No matter what prefix you insert before the word, this is war. An economic war. An information war. A propaganda war. This is an all-out war. A world war.
No economic benefit is to flow eastward to Russia from the West.
No information relating to the Russian viewpoint is to be allowed.
The western world has declared war on Russia after pressurising the country with no other way out than this for eight years and more, eight years since the coup occurred in Ukraine, fifteen years since Vladimir Putin's address to the assembled political leadership of the West in 2017.
This war has been waged only by the West. The allegations against Russia have been fabrications I believe. Naturally I do hot have access to the minute details in every case but it is my conviction that all such accusations were simply part of the weaponry of this war.
Putin is just a human being like the rest of us. He is not perfect. But nothing I have learnt of the man leads me to believe the portrayal of him in the West is anything like the man.
Russia is of course simply another nation with positives and negatives like any other. But it is treated now as if it should never think it has the right to security when it comes to clear threats against it, that it should simply take all the attacks on it or its president and the constant build up of threat on its doorstep by Ukraine and NATO and simply take it and shut up.
Putin will no longer put up with the war being waged against his country. He has shown this now in seeking to solve the problem of Ukraine that the leadership in Ukraine, NATO, the EU, USA, UK and their friends and allies refused to even begin to.
Kiev simply refused to act on its promises of 2015 in Minsk. The pathway to peace was there, laid out, signed by all and ratified by the United Nations. Yet Kiev refused to implement its steps toward peace and reconciliation and instead followed the steps demanded by NATO, the CIA, the U.S. State Department, the British Foreign Office and all within the western political hierarchy... towards war instead.
Now that it is here... those who fomented every condition for this war, a war they began initially to wage in 2007 and pushed Ukraine toward and provoked Russia into... blame Russia for everything, casting themselves as blameless.
This is a war of lies, of misdirection, of propaganda and of a sought for hegemony by the USA and its allies due to great extent to the events that occurred on 9/11 2001. The USA and UK always saw themselves as the rightful worldwide guardians and ultimate arbiters, the dominant elites, the patrician overlords of this planet, destined always to rule and remain top dogs, garnering the fruits of self-interest and increased power along the way.
All the accumulated power and influence of the West was seen to be at risk in 2001 then emphasised by Putin in his speech telling it he favoured a multipolar, not a bipolar or unipolar world.
We are now within the last world war as a consequence, the war to determine whether the USA and its allies get their way and manage a world of surveillance, where we are all carefully watched for signs of rebellion against their jealous power matrix, a world of fear and de facto prison planet... or else, if Russia, China and others predominate and tolerance for diverse forms of governance becomes the rule where agreements not aggression rule, where no single ideology prevails or is pushed, a world of stability, communication, cultural transfer nation to nation... and peace.
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