It's a geopolitical eyeblink since the elites of the West and those within its ‘coalition of the willing’ lied their heads off to indulge in the mass murder of hundreds of thousands across the Middle East and beyond. Yet they now point at ‘bad boy’ Russia as the ENORMOUS problem the world now has.
That’s a rather useful and convenient way to take attention off your crimes, is it not?
This is about as neat a geopolitical sleight of hand as is possible. As Goering appears to have been quoted saying, “If you’re going to tell a lie, tell a big one.”
But do western populations care any more regarding what’s real and what’s fantasy? Is their attention even vaguely on the subject matter involved? Isn’t it more likely in fact that the majority of them are completely distracted by other issues? Either distracted by other issues or simply by consuming whatever seductive items are on display this week, month and year?
Causing mass death, devastation, the fracturing of stability and the rise of ISIS in the Middle East came and went with hardly a historical murmur. Imagine Russia had ‘done it’, do you think it would ever have been let forget it? But because the West did it, it’s pretty well forgotten as if it never took place at all.
“Russia did it!” was a most convenient trope for the Democrats in the USA when Clinton lost to a loud-mouthed trickster and sociopath in 2016. The thing was played for all it was worth for the next four years, a convenient distraction from not only Clinton’s humiliating defeat but also from the orgy of lying, slaughtering and destabilizing the West had been guilty of in recent memory.
For a time it seemed like Russia was likely to be blamed for everything from the common cold to Boris Johnson’s haircut. That trend continues today with every few days seeing someone or something Russian being used as a scarecrow to frighten over-sensitive westerners into supporting ever more war and ever-greater financial support for NATO.
For NATO the whole thing is a complete godsend. Left after the Cold War with next to no purpose a purpose was found for it and that has been the story ever since. Russia, without doing anything other than look after its national interest and security was hit by round after round of accusations.
Putin, the purported Machiavellian leader of substituting for both Hitler and Stalin was accredited with vast evil plans that in reality were cooked up in the minds of self-serving, so-called journos.
Both NATO and the declining western news industry have done well out of making a fearsome boogie man from a semi-dormant Russia. NATO regains a purpose and a cash-losing industry gets a financial boost.
Naturally the leadership of NATO and every mainstream media news reporter all piled in as every speech, each deceiving article and each demonizing magazine cover contributed handsomely to the cause.
Add into this mix the financial benefit in terms of increased profits through ever more orders for weapons of mass destruction given to western military industrial complexes by their governments.
Russia then was the gift that kept on giving and indeed keeps on giving for a whole panoply of elites desperately anxious to hold on to their lucrative positions near the top of the western elite power structure.
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