppable and that of Russia appears increasingly unstoppable also. Western elites are steering their populations into a backwater, in regard to economic success, mentality of its elites and the corruption of its so-called freedoms.



The Ukraine war is reaching a critical stage. Crucial aspects of western narratives are now being questioned. The reality is at last being d...