Tuesday, 21 December 2021


Western elites talk always of their merits, of their being the guardians of human rights, the warriors who defend freedom and tolerant western values worldwide. And yet they seek to force their chosen systems of governance on all others and work both overtly and covertly in total intolerance against nations not falling into line.

Sovereignty is not granted by the USA to nations who do not comply with western demands upon them. If they do not jump to the commands emerging from the United States they lose all protection afforded them by the United Nations and international law. The USA conceives itself to have requirements that supersede any and all laws long-established and hard-won by international institutions, including the United Nations.
The continuing actions against international law by the United States create little controversy in the West. This is due to an obvious consensus among western mainstream media editors and owners that the ends justify the means and that therefore, instead of criticising these policies, they in fact support them. These media outlets, as governed by those who wield power within them thereby demean their professions, renege on their responsibilities and constantly degrade their already extremely diminished integrity.
What links the political elites of the West with its media allies? What can account for the joined-at-the-hip identical nature of the narratives they promulgate and what is the agenda they work to? My suspicion has been for a number of years now that all hangs on the descending status of the West in terms of economic power and the influence it affords it. No one can be unaware that the rising powers are in the east and that those in the west are in descent. The tipping point where the west is eclipsed by the east in economic terms will also mark the point where global influence transfers east also.
That the mainstream media power bloc is aligned firmly with the political leadership of the West ought to come as no surprise to anyone at this point. As an industry, the so-called journalistic profession is now essentially an arm of western governments, ready to act in every circumstance as its faithful servant. Whereas in the past at certain times it acted as a brake on the abuse of power by the USA and other western powers it now acts in effect like an accelerator. A growing number in the West are awakening to this fact and are beginning to protest. What realistic chance do they have of turning this situation around? I suspect they have none at all. Why might this be?
The western world has become a more or less fully tamed institution where the inmates are kept quarrelling among themselves or are glued to devices that deliver pleasurable sensations at the price of their minds. Above the roiling melee of the disaffected, the distracted and the mentally destroyed the political and media elites sit arms-folded looking on in satisfaction. The atomization of the societies below them suits their purpose while the polarization of some into political camps or conspiracies create ever more distractions, leading to near-complete political impotence. Without either solidarity or community among them, western populations effectively become a relatively harmless mass of political eunuchs.
The elites of the West have their populations exactly where they want them. Powerless.
Meanwhile, they are free to do exactly as they please in defence of the power they still hold despite the rise of Eurasia and to do all in their power also to subvert those rising nations that threaten their dominance.
In this epoch of greatest danger for the entire human race, with the prospect of coastal cities receding under the waterline, the rise of temperatures making entire nations uninhabitable and the threat of even more deadly pandemics on the horizon, western powers seek to retain their dominance through violence-inducing intolerance. Where unity of purpose is palpably exactly what is most desperately required now western powers prefer to emphasise discord and division and the potentiality of war to maintain their selfish national interests.
These are the obvious traits of a western world that has lost the power to control its elites or to in any way even influence them toward truly civilised values including the tolerance for diversity. This leaves its de facto dictatorial elites perpetrating whatever crimes against others they wish with complete impunity. For they control the mechanisms that could potentially modify and moderate their abuses. Mass media, the judiciary, the military-industrial complex and all else in the elite superstructure of western life is all fully under political control in respect of the current geopolitical paradigm.
All of the above has led us here, to a world desperately requiring the ending of the cancerous obsession of one group of nations attempting to control all others. This cabal of self-seeking nations is led by a country that with fascistic insistence describes itself as superior and exceptional and seeks always to enforce its intolerant demands and make slaves of us if we deign to refuse it.
Such is the virus of destructive intolerance within the West that would carry us all to either virtual imprisonment via inspectors in space or the mass slaughter of a future nuclear holocaust.

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