Sunday, 20 March 2022


It was with enormous shock and revulsion the world woke to find that the USA and its criminal coalition of the killing had perpetrated a second act of international criminality, this time upon the sovereign nation of Iraq.

China and Russia have called upon the United Nations to send the strongest possible message of condemnation to the USA and UK for their barbarous acts against a second sovereign state in a row.

Individual nations are reverberating with calls by their populations to censure this second act of unbridled violence in contradiction of all decent laws held sacrosanct by the international community.

Every sector of both commercial and social life are alive with projects designed to eliminate all signs and symbols of the USA from daily life. Social media is alive with the colours of the Iraqi flag, also waved from window ledges, emblazoned on countless doorways, lapel badges and used as shawls and capes everywhere you look.

An entire roster of films made in the USA have already been banned with record stores ritually burning all compact discs featuring North American artists. Prominent individuals across the worlds of European cinema, literature, theatre and commerce have roundly condemned the U.S., UK and other elites who engaged in this act of state sponsored savagery.

North American products are being cleared from shelves. The Ford Motor Company, Chrysler and a host of other prominent names in the automobile industry have been given one week to get themselves back to their pariah nation and never come back.

Only European film and literature will be found in bookshops, record stores and libraries… European except of course for those items belonging to those who took part in the mass murders of the Afghan and Iraqi people.

German products are also fleeing shelves, the VW is no longer welcome on French streets. China has taken over all auto factories previously belonging to the murderous North American vermin who have so besmirched humanity’s name in both Afghanistan and Iraq.

Contrition has been expressed by most nations who have played a part in the coalition of the killing of the murderous and conspiring duo, the USA and UK. They have been forgiven their many sins as they were in fact brutally forced by the two dictating empires into being part of their criminal enterprise.

Now that the USA and UK are pariah states, their malign influence cleansed from European shores, an entire history of their abuses is being revealed. Their covert activities of subversion, threat and blackmail are being revealed and sanctions placed on the upper echelons of their political elites along with all members of their intelligence agencies, primarily the CIA, MI5 and MI6 that can be identified.

Heavy economic and financial sanctions have been placed on the criminal elites atop both ‘Hierarchies of Hell’ as they have been named by the collective anti-American committee formed to oversee the elimination of everything both Yankee and British.

Now those who have repented of their involvement along with Russia and China look forward to a new world where the malignant and overbearing and ever-threatening presence of the USA and UK can never again spread their murderously pernicious creed among law-abiding nations.

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