Thursday, 9 December 2021


The first option presenting itself in regard to ending the present, long-standing western aggression against Russia, China and others is a military defeat, primarily for the USA.

The option above, however, would naturally entail massive loss of life and enormous disruption across the entire planet, perhaps even resulting in the virtual end of survivable life for the human species, at least as we have come to know it.

Counting out a war resulting in the defeat of the USA, its allies and NATO, or at least a mutually destructive war bringing about the collapse of all sides, what other options present themselves?

In my view, there is only one further option and it is potentially a completely peaceful one in terms of considerations regarding the possibility for loss of human life. This is the admittedly somewhat slow expansion of Eurasian economies, interests and geopolitical influence. Led by China though contributed to in a number of fields by Russia and supported by all nations currently under threat of domination by the USA, this option presents a gradual weakening of the western power to dominate, attack, invade and frustrate the economic growth of others.

In addition to the above this option, through the limiting of all factors above a proportionate rise in the ability of the Eurasian powers to bring about an entirely new geopolitical paradigm with peace and tolerance rather than war and prejudice at its heart.

The western empire has been in existence in one form or another for a period many centuries long. Its attendant factors of colonialism, racism, exploitation, illegality, power-politics are all bound together across these centuries to bring about a completely self-justifying, self-interested imperialism where all laws governing the imperium are those of the West. Only those nations that submit to western requirements are considered to exist as truly sovereign nations. Only when nations are compliant with these demands upon them will they be left to govern themselves and only as long as they continue to do so. Those nations not compliant with western wishes and demands are not considered to be truly sovereign and western elites consider that international law no longer applies to them.

A case in point regarding this last factor is that of Syria. Syria has representation at the United Nations. It has been a nation longer than most, has known and agreed boundaries, an electoral system, a president and government. It is well recognised as a nation. Yet the United States and its allies do not consider it to be a sovereign nation entitled to the same protection as those in its orbit it grants this status to. Syria, they conceive, based on rules they formulate for themselves quite outside of international law, as fair game for whatever interference they may wish to instigate within her borders. The United Nations and all other bodies connected to the formation and safeguarding of international law are thus superseded by one group of nations claiming a higher universal right to initiate war and interference in the affairs of others that they no longer treat as sovereign states, quite irrespective of their status within the world’s primary judicial systems.

If the economic rise of China continues and is sustained into the medium to long term the knock-on effects will clearly be significant. And, if this economic rise and the subsequent increase in influence resulting from it is added to that of Russia, and if the cooperation and coordination between these nations rises in tandem, which there is no reason to believe it will not, then we can see just how profound the changes in geopolitical power politics will be.

The USA, UK and their allies could have resigned themselves to the eventualities above and embarked on a course emphasising cooperation, exchange of mutually beneficial technologies and complementary areas of interest, but it is quite clear that those who hold the reigns of power in these nations have decided on another course entirely. That course is one of confrontation and efforts to weaken the rising powers of Eurasia. Instead of creating pathways to cooperation and peace, the West has instead done all it can to erect barriers limiting the rise of Eurasian powers in an effort to weaken them and shore up in any way they can conceive their own dwindling power and influence.

The aggression shown by the western powers is evident on a daily basis. Only those with a completely sealed worldview based upon western state narratives and assertions can possibly think otherwise. To those who view such matters in relatively neutral terms, i.e. virtually all those outside of the U.S./UK sphere of influence, this fact is obvious and has been so for many years. Trading and communicating normally with Russia takes place within very usual international standards almost everywhere, other than in respect to the USA, UK and their allies.

The aggression continually shown by the West is particularly inappropriate at this epoch in the history of humankind. Numerous global threats face us. Unity of purpose not the devastating effects of division, intolerance, and potentially, nuclear war, is the obvious route to effectively mitigating these threats and allowing humanity to survive them. The Eurasian powers have invited such unity of purpose and have made continual pleas for greater international cooperation. The West has remained cold and aloof at best regarding the extension of this hand of prospective unity of purpose from Eurasia. Rather than accept different modes of governance, overcoming its prejudices in this respect for the good of humanity, the West presses on with its war by other means policy, that must to all fair-minded observers be denoted an extreme form of irresponsibility in these circumstances.

The ultimate outcome of current foreign policy cannot possibly be global freedom, tolerance and exemplary human rights for all with the highest civilized values possible. The victory of western nations led by the USA and UK over all others they have unilaterally decided do not merit the protection of sovereignty under international law cannot but lead to a virtual dictatorship over all nations by these powers in coordination. They would certainly impose stringent surveillance regimens globally and most likely even U.S. allies would not be exempt from this surveillance. Punishments for contravention of rules imposed by the western powers would be severe. Our world would most certainly become a de facto prison planet.

For the reasons mentioned immediately above and for the peace, prospective unity, harmony and life prospects of families across the globe in perpetuity this is why it has become vital to find the most effective way to break the ongoing cycle of western aggression.

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