Tuesday, 1 February 2022



This is of course no innocent game that the West is playing.

It is deadly serious and there are no rules to this “game” except ‘win at all costs’.

The winner determines the geopolitical future of the entire planet for all future years.

If it is the USA and its allies who win out we get a strictly monitored world, one where surveillance from space is ubiquitous; wall to wall and laptop to laptop, worldwide.

There will be no escaping global inspection and where necessary, individual/group correction.

To win this “game” the USA and its allies must nullify, eliminate and replace any individuals and nations not in compliance with the requirement for complete obedience and in perpetuity. No disobedience to the codes laid down will be tolerated. If you think cancel culture is bad just wait until the USA and its allies have complete global control. Blanket coverage of all possible rogue factors and elements will be a certain outcome and if you don’t mind your p’s and q’s then you will come to the notice of your overlords... and then heaven help you.

Those nations to be nullified and eliminated are fewer now than they were in the days immediately following 9/11 even while the number of individuals have increased. There has been much talk of regime change. Of course this was the primary goal, but not the only one. Along the way the secondary goal, recognized as easier to accomplish and a handy natural by-product of the regime change tactics used. This was the complete destruction of the economy of the nations targeted rendering them “safe”. Complete regime change was of course desired above all else, but economic destruction of those targeted would do almost as well.

Since Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria, Sudan, Yemen, Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua have been worked on as side issues. The pot has been kept boiling while the next major target was softened up and made ready for containment, economic collapse and subversion from within, and if at all possible regime change. That major target is of course Russia. Once brought to heel with its president removed and system of governance replaced, the USA and its allies would move on to the ultimate target, which is of course China.

These latter two, Russia and China, are obviously the toughest nuts, hardest to crack by far. The others are relatively easy targets for subversion and a continual program of undermining acts of pressure including sanctions, internal activism, media manipulation and financial squeezing has kept them all suffering, and pleasingly so for the western masters of the end game. The powers they possess are immense and aided by the high degree of complicity they enjoy from their western mass media and European Union peers.

But now we reach the situation occurring currently. This is at the crunch point where the end game is reaching its most critical phase and an incredibly dangerous situation for both sides is underway, a situation that just may eventually determine the winner of the ‘End Game’.

Russia has recently raised the stakes after holding the West at bay for long enough to strengthen its hand. Its economy has been made more robust by responding vigorously to western sanctions and by diversifying its product base, finding new markets and connecting ever more closely with old allies. In tandem Russia has invested in new weapons systems that provide a more than fighting chance of responding to any western attack with a devastating reply. Hypersonic weapons of various kinds have been developed, tested and are now coming on stream and in use by the Russian military, army, navy and air force.

Russia has arranged for itself to arrive at a similar situation to that of China, strong enough to no longer have to watch its words when dealing with the West, no longer having to keep a low profile while western political and media elites create fake accusations and faux-scandals designed to harm Russia’s reputation and economy. Russia has weathered all the storms sent toward it and come out stronger and more resilient than ever before. Russia has now begun to make demands of the USA and its allies regarding NATO encroachment and the general aggression displayed constantly by the West over the last decade and half.

So, Russia is in a good position to resist the tactics of the end game war that the West has been waging. But is that position strong enough to withstand the end of the end game that is now coming into sight over Ukraine? This is where for both sides the risks have become enormous as what may be the final battle is now fought. Russia is determined to keep her borders secure and admit to no more threats looming on her doorstep and has demanded also that NATO forces be withdrawn to the positions they occupied as the Cold War ended and Gorbachev was promised NATO would not move an inch eastward toward Russia.

The danger for Russia is that the USA, its allies and NATO will simply double down and ultimately wage a hot war. However, the more likely danger is that some extreme provocation will force her to respond, and that this will provide a means by which the western powers can significantly damage her through an already prepared propaganda war. This has undoubtedly been readied and merely awaits other stratagems playing themselves out before implementation.

Currently the widespread western propaganda used daily regarding Ukraine is, in my estimation, designed to elicit one of a range of responses from Russia to weaken its stance.

These are the outcomes sought by the West as I foresee them. All would lead to one form of propaganda benefit for the West, dependent on Russia’s responses:

1. To push Russia into admitting its forces are in proximity to the Russia-Ukraine border contingent on a full scale military assault on the autonomy-seeking republics by Kiev. The propaganda value exists in any explicit admission that Russia would use military force in Ukraine if certain circumstances occurred. This is 'Gotcha #1'.

