Sunday, 22 August 2021


Tony Blair, responsible along with George W. Bush for the mass murder of hundreds of thousands in Iraq based on lies, says the West should have continued to occupy Afghanistan.

This is typical of a type of wholly unrealistic thinking that amounts almost to believing in fairy tales.

Tony Blair is willing to see untold numbers of deaths, both western and Afghani to satisfy his notion of an ideal world. His ideal world is one totally controlled by western elites, those of politics, the corporate world and mass media. Knowing his extremist religious views he no doubt wishes to convert all others to his own version of Christianity also.

These are dangerous delusions, delusions reflecting the megalomaniac minds that infest the tightly-knit world of the neoconservative, neoliberal nutball community, the insane cabal of individuals who have pushed themselves to power since 9/11.

These men and a few women such as Condoleezza Rice and Madeleine Albright have locked themselves within an airtight box of fixed delusional beliefs and are determined to spread them like a plague around the world.

Just as humanity teeters on the brink of catastrophe due to the combined effect of covid and climate change desperately requiring a unified global response, they mindlessly pursue their grotesquely perverse version of a Grimm fairy tale. Their heads are filled with notions of their own greatness, their destiny, pseudo-religious fervour and determination to wreak the havoc of perpetual division on our planet. They are engaged in what they call ‘The Forever War’ when all humanity craves now is peace, reconciliation, safety, stability and an increasing unity reflecting these desires of humanity as a whole.

There have always been those who thought they knew best. They were usually sociopaths, not saints. The Gandhis were extremely few. The usual candidates for the positions available were psychopathic, minds filled with a deluded belief in their own perfection, incapable of real self-reflection and determined to force their “solutions” on the world.

We have lived these past five decades in a world where in the West, openings have been made for such creatures to rise. Individualism has been prized above all else, restraints on the misuse of power have been reduced, the standards of what is considered ethical behaviour have been gradually eroded, greed and personal ambition have been lauded… and most importantly of all perhaps, the standards by which politics is conducted have consistently fallen to their lowest point ever known.

In the United States, truth-telling in politics is a sick joke, replaced by partisan propaganda reinforced by a mass media split also into two warring camps. Reasoned debate and reasoned discussion are as rare as hens’ teeth perceived under a blue moon. Demagogues such as Trump and the mentally demented such as Biden have risen after the religious extremists of Bush and Blair and the smooth as silk bit-part actor Obama. A mouth with money behind him can gain power in the USA and that mouth must spin a believable yarn, a focus-group litany of lies and false promises, a convincing tale. No individual of anything approaching integrity need apply.

These are the fairy tale distribution agents that a conditioned public in the West repeatedly get duped into voting into office along with their cohort of support staff. Their fantasies, to one degree or another, are enacted, their PR managers and spokespersons along with all the nodding donkeys who depend on them for their power and position, all confirm their rightness. An unquestioned narrative and agenda is constructed, opposed only as a mindless ritual by the other political army and its attendant media. And the world at large keeps paying the price for this madness.

Political fairy tales of the megalomaniac few dominate the West, eternally spread by talking heads who generate an endless stream of variations on the themes generated. Meanwhile, the entire western world embroils itself with ever more sources of internal division enabled by the privileges bestowed by the centuries-old exploitation of the weaker nations of the world.

How much of the western world now consists of the fairy tales of superiority and exceptionalism and being able to “Have it all”? I would say a very large portion of it as the climate change deniers show, as the cultists, the so-called economists, insane hedonists, anti-vaxxers, the drug-deluded, the conspiracy theorists neo-liberal, neoconservative fanatics clearly show. The West is a shit show of deluded beliefs and insane notions of some past grandeur to be revived. And most dangerous of all, that this shit show of dangerous delusions generated by the pea-brained, mentally disturbed and delusional demagogues be forced upon the rest of the world as some kind of all-embracing utopia.

The Brothers Grimm wrote the equivalent of the kind of insidious horror we see now as generated by the West. Their tales were grounded in the darker side of humanity, relentlessly exposing its sordid underbelly to a bourgeoisie who were more used to stories of gallant princes and sweet princesses, all safe and sanitized for the consumption of children, or those with a childish wish to avoid reality. The reflection of current western society could hardly be more apt. Increasingly westerners tell themselves that what they see on their screens of all kinds comprise reality. And all too often the deceptions of politicians, especially if talking of evil fiends ‘over there’ requiring elimination, and of the purity of the western way of life by comparison weave tales serving to quell fears at home and boost the concept of western superiority.

So, what is to come as climate change increasingly hits and new variants of the current pandemic arrive? Will people such as Blair and his equivalents in the current political setup change the habits of a lifetime and speak of the need for unity of purpose worldwide to face the immense challenges facing mankind? There is no sign of this occurring. It appears certain that Biden, Johnson and all those standing behind them will continue to weave the same tale of western superiority and pursue the same old policies of division and continual war, with all the modern-day fairy tales of propaganda needed to spin them.

How long will it be before stone-cold reality hits and the storms, heatwaves and cataclysms, the shortage of resources such as water and the desperate migration of those affected make western politicians face the need for unity? Will we all wait in vain as they go down with all others still repeating their mantras of exceptionalism and divisive, warmongering rhetoric, clinging on to the toxic delusions and fairy tales they constantly tell themselves are true? I suspect so.

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