Tuesday 15 June 2021


To understand just how cut off from reality western political elites are you must attempt to see the world as they do (or as they profess to).

Attempt as best you can to get into the following mindset:

You hold that the values of your nation and its allies are the only correct ones and symbolize democracy and freedom.
(This despite vast levels of corruption, fraud, exploitation and obvious degradation.)

The past acts of your nation and its allies were all done with the very best of intentions.
(This despite all the lies told, the massive loss of life caused and fracturing of the entire Middle East.)

You believe you have the right to judge the world based on your own self-awarded status as world leader.
(This despite no authority having agreed ceding any such authority to you.)

When torture and abuse of prisoners takes place you say it is only due to the behavior of  a few ‘bad apples’.
(This despite official guidelines on using the ‘enhanced interrogation’ techniques employed.)

Your nation and its allies abide by international law at all times.
(This despite the nations you attack never having militarily attacked you.)

You believe you have the right to interfere as you wish in the internal affairs of sovereign nations.
(This despite your repeated statements that no others should ever do this as it is criminal and reprehensible to do so.)

You believe you have the right to condemn, criticize and seek punishment for other nations.
(This despite your nation opting out of the International Criminal Court and sanctioning its members if they seek to investigate war crimes committed by your troops.)

You can deploy your military in any location across the globe, including in the proximity of those you name as adversaries.
(This despite your outraged anger if any other nation does anything remotely similar.)

You wish to free all nations from dictatorship and authoritarian rule.
(This despite your nation having allies such as Saudi Arabia that are absolute dictatorships you are loath ever to criticize.)

You believe yourself a suitable source to criticize the human rights abuses of others.
(This despite your history of genocide, slavery and support of human rights abusing states such as Saudi Arabia.)

You believe all you do is for the good of mankind and that you have a God-given mandate to use all means necessary to fulfill your mission and mold the world to your wishes.
(This despite your nation polling year on year as the most dangerous threat to world peace that exists.)

Western elites must adhere at all times to every one of the delusions and assertions above. It is necessary for them to do so as it gives them the self-awarded right to judge all others due to their purity of intent and act.

While within this belief bubble of self-perpetuated delusion heinous acts can be contemplated and enact with the self-assurance that no blame will be accrued or accepted within the elite western orbit.

In recent years all western media elites within the mainstream have agreed the view expressed above and seek to support it. No true journalism can take place as all the points above mitigate against it. Within this milieu of self-imposed delusion western elites are simply incapable of the perception of doing wrong, whether that means sanctioning, destabilizing, subverting, manipulating, slandering or militarily attacking other nations. In the mindset of western elites, whether within the political or media spheres all possible acts of war are justified due to the perpetual self-awarded sanctity of those engaging in them.

The delusional state described provides an allowance to engage in acts of war, surveillance, propaganda, the instigation and use of terror and terrorists and essentially any and all means deemed necessary to attain the goals of the “exceptional” and “saintly” states of the West.


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