Julian Assange, hero to those who seek accountability for the West’s war crimes, faces extradition to people who have sought his immediate death.
(Today a so-called judge allowed the appeal of the U.S. that Julian Assange is fit to be extradited to the USA.)
This is only the most recent example of the fact that the western world, ruthlessly dominated by the USA, has become a closed circuit of injustice and malign intent.
The USA, along with its main partner in crime, Britain have been torturing the world and denying it justice for far too long now. Ultimately they will face the appropriate punishment for their crimes. No empire can survive a criminal elite at its head for long. Struggle as they might, engaging in ever more criminality and disregard for truly civilised values, in the end they sink, undermined by the immoral campaigns they wage.
Ever more of the West’s citizens are realizing to what degree they are surrounded and caged by the draconian and underhand policies of their leaders. Illegal wars are waged in their name. Their media is nothing but a constant stream of propaganda where their political elites are given a pass to do as they will and be counted as saintly do-gooders for their crimes. Trust in the political class is at an all-time low.
Those outside this realm of atomized societies, delinquent politicians, prideful exceptionalists and rabid warmongers can only look on in horror at the totalitarian net the West’s leaders are throwing over their people. In this time of global threats demanding extreme unity of purpose to counter them the elites of the West seek endless division, espouse deep intolerance and advocate war.
From outside this swirling mess of division, debt, delirium and duplicity, the rest of the world must surely shake its head in a mix of anger and pity as the western empire descends as a collective of Mafia states. With no effort to retrieve the situation, with democracy a sham and diplomacy a dead letter western elites are left only with their piteous and violent reactions to their imminent descent.
Russia and China lead the march to something far better as this ragbag of crazed men and women of the West take their societies down with them. A new geopolitical paradigm will be born out of the ashes of the old. This process is ongoing and will take time yet to be realized. Meanwhile, all we can do is wave goodbye as the West descends the drain of failed empires.
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