Friday, 25 March 2022


We are all selfish to some degree. A majority of us tend to vote with our wallets a lot of the time, due to the inevitable stresses of living in capitalist societies.

All that was promised down the decades of greater leisure time with our families and shorter working hours… it all turned out to be bullshit.

In reality we all got pressed into a shitty, stressful environment where the carrot hung on a line in front of us was ever further from reach.

So voting with your wallet became a normal thing. Politicians made their four-yearly round of promises, each side saying this time it would all come true. And of course it didn’t… but still we needed those extra pounds, dollars or whatever to make ends meet. So the carrot on the end of the line transformed into us on the end of a fishing line, hooked into the grind of never quite making enough to feel we had made it to the good life or the American Dream or whatever the ideal was supposed to be in our native land.

But these bozos who we elected to power, what did they do with that power in recent times?

Where to start? There are too many areas of concern to cover in detail but here are a few bullet points at least:

1. Eternally feeding those at the top of the tree, vacuuming up cash from below to above.

2. They created a police state around us of state and social media surveillance.

3. They began the path to a totalitarian state through inveigling mass media obedience.

4. They jailed and persecuted whistleblowers who were informing us of their crimes.

5. Worst of all they formed a coalition to engage in the channelling of lies to “justify” murder.

You will have other issues which you would like to see added to those five above I know but these are the five off the top of my head I am most concerned with currently. Ultimately, in my opinion, these five have produced the shitty mess that is the western world today.

George Orwell predicted much of this. If there was ever a good time to read his novels, ‘1984’ and ‘Animal Farm’ it is now.

The majority of us have been herded into the abattoir of the mind where after being anaesthetized against reality we have had the talking points, memes, tropes, narratives and agendas of our political elites placed repeatedly in our heads. Creating sheep bleating acceptance of war has been the goal and it has been largely successful.

Why? What was the point? What reason could they possibly have for doing anything so heinous and against all these elites supposedly wanted to preserve in us, freedom of thought, speech and assembly and transparency of governments to public view. It all got turned against us since nine eleven, for that was indeed the turning point, the point where all western elites went into myopic war mode.

In war mode many aspects of thoughtful consideration are shut down. Focus narrows to a pin point at times refusing to accept alternate routes that might lead to peace. Those who advocate for those routes are perceived as dupes, agents or traitors… perhaps cowards. In war mode only warriors are allowed to speak and warriors don’t do nuance.

So it has come to pass that the upper echelons of the western political elites are crowded out by warriors now. Those who were of milder (and more insightful over the historical past and long term eventualities) were either sidelined or shown the door. Any such candidates for positions of influence stood no chance after 9/11. Only warriors need apply when war mode descends upon nations.

Nine eleven created a determination among western elites that opposition to their continued power could no longer be tolerated. That is NO opposition. Even the weakest of opposition was seen as potentially leading to something more dangerous to the West over time. It ALL had to go. Every leader, every system of governance, regime change was to at least mortally weaken each foe if not destroy them and replace them. One by one the individuals and nations where such opposition was seen, were attacked.

From 2000 to 2007 Vladimir Putin had been more or less accepted within the ranks of the West’s core elites. He was wined and dined and received the praise of many, for what it’s worth, that of George W. Bush. But in 2007 he made the mistake that would mean he went right to the top of the target list. He addressed the assembled elites of the western world and told them that their concept of a unipolar world run by them was nothing more than dictatorship and Russia would not accept this but instead promote a multipolar world.

Those western elites, deep within war mode myopia, didn't hear Putin’s words about how Russia was willing to cooperate on every major issue from international crime to nuclear proliferation. All they heard was that Russian would not subjugate itself to the control of any other nation or group of nations. And of course, since 9/11 subjugation or total compliance with western rule was exactly what was expected by those imbued with the determination that being in war mode brings.

Thus we began the era which is ending now, with Putin being treated as a pariah, Russia as a hostile state and every possible effort being made by both the political and mass media spheres of the West to undermine and replace both Putin and the system of governance within Russia.

Those in war mode in the West then discovered a secondary problem to their need to establish full spectrum dominance globally to secure their dominance. China began her precipitous economic rise. How were the goals of global surveillance to detect potential enemies going to be effected now? If China’s economic and therefore political, social and military influence was going to grow then as night follows day those of the West would wane. This was another enormous threat to the universal dominance believed vital for those in war mode to establish total security for the West and its allies.

Doubling down became the rule, this due to the fact that the goals set after 9/11 COULD NOT be altered, let alone countermanded. They were decided upon and set in stone, in fact set in Titanium. The COULD NOT be altered. Too much depended on their TOTAL realisation. It was unthinkable that they NOT be realised. That would mean a possible recurrence of the events of 9/11 was possible. Not even the most minuscule possibility of this could be left open to chance.

So, we are here now. Those goals are now totally unattainable because Russia has taken a step that has undermined them still further than the catastrophic failures in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Yemen. The reputation of the West will now lie in tatters, unable, incapable, weak and dying while Russia’s reputation rises to join that of China as the new guardians of world security just as the West implodes in energy and resource poverty and perpetually undermining debt.

These circumstances where Russia achieves ultimate victory and acquiescence to all her demands for assured security will leave the elites of the West, still in war mode, desperate. Only one possibility will be seen still available that could turn things around for them, just one weapon whose use could devastate the opposition they have till now used all other means to destroy.

I am sure I do not need to point out what weapon I mean.

And this is why no westerner should vote with his or her wallets any more if they love their friends, colleagues and families. That true love should focus unselfishly on the lives of all of us here on this small benighted planet. And should raise to power those who could just possibly save our world for future generations, those who seek agreement, compromise, resource-sharing, trade and most of all… peace. And never, ever again raise to high political office those who favour aggression, selfish ambition, the hatred and division that comes from a perpetual state of being in war mode and furthering war.

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