Wednesday, 2 June 2021


Things are now getting very interesting indeed.

China, the only major nation to make economic gains in 2020 has begun asserting itself in no uncertain terms against the constant carping of the USA and others.

Now Russia too, having just announced another large rise in gold reserves, is beginning to assert herself much more forcefully.

And why not? And about time many will say.

The end result of one sanctions regime after another against Russia, Russians and Russian interests has resulted in what? Russia moving forward, finding new and more trustworthy trading partners and growing her economy.

Anyone who read a little of what transpired between the U.S. and China team in Alaska recently can’t have failed to notice that China gave as good as she got.

The shaky fable, the ridiculous fairy tale in fact, of U.S. perfection on human rights and all else is set to be exploded time and time again now.

Russia and China are stronger than ever and much less vulnerable to western attack than ever before. But really, what did western elites expect? Do they have one functioning brain between them? Russia and China, getting the message loud and clear saw precisely what their next steps should be, to draw ever closer together against their common foes while building their internal and external economies, finding relationships where trust could be dependably be nurtured for the long term and making partnerships, negotiating agreements and just getting on with the business of being successful nations with resources aplenty.

Now the dumbos of the West think they can continue playing their old game of accusation and threat. Sorry guys, these targets have become largely invulnerable and will come right back at ya. You did your pathetic best and you bluffed using your now largely unaffordable military potential. Covid has hammered the last nail into your coffin guys and you are about to be metaphorically buried.

The new guys on the block have been visiting the gym. They stand opposite you with muscles bulging, arms folded and ice-cold stares boring right into your unbelieving eyes that have begun blinking furiously.

The malicious era of western domination which has wrought decade after decade of death, destruction and misery over the last few decades is coming to an end.

Read the signs, hubris-laden elites of the West... and weep.

The next few years are going to be very interesting indeed!


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