The self-styled murderous saints of the western world have bid an unfond adieu to Afghanistan. It is very likely that in the not too distant future Iraq will see their retreating backsides too. Then Syria.
It’s back to the past for some, a brand new future for others. And the end of a rather tawdry wet dream for America and its love of violent death inflicted on weaker, brown-faced races.
A great many Americans have a totally false concept of how the world sees them, or more accurately how it sees their elites. Perhaps if their mass media would announce more readily the results of a bi-annual poll asking which nation most threatens world peace they might prick up their ears and learn something about this. The USA never fails to be the top pick worldwide when it comes to this poll. Most people who live outside of the USA are totally unsurprised by this result. Not so I think, many within it.
The conditioning of the average American is cradle to grave. It is not just done to them however, it is also very much done by them. The mythologies involved are highly seductive.
Who wants to dwell very long on a history of genocide or slavery? Most people would rather hear about a pioneering spirit, an attitude of derring-do, bravery, heroism, religious devotion and idealism, the kind of stuff that makes you puff out your chest with pride. Slaughtering virtually an entire nation whose land you stole from them is not the kind of stuff that helps you strut about telling everyone you are exceptional. Nor is the enslavement of millions just to make a buck.
And what happens to those Americans with a conscience and a tendency to look at historical fact rather than fantasy, those who with clear eyes see that those “mistakes” of the past (genocide and slavery) were not odd anomalies perpetrated by a few “bad apples”. What happens to those who point to the abuses of Abu Ghraib and then to the memos generated by Donald Rumsfeld and his assisting stenographers concerning torture (enhanced interrogation if you’d prefer)? They, not those who indulge in the abuses seen in that prison, get the criticism. They are told to leave America if they don’t like it. They are subjected to the abuse required to keep the well-conditioned safe in their bubble of fantasy concerning their “patriotic” elites.
In recent times the Democratic Party even redeemed the CIA who in previous decades were well known for their lies, dirty tricks, coups, surveillance and assassinations. Using Russia as a ploy it became the go-to source for all things saintly and sure. Presumably the NSA is safe from Edward Snowden’s revelations also on the same kind of basis. And, it appears to be a cross-party consensus that Julian Assange, not the perpetrators of crimes against humanity within the U.S. military is the guilty one.
Certainly the Taliban are about as far from being saintly as human beings can be. However, as most of those who ventured to Afghanistan in any kind of position of responsibility knew well, there was hardly a cigarette paper’s width between them and those Afghans who replaced them in 2001. This fact however was not to be spoken of. Only positive messages were kosher and fit for consumption by superiors who could not abide bad news. Bad news going up encouraged bad news coming down, news that ended promotion prospects and just possibly an entire career. No, things HAD to be going well… even though they were going down the shitter on a constant basis.
So don’t shed too many tears over the totem human rights issues that have been used previously to engender your dedicated support for mass murder, torture and lies. You will shed them in vain. The bleeding hearts who are spilling virtual crocodile tears onto your TV screens are lying to you now as they have all along. The fundamentals of the wars they engage in are about wealth, influence and power and not one whit about human rights. The human rights issue is what they use to snare your support for their atrocities against others to the point of mass murder.
So it’s bye-bye to the western horde of the cynical, the criminal, the naive and idealistic, those who sought to fine-tune a society that was always going to reject their social engineering sooner or later. As you played western audiences they played you. As the saying goes, you can’t buy an Afghan, you can only hire him. They retain their own inner life, culture, behaviours, attitudes, likes and dislikes no matter what kind of conditioning you may wish to lay upon them.
Now they are free of you.
Some, who you paid the equivalent of a king’s ransom to will miss you, or rather, will miss your money.
All the rest will simply wave goodbye… and shout “Good Riddance!”
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