Tuesday, 5 April 2022


The western world is in full war mode against Russia. Its media elites are fully aligned with its political elites in their combined effort to bring down the Russian economy, the Russian president and Russia’s mode of governance. A no holds barred propaganda exercise is now in full swing. The latest events in Bucha are just the current effort designed to demonize Russia in the eyes of all nations not yet on board with the West.

Every possible weapon is being used to do damage to the reputation of Russia and wreck its economy. The most powerful of these weapons have already been used including those of a financial and economic nature. It must surely be the case that the most powerful weapons in these armories have now been expended as one-shot only attack assaults. All else can only be weaker pot-shots far easier to counter and/or bypass. Now the West has begun to use more reprehensible and dishonest attacks.

Bucha will eventually be shown to have been a Ukrainian-caused atrocity against its own citizens, either by mistake, misfortune or malice. Russian troops had already left the area when the strikes that caused the carnage there occurred. In recent weeks many videos have shown the completely callous, illegal and utterly heartless way Ukrainian forces have acted, sometimes against their own citizens. Those of a particularly extremist mentality have perpetrated utterly unspeakable acts of sadistic brutality. It is easy to imagine NO human life being of value to such people.

False flag events are a technique of desperation. They can however, be most effective in demonizing your enemy and in encouraging outside forces to come to your aid. The modern 24 hour news cycle of the West seeks such events to provide it with a feeding frenzy where no investigation is deemed necessary as their activist contacts have provided the “proof” needed simply by their assurance what they say is true. No journalistic or legal issues need apply. If a Ukrainian activist said it happened this way then that is the way it will be reported.

Russia troops have no incentive to attack civilians, civilian infrastructure, schools, hospitals or any civilian structure whatsoever. There is no military purpose in doing so, scarce and expensive ammunition and weaponry needed to fight the other side would be wasted, public opinion would turn against them both in Ukraine and abroad. There is no sense in Russian troops doing any of the above and they have been instructed specifically not to. The only gain to come from any semblance of such attacks would be to the Ukrainian military and their Nazi-legacy militias embedded within it.

This kind of demonization has become commonplace in modern wars and with western publics having been sensitised to any trace of something looking like injustice, especially to the young, sick and otherwise vulnerable this demonization has become a powerful tool in the hands of western political elites and their compliant media outlets. They say one picture can tell a thousand stories and this has been seen in recent years from Iraq to Syria and now to Ukraine. There are clearly many in elite circles across the western world who believe western audiences can be played like a violin.

At the same time, a growing minority have become wise to these techniques and are fast becoming immune to the Pavlovian techniques being employed. Sadly, the vast majority of westerners appear still to be subject to the emotional hit sought and respond in stimulus-response fashion to what has become nuanced, repetitive conditioning whereby a single demonizing message is implanted firmly and indelibly in their brains. No previous dictatorial regime could have done it any better or more effectively than today’s mass media.

The only hope for the power of such lies to be defeated is by the spread of skepticism generated by the knowledge of such techniques being used and the subsequent double-take required in the mind whereby an image or series of images/film clips are seen for what they are. The power of the television is such that without such skepticism the viewing public are little more than the human version of Pavlov’s dogs, mentally salivating at the sight of the “food” being delivered via their eyes to their brain.

Skepticism generated by knowledge of the psychological techniques being applied to open minds will actively destroy the power generated by those who actively generate, channel and spread war slander. Unless this change from the gullible to the mentally guarded happens we could easily see huge injustices take place where no investigation is required to pronounce a nation guilty of some act of apparent barbarism, only hearsay and accusation. Those actively sought injustices are exactly the outcome wished for in this new and dirtiest tactic of war slandering.

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