It is the affiliation that almost daren't speak its name. Yet its adherents are fiercely proud of it.
However, to relate the fact to some friends, some family members or employers is to court trouble. The majority within western nations appear to still labour under the delusion that their mainstream press and media are still dedicated sleuths doing their utmost to inform them accurately.
To those above of course the words Vladimir Putin and Russia make them spit feathers. That group-thought mentality, un-evidenced as it is, remains a totem of fixed belief systems across every mainstream hangout within the western world.
But nevertheless, the reality of thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, who have done a little more sleuthing than surf mainstream headlines or nod appreciatively watching the nightly news, appreciating the venality of western elites and approving eastern ones, is growing and growing strongly.
In a way it is a miracle of group myopia that this trend is not even stronger than found now. After all, didn't we all hear a veritable stream of lies from western politicians lusting for war over the last decade and a half? Havn't we all observed the murderous slaughter of hundreds of thousands at the hands of those liars we call leaders? We all know the facts about Tony Blair and his clever wheeze of creating a dossier based on some student's thesis to give the green light to the shock and awe circus of death the USA had lined up, don't we?
We know about the USA kidnapping and torturing people in black sites, we know about the rendition flights populating our airports. We know all about the covering up of war crimes and the shutting up of whistleblowers like Julian Assange. And not only shutting him up but shutting him in and threatening to assassinate him... or at the very least torture him with the kind of treatment the hypocrites in high places in the West lambast totalitarian states for.
Shall we list the regime change disasters? We all know them well. Afghanistan of course, lately yet another disastrous failure of western hubris mixed with military gung-ho enthusiasm and jingoistic irresponsibility. Iraq, a nation where a hundred thousand fatal errors lie breeding a lust for revenge. Libya where NATO brought an entire nation to its knees within weeks as we watched its leader tortured and murdered before our eyes. Syria, where our sanctimonious leaders used violent extremists to further their desire to topple yet another president, opening the door to a plethora of blood-thirsty jihadists who miraculously obtained the best of weapons along with brand new Toyota trucks. ISIS and al Qaeda must have saluted skyward when a U.S. plane went by, "Thanks for the helping hand suckers!" was surely the cry.
How many reasons do we need to despise western elites and look eastward at the more sober and peace-loving and peace-keeping political elites we find there? Those who ended the U.S. plot in Syria that would with absolute certainty have brought an unconscionably evil caliphate into existence there. Why wouldn't we appreciate the efforts of the Russia that created a forum to negotiate peace while the U.S. continued to hit the war-weary people of Syria with even more sanctions even after they must surely have seen the game was up. This surely out of sheer spite and rage that their designs for Syria had been completely shredded by Putin and Russia, enraged that peace was being established where they need ever more chaos, suffering, hunger, misery and war.
So tell me, how many reasons do we really need to despite the West and all it stands for? Hypocrisy. State criminality. Infinite levels of irresponsibility, hubris, cynical exploitation, mass murder, dirty tricks, propaganda, invasion and the fracturing of entire regions. Really and truly how many more acts of savagery are needed?
Yet millions still read the words of state stenographers transferring the latest lies and tall tales to their gullible brain cells. Millions will tell you just how bad Putin is and how you can't trust Russia to do the right thing, that Russia and China are not democratic, not at all like their sublime heroes in Whitehall and Washington. You will hear too how NATO is our friend, a stalwart and necessary guardian against the evil twine of the east and primarily Russia. No attention at all will remain on the bloody exploits of their own leaders in recent memory. That memory has been wiped clean, reformatted by the incessant conditioning of western press and media, deleted, overwritten and given new data that directs them to look elsewhere for evil.
But the agile minds of those who favour insight over shallow idiocy know better. Having taken the responsibility and time to probe deeper and yes, question more, they have informed themselves, sometimes with a rude awakening here and there. They have plumbed the depths of North America's involvement and murderous interference in Latin America, they have read down the full list of all the wars the USA has started or been involved in for most of its history, those along with all the assassinations, death squads and coups it has initiated. They have reached behind the headlines, looked unflinchingly and without a trace of jingoistic nationalism at America's war against Vietnam. In short they have cleansed their eyes and minds of the mythology of conditioning that serves as a views-service across the western world. That's right, a views-service, from viewspapers, and from talking heads on TV expounding on "Putin's plans" as if these paid by the word cretins know a single thing about them, from those vacuous beings who do all they can to make the minds up of the viewers with their brain sponges at the ready to lap up the latest lie.
It's a matter of comparison. Just like the comparison of CNN with RT, Russia Today. CNN, a fast failing network that rotted itself from the inside out peddling the fraudulent Russiagate lie. If CNN isn't sufficient, take any of the many corporate hack entities that spew their shallow garbage from U.S TV screens nightly into a USA riven by the discord they feed on and regurgitate in order to make ever more money. What's to like and what's not to like about far more well-ordered and traditional societies such as Russia or China where a high degree of unity is found, intellectual rigour and a whole range of other positives right across their nations. Not that they are perfect, they know that and the fact that they know it and are determined to do all they can to fix their problems (such as poverty in China for instance) just makes them all the more admirable.
Putin and Xi exude integrity and yes, decency, they have characters that reveal dedication to their people, not to sponsors or lobby groups, not to military industrial complex entities where they hope to get a seat on the board of directors later, not to 1 per centres or any other vested interest. Their interest is clearly to benefit their populations, to work their damndest for them and urge everyone they know to do the same.
So what could possibly be surprising that so many of us here in the West admire these guys that the western powers so love to hate? There is absolutely nothing surprising about it whatsoever. It is a completely natural and obvious inclination based on the most solid principles that good people have always held close to their hearts. Honesty. Decency. Trustworthiness. Hard work. Transparency of character and deed. Compassion and a heartfelt desire to improve conditions and bring about a peaceful harmonious and satisfying existence for as many of us as possible and in particular to those they have a duty to assist and benefit foremost, their own populations.
These are the reasons why we work daily to see geopolitical justice done. We see who the black hats are clearly and our minds cannot be swayed by their lies, their Machiavellian distortions of reality or their propaganda of cynical humanitarian warmongering. We are immune and will remain immune until the western empire fails, falls and dies and a new and vastly more tolerant one rises in the east.
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