Friday, 11 March 2022


(kidology/ (kɪˈdɒlədʒɪ) /noun : The art or practice of bluffing or deception.)

It could be that within the next four days, despite efforts by Ukrainian officials and their president to fox western populations, if not their leaders, that the Ukraine that was will be no more.

Also, the Russia that was will no longer be the same either. In certain ways Russia will go through a period of greater weakness, perhaps lasting until part way through 2023. After this point its inflation rate will lower and growth will begin to lift off, resuming previous levels in 2024.

In addition, the new Russia will assume a position of enhanced strength within the Eurasian community that will stand it in good stead to be at the top table with China in the cooperative endeavour to take on any and all future challenges leading the even greater levels of respect and coordination as time goes on.

The machinations of the Ukrainian elite and its president, the public relations campaign mounted with all its spurious bravado and misinformation will fall by the international wayside while Russia’s demands are met one after another.

False flag events by the Ukrainian ultra-nationalists will be exposed for what they are along with the window dressing the Ukrainian president sought to provide for a hysterical western population. The memory of all the tears shed for such a failed leader who cared more for his own reputation and status than for the lives of his countrymen and women will be recalled with shame.

Zelenskyy’s attempt to fool the world into destroying itself for the sake of his status will make him a pitiful wretch if any justice remains in the western world when this is all over and done with.

I must say however, the western elites do not have a good record at all in facing up to either their crimes or failures but instead continue insisting they did the right thing and have nothing to apologise for.

In this way their descent into self-effacing kidology, designed to put a brave face on things will continue and assist their descent into a western world totally unable to face reality.

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