In the days after 9/11 George W. Bush gathered anybody who was anybody in the elite circle of Washington and beyond together and agreed one thing:
We can’t allow the world as it is to continue.
What then followed was the mission to transform the world into one that was safe for America.
All geopolitical events instigated since that time across all U.S. allies and those aligned to it within its tight orbit of demand and control have been to further this purpose.
All statements alluding to ‘freedom’, ‘democracy’, ‘a rules-based international order’, ‘western liberal values’, ‘human rights’, ‘freedom of speech’ etc. etc. are aimed solely at nations targeted for regime change. These words are used as weapons with the sole aim of destroying the power of individuals and forms of governance within target nations.
The task of undermining selected targets takes place with missionary zeal. All those involved are completely dedicated to the task. As in any war, truth was the first casualty as this determination to transform the world began. And all who recognized that the goal of the war was also in their best interests began singing from the same hymn book.
You must imagine this as an immense array of armaments with a vast array of totally committed soldiers of all denominations behind it. This is what the western world became after 9/11. Whether some believe 9/11 was an in-house project to stimulate and gain support for this response or not, the fact remains that this response arose and is still being actively pursued to its ultimate goal.
The goal, the holy mission if you will, is to remove all individuals from power and all systems of governance that are not compliant with western needs and desires. Whether you consider those needs and desires positive, appropriate and beneficial is again irrelevant in deciding whether or not it is being progressed.
The mission is of course to be accomplished in the shortest time possible and initially, with the goodwill of most of the world behind it after 9/11 the USA determined to further it by targeting an initial seven nations. These we all know of from discussion of the list of nations revealed by Wesley Clark.
"We're going to attack Iraq. The decision has basically been made."
Six weeks later, Clark returned to Washington to see the same general and inquired whether the plan to strike Iraq was still under consideration. The general's response was stunning:
"'Oh, it's worse than that,' he said, holding up a memo on his desk. 'Here's the paper from the Office of the Secretary of Defense [then Donald Rumsfeld] outlining the strategy. We're going to take out seven countries in five years.' And he named them, starting with Iraq and Syria and ending with Iran."
As we know things didn’t work out as planned, however, if it didn’t prove possible to totally replace the leadership of target nations it was still of major benefit to the USA to destroy their economies. And this is the secondary goal of the mission when outright regime change and collapsing of systems of governance prove too difficult.
The targeting of the leadership, systems of governance and economies of Russia and China are obvious first-priority missions. The semantic armoury of the holy warriors of the Washington and Whitehall along with their compliant media troops has been used with ruthless and relentless determination. The number of articles depicting Putin as the new Hitler and China as a suitably devious oriental threat resembles a veritable waterfall of words seeking to condition minds across the West. This has been remarkably successful as can be seen when reading comments to anti-Russian and anti-China diatribes on Twitter.
The attack force has widespread support. The corralling of opinion using the age-old tactic of generating fear (and subsequent loathing) has proven as efficient as ever and with the advent of social media and a 24-hour news cycle the drumming of certain messages into western minds has been made easier still.
The only end result acceptable to those in power within the West is the complete subjugation of all those it considers in any way inimical to or in competition with the western way of life and all it entails. No lesser outcome is acceptable. The West, and in particular, the USA, must be made safe in perpetuity.
No ethical or moral standards were to apply at any stage in the mission described above. These would only prove to be barriers to actions considered needful in accomplishing the predominant goals that were of such importance that all considerations of proper conduct were to be dispensed with. Kidnap, torture, ‘collateral damage’, premeditated murder, assassination, misinformation, barefaced lies, “fact” manufacture and mass murder were all to be kept ‘on the table’ at all times.
The ends justify the means is an old adage that has come into its own in our time. All principles of earlier times, such as they were, required to be dispensed with due to the existential nature of the situation which enfolded in the minds of western elites after 9/11. A ‘no holds barred’ ethos with all “enemies” seen as fair game for all possible tactics no matter how dirty was acknowledged as necessary evils.
The end goal may appear as far off as ever to us looking on. But to those who forward this goal the glass is always half full rather than half empty. They see opportunities and follow them up with alacrity and the assistance of thousands. The number of willing helpers across the western world certainly numbers tens of thousands when you include those within its mainstream media. Each opportunity to exploit a weakness is taken. With great subtlety at times, betrayals will be arranged to undermine morale after seeming diplomatic concessions have been made. The war goes ever on and at multiple levels each moment that passes.
The missionaries of the coming Armageddon never sleep.
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