2. To push Russia to make a concession to “peace” and “deescalation” by withdrawing sufficient numbers of troops and weaponry from near the Russia-Ukraine to then allow the planned attack by Kiev/western embedded special forces on the autonomy-seeking republics with relative impunity. ‘Gotcha #2‘

3. To push Russia to withdraw its forces standing on guard near the Russia-Ukraine border at least partially and to then claim this as a major victory for NATO and a humiliating defeat for Russia. n addition I would be played as a sign of just how needed NATO was and a robust stance against “aggressive” Russia at all times. ‘Gotcha #3‘

Meanwhile of course, depicting Russia in the most pejorative of terms frightening corporate Europe and America into refraining from any deal-making with her. Weakening Russia economically and by so doing strengthening the USA is an active component of the overall strategy also. Each component of the overall stratagem gives the West a win and just possibly enough cumulative wins to shake Russia hard enough to enable an internal destabilization to begin and be supported by the NED (National Endowment for Democracy), the Soros’ Open Society NGO and of course the CIA and MI6.

So, what of the USA and its allies? What are the dangers for them in this situation?

There are several. One is that Russia continues to play ball and not react as predicted in the USA’s game plan. This could take several forms. One is the kind of pushback being seen currently where Russia makes a series of geopolitical chess moves involving perceived weak spots in the USA, and also within the economic sphere of its allies. The recent news that Russia will work in coordination with Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua on military matters is one such move. The deal with Hungary to provide it with a contract whereby it will have the cheapest natural gas in Europe until 2036 is another.

Russia has no doubt other cards up her sleeve with which to unnerve the USA and split its supposed European allies from it and adherence to its game plan. Already we can see Germany leaving the Biden fold over Ukraine, talking of wishing to establish a working relationship with Russia and refusing to countenance a refusal to grant the NordStream 2 its certificate of implementation. Others within the European Union will no doubt follow as their levels of available natural gas drop this winter.

The USA risks being isolated along with its rabid puppy, Britain if these trends continue to exacerbate and Russia fails to take the bait regarding Ukraine. This is decidedly NOT the outcome of the end game that the USA envisaged when it decided to use Ukraine as a tool to leverage its goals regarding Russia. And Ukraine is beginning to show all the signs of recognizing that it is being used in this way. The consequences for the USA’s present power level and influence could be severe if it is seen to fail catastrophically and subsequently also be seen as a conniving, deceitful, abusive and ultimately... incompetent partner

If the USA wins out using the Ukraine gambit Russia will be weakened and a much easier proposition for further inroads regarding the subversion of its political, economic and social stability. The push to the final goal whereby Russia’s president falls along with its government with both being replaced by U.S.-friendly alternatives, will be hastened. Those activists who look to Alexey Navalny within Russia will be emboldened and new converts gained in a renewed hope of replacing political elites they now feel more confident of toppling.

If Russia wins out the USA will be the one weakened, its reputation in decline, its influence reduced and to add insult to injury its allies beginning to negotiate new and more binding relationships with Russia. A potential political turmoil unleashed back home also cannot be ruled out. Russia’s position of course will be hugely strengthened and Russia will certainly attain the security guarantees she is looking for currently. Not only that, Russia will gain a significantly higher degree of respect, her position extremely secure and the western enemy sent home to lick its wounds. Plus the future of NATO will be in grave doubt.

It’s all to play for. Will the fake narratives of the USA be exposed? Will western populations continue to support their elites conditioned by these narratives? Will Russia resist all military provocations initiated by Zelensky or by the armed-to-the-teeth neo-Nazi militants, no matter the scale of the casualties? Will the USA’s European allies quail at the thought of Russia cutting off supplies of natural gas to them if they continue to obey their masters in Washington? How far is the USA willing to go in doubling down on its 9/11 fixed goal of eliminating all potential adversaries and economic rivals?

The next few weeks and months should tell us the answer to some, if not all, of these questions

And by then we should all know whether we are indeed in sight of the end of the end game war, of World War III, the final world war. The war to determine the geopolitical landscape of humanity in perpetuity from our time onward.

1 comment:

  1. Help Argentina to regain Falkland Islands. That will be a major distraction for the British bulldog.



The Ukraine war is reaching a critical stage. Crucial aspects of western narratives are now being questioned. The reality is at last being d...