Sunday, 20 March 2022


By passing on Ukrainian activist’s lies verbatim western mass media news entities and western politicians are assisting some of the most evil people on this planet.

Currently Ukrainian activists are committing utterly horrendous atrocities against their own people in the hope of enticing NATO into involvement in Ukraine.

They have tried multiple times to create an event that will engender NATO involvement.

From creating a controversy surrounding the largest nuclear power plant in Europe, by staging attacks on schools and hospitals including a maternity hospital, by a similar action against a theatre and now by a heinous attack on a pensioners’ home they show clearly that they are willing to do absolutely anything and kill absolutely anyone to bring NATO into the war.

These evil techniques were seen during the siege of Sarajevo when one side targeted its own people in an open air market place killing scores. NATO then did what they were enticed to do, pressured to do and by every trick in the book, encouraged to do.

The ultranationalist forces, out of control of the president, central government or the Ukrainian military are staring defeat in the face, particularly in Mariupol and across the Donbass. They are utterly desperate.

But it is a moot point, which are the more evil, those who would do these things or the mass media news outlets and the western politicians who assist in their project?

By conveying the words of Ukrainian activists verbatim they make themselves immediate accessories to the crime. Why? Because they act as stenographers transferring the lie that it was Russia that did all these things when no one can ever explain why any of these acts would assist the Russian cause. Yet the primary mainstream news outlets who the majority of westerners rely on for their facts, supply these lies as raw facts.

The aim of both is to pluck heartstrings, to generate floods of tears and wails of anger and ultimately get everyone to cry “Do Something!!!” to NATO as they cannot stand the emotional pain and suffering they are going through and cry in ever greater volume for justice to be done, for the evil-doers to be punished, killed, made to stop.

The aim of both is to pluck heartstrings, to generate floods of tears and wails of anger and ultimately get everyone to cry “Do Something!!!” to NATO as they cannot stand the emotional pain and suffering they are going through and cry in ever greater volume for justice to be done, for the evil-doers to be punished, killed, made to stop.

But it is all theatre, all a sham, a deeply cynical construction designed for this very purpose.

And what happens if the first atrocity doesn’t do the trick? Then another, even worse atrocity must be perpetrated, then another and another… until you end up killing sixty pensioners in their pension home.

And if that doesn’t work then what?

No doubt a chemical weapon attack, the slaughter of children in an orphanage perhaps.

And all with the help each time by western politicians and a western mass media that takes the word of evil Ukrainian activists as gospel.

These are what I have referred to for several years now as 'The Humanitarian Death Industry' and this is EXACTLY what they are as their willingness to spread activist lies rather than convey hard facts is aiding evil and causing the deaths of thousands.

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