Thursday, 4 August 2022


The agreement arrived at was that no other pathway could produce the required result.

Fundamental principles adhered to, to a greater or lesser degree in the past, were required now to be abandoned.

Concepts such as the supremacy of competition, the desire for diplomacy to resolve geopolitical disputes, truthfulness where possible to build trust and co-operation as a means of furthering U.S. goals... were all to be replaced by a constant determination to use all means possible to undermine those designated as targets.

What caused this fundamental shift in approach? Why had confidence been lost to such an extent that future destruction rather than further construction had been chosen?

Two events. One extremely sudden, the other taking place over a much longer but inexorable time scale.

The first of course was 9/11 which eventuated in a dramatic change of policy which saw regime change take centre stage in the USA’s foreign policy agenda.

The second was the rise of China and the clear unwillingness (by 2007) of Russia to agree to the concept of the USA and its allies becoming a combined world hegemon.

We all know what occurred in regard to the first event.

Regarding the second we have seen the tactic deployed against Russia, pushing it ever further into a corner which it has now exploded out of.

However, this leaves the rise of China as the most insistent danger to the USA’s goal (along with its allies) to achieve full universal oversight and ability to act at will against threats regarding the entire planet.

China, with its stupendous rise in economic success and attendant influence posed a direct threat to the incontrovertible goal of the USA to move ever closer to its de facto goal of becoming the world’s jailor, judge and executioner where deemed necessary. Post 9/11 no potential threats were to be countenanced, nothing even remotely threatening to the goal of ‘full spectrum dominance’ was to be ignored any longer.

The ‘Wrecking Ball’ policy was at this point adopted as the only viable tool considering that Russia and China were so far down the path toward stymying this new and urgent goal the USA set for itself after the eleventh of September 2001.

Diplomacy would no longer be conducted as before if it was to be conducted at all. Deception would be incorporated within the semblance of what others would call diplomacy but which would now be only a fig-leaf to cover war by other means.
Every single statement or move made would incorporate the innate goal to undermine the individual, corporation, nation of any other entity deemed a target for destruction. Building trust would only be incorporated when dealing with allies of the USA and only then to a limited degree where confidence allowed. To all others a wide-ranging facade of deception and modes of trust betrayal would be applied to undermine, weaken and destroy them.

All was to be predicted upon destruction of the status quo which had eventuated in 9/11. That status quo could no longer be contemplated. This was at the core of the new ‘Wrecking Ball’ policy which we have seen wielded from September 11th 2001 to this day.

In recent days the visit of Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan exemplifies the way the wrecking ball policy works. Far from seeking to ameliorate tensions the wrecking ball policy aims to exacerbate them. In respect of Taiwan the goal is to provoke China into responses which can be used to make further provocations and propaganda even more effective. China is to be portrayed in even more strident terms as an aggressive and dangerous nation and a grave threat to others in the region.

China is to be goaded into reflecting the propaganda image that has already been built up into a sometimes very convincing facade with which to scare and influence others and drive them into the arms of the USA and NATO, or at the very least make them doubt the wisdom of doing business with China.

Just as Russia was goaded for eight long years since 2014 with the willing connivance of western mainstream media in regard to Ukraine, so China too will now be on the receiving end of this same policy. The goals are several but all subservient to the accomplishment of the final and unquestioned outcome, the world rendered safe and secure for the USA and its allies.

The preliminary goals to eventually achieve the above end consist of using every possible tactic and technique to undermine all aspects of success (economic, political, social etc. etc.) of target individuals, corporate entities and entire nations. Mistrust is to be fostered, doubt spread, allegations repeated, rhetoric toughened, betrayal and deception made order of the day and all coordinated across allies for maximum effect.

For the USA and its allies all this is imperative to maintain what they conceive of as their benign guardianship of the planet having set in motion a self-sustaining belief in their own exceptionalism and superiority. This is the most charitable rendering of the situation at least. This gives those in charge the benefit of the doubt regarding motivation. Being less charitable this can be seen as those who are long used to being in charge and able to manipulate most things to their advantage now cynically attempting to act in every possible way, criminal or otherwise, to undermine their “enemies” to obtain what amounts to a global dictatorship.

Whichever description most accurately fits the situation I leave to others to decide.

However, whichever is more true, both in essence comprise what can only be described as the ‘Wrecking Ball Policy’ as adopted by the western world.


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