Tuesday, 17 August 2021


There is one reality and only one reality for the serried ranks of the West’s politicians, officials and dedicated activists spread across a hundred NGOs.

That reality is unquestioned and hailed constantly as an immutable truth that is incapable of being alloyed and is present in every imaginable condition.

The very idea of questioning this constantly asserted reality is anathema to all concerned.
Through a process of thinly-veiled threats of punishment and past examples of humiliating loss of status or employment, self-censorship on this question is all-consuming.

No matter how many disasters may ensue, no matter how many hundreds of thousands or even millions die, no matter how many nations are fragmented, turning entire regions into zones of unmitigated fear where unsustainable economies bring untold misery… no matter that an incalculable number of disasters take place, possibly leading to a Third World War… this reality will be asserted, saluted and treated as Holy Writ.

In this situation, no true thought exists. The assumed mental position is always taken in respect of ‘the reality’. The one true and unquestioned reality will prevail and be bowed down to, even in the face of all-out nuclear war and if there is a future for humanity after that war. And presumably, if some percentage of humanity survives, ‘the reality’ will doubtless be reasserted once again.

That “reality” is the eternal saintliness of western power, its unique integrity, compassion and devotion to the human rights of all, the bringing of freedom, democracy and openness wherever their opposites are encountered.

This “reality” cannot abide any counter thought to its reign, the slightest suggestion that it is not as real as it is purported to be is an evil heresy that must not be allowed any oxygen of publicity. Those voicing this heresy must be thrown into the outer darkness as the most loathsome criminals and traitors to all that is good and holy and never be allowed to trespass in elite quarters with any respect ever again.

All who speak against the “reality” are automatically labelled as spreaders of misinformation, fake news and conspiracy theories. They will be instantly downgraded to subhuman status, labelled trolls, bots and agents of foreign powers. For the reality is all and those who speak against the reality and the enemies not only of the people but of the spirit of humanity itself.

Those who speak for the truth-holders, the honourable and righteous members of the western establishment and state power-brokers having access to the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth no person of integrity should be allowed to question their undoubted truth-telling as it has been established beyond doubt through their own assertion.

The dictatorship of ‘the reality’ is all-consuming within the entire realm of those who constitute western state elites and their countless minions. They constitute an army at war against all those who refuse to bow down before them and repeat their mantras. Such behaviour, such freedom of thought and desire for sovereignty simply cannot be tolerated. When such behaviour is encountered a rain of weaponized words, financial tools and economic sanctions will be used against them until they are forced to obey each order dictated to them by their betters.

This self-assumed and self-perpetuated level of mental compartmentalising comprises the composite weapon that is the group-thought hypnotic state within all western elites which is constantly turned upon the world. It is not far removed at all from most totalitarian regimes, the National Socialists included. It demands total obedience to its commands and holds as a threat over our world every weapon and tool at its disposal in a complete disregard for international law.

In this self-perpetuating insanity of unquestioned belief, western elites present the greatest threat possible to nations seeking only to maintain their own national good with no ill-intent to others. These, the insane elites of the West simply will not tolerate to remain free to do this. They will interfere and intervene as if provided by some god-given right which in truth exists only in a criminal state through their own mental dysfunction in considering themselves the crown of creation and duty-bound to do so.

The present momentous setback to their fixed mindset which has only ‘the reality’ of their holy and sanctimonious perfection as its reference point will not hinder western elites for long. They will push forward in the same mindless fashion, with only ‘the reality” of their asserted rightness to guide them on, toward more of the same. The unquestioned and unquestioning nature of their self-belief is total. Their crimes against humanity are not crimes. Their war crimes where hundreds of thousands die are not war crimes. Their use of torture is not torture. Their destabilizing of regime change targets is the furtherance of democracy. Their sanctioning, criminalizing whistleblowers, assassinating, coup fomenting and invading of sovereign nations under false pretences and bare-faced lies is all part of bringing “freedom”.



All these lies are true.


Because ‘the reality’ demands it be so.

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