Sunday, 2 January 2022


What are the great American people to do? By majority, they want a better life for all. Yet they vote for scoundrels, incompetents and puppets on a string time after time after time.

Joe Biden is simply the latest ventriloquist’s dummy to take centre stage and make like he has vocal chords of his own. Trump was no better in his own thuggish, no integrity way.

No need to go back through all the slick, sick and stupid previous incumbents. Each one was as bad as the other in one way or another.

So what are North Americans to do about this series of failed experiments in western so-called democracy?

I know what they should do… vote in their millions for independent candidates who can shake the whole corrupt system of the fake democratic system to its foundations.

But they won’t.

In 2024 they will no doubt vote for the previous talking head, the sociopath Donald J. Trump, the man who almost single-handedly made Russia public enemy number one by being accused he was one of its agents. Has anyone bothered to look at his track record? He attacked in one way or another every single friend and ally Russia has, China, Syria, Iran, Cuba and Venezuela. To top all that off he gave the green light to sending lethal weaponry to Ukraine, something Obama refused to do. That’s right, Russia’s main local enemy. Trump is Russia’s friend? As the saying goes, with friends like Trump you don’t need enemies.

Why can’t most Americans see past the two main candidates, those from the two main parties? Are they so totally blind or gullible that every four years they will act like so many Pavlov’s Dogs and react to the same old stimuli of false promises over and over and over again? As Einstein is reputed to have said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” That about sums up the average American voter’s actions at election time, wouldn’t you say?

It’s like a bad movie endlessly repeating. An especially horrific version of ‘Groundhog Day’ without the happy ending.

A typical American president gets into power promising to solve all the problems of the day. However, especially in regard to American foreign policy the solutions to perceived problems soon become problems themselves. And once created these new problems need ever more drastic “solutions”. So the very unmerry-go-round keeps turning. While the world keeps burning.

None of the turmoil created gets inspected with any degree of self-analysis. The devastation, the chaos, the tens, hundreds and potentially millions who die as a result of U.S. elites rabid desire to control, dominate and manipulate the world are somehow nothing to do with the Washington elites who instigated it all. They perceive themselves as perennially and permanently innocent. They have a manifest destiny, they are exceptional… and have a mission that only the perfect and deserving can be allowed to see through to its bloody end.

Will Americans choose to support all this once again in 2024, still of the belief that their country ‘right or wrong’ is the only nation endowed by God to smite all the ‘bad guys’ wherever they may be? I strongly suspect so. And if Trump gets elected again in 2024 they will get the same again as far as foreign policy goes, ‘America First’ and any challengers made to be last, by any means necessary.

This is the desperate plight of the American people. In a land devoted to fantasy and simplistic notions of right and wrong, divorced from knowledge of geography or other cultures, determined to see things in brutal black and white, believing in myths and bible-thumping nonsense-mongers, shock-jocks and conspiracy freaks, divided and at war with one another on myriad issues… soothed to dull numbness and conditioned to death by mainstream TV… they will gaze, slack-jawed at the candidates next time, locked into their partisan cages howling for the next puppet their party chooses for them.

But this is the society we others are meant to emulate.

Well… “Hell no!”, as they say in the good old US of A!

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