The USA, UK and their allies can conduct a war against Iraq with lies for justification killing tens or even hundreds of thousands yet barely a whisper of protest is heard by the majority and very little from western mainstream media.
Brown-faced people are simply not considered of much interest. They are “different”, not like us, we can’t identify with them and indeed resent that they cry for help to us when they are hit by famine or war.
It just doesn’t feel the same to Europeans who constantly compliment themselves on how woke they are, how caring and compassionate especially when white-skinned people who look like them and seem to share a European culture with them are affected.
History and the rights and wrongs of past neglects, interferences and atrocities by western states somehow instantly don’t matter much when the call to emote arrives from those in the media who helped along previous regime change wars and neglected to protest against them.
All is only of the moment and of the utmost urgency. All possible must be done to save our white-skinned compatriots from harm. No consideration should be given to any circumstances caused by western leaders that instigated the crisis. All nuance, detail, history and other side of the coin is dispensed with in a welter of tears, prayers, songs and wails of hatred for ‘the others’, those evil demons and devils that mainstream news informs of. A completely black and white portrayal of all that occurs endlessly hypes up the hatred and inspires more tears, songs, donations for the “poor victims” of a foreign devil.
In past wars this all too predictable scene was of course present, but not to the scale seen today. As Mark Twain once said, 'a lie can travel round the world before the truth can get its shoes on’. And so it has been. The lie of Russian aggression, the lie of evil Putin, the lie of rebuilding the USSR… lie after endless lie to condition the foundations of an abiding fear and hatred… of the other.
And it is all so terribly obvious. And it is all so terribly obscene.
No crowds of Europeans filled the streets when the civilian populations of the Donbass were pummelled gleefully day and night during 2014 and 2015 by randomly fired mortar shells by real human devils who looked to Hitler and his Nazis for inspiration. No songs were sung to awaken western conscience to the atrocities being committed daily in eastern Ukraine. No mass campaigns to gather donations were organised for their injured, bereaved, orphans or displaced. Instead western mass media news entities either remained totally silent or sporadically implied it was all Russia’s fault.
Now we have an exercise in mass ignorance steered toward wailing angst and fist-pumping hatred with history erased and minds totally fixated on a news ethos that is more hard-dedicated conditioning of minds than any effort to inform. Mass ignorance fuelled by ever more one-sided hyperbole has led to a kind of mass hysteria where the most deluded of all signal their enthusiasm for nuclear war and the subsequent deaths of millions.
The demonization of Russia and Russians could hardly be taken any further… and yet they try. Every newspaper article, every magazine cover, every TV news bulletin all seek to hype the level of woe and hatred combined to ever higher levels. And all the while the factors behind the reality in Ukraine fade to black with not even a blur countenanced as acceptable. Only the pure white and deep blacks or right and wrong, good and evil prevail.
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