Thursday, 16 February 2023


The western political elites are in a state of apoplexy due to the knowledge that unless they do something truly drastic they will lose all the power over the rest of the world that they have enjoyed for so long. Due to this rabidly panic-driven state of mind they are now capable of the most instance acts possible. We truly have come to the point where they appear to be ready to destroy the world if they cannot continue to control it.

All limitations appear to have been dispensed with by those who lead the USA and UK now. Admittedly their European allies are less sanguine about the possible atrocities these two are willing to unleash to maintain their position as global top dogs (as they see it).  Nothing is off the table from the use of ISIS/al Qaeda terrorists trained, financed and armed smuggled into Russia to perpetrate acts of sabotage and murder to create chaos to the use of tactical nuclear weapons anywhere as these insane megalomaniacs see fit.

Currently they are ready to do almost anything to distract the sheep at home from the reality of the caving in of western economies along with the ways of life they support. It’s all coming down on their heads just at the time when they thought their clever wheeze against Russia would be putting them back up where they think they belong, on top able to maximize benefit to their own interest by manipulating the rest of us. It wasn’t meant to be like this. Russia was meant to be in chaos, not their own nations. This makes them even more dangerous.

Desperation makes people do desperate things sometimes and the cretinous egomaniacs at the top of the political tree in North America and so-called Great Britain are approaching their most desperate state yet. This because the second part of their plan to destroy Russia looks likely to also blow back on them and may well blow them all out of office to be replaced, hopefully, by others with much more sense. Russia is within months of totally defeating the ambitions of the western powers in Ukraine. The humiliation to the entire panoply of these piss-poor politicians will then be complete.

So watch out. This may be when the fireworks truly start. Distractions will be many and quite likely, spectacular. They won’t just be about farcical furores concerning balloons and flying saucers, the next distractions could well lose thousands, if not millions, their lives. That is how much the demise of western power and the losing of the fix these power junkies have enjoyed for generations, means to them. It’s the absolute end for them, anathema, unbelievable… they, the self-appointed, God-anoited wardens, shepherds, guardians, judges, jurors and executioners of our world face their redundancy. Those who give themselves exceptional status, they who pronounce themselves superior to all others, granting themselves the posts of communal dictator over the rest of us who they consider primitives to be herded into pens or abattoir at their choice.

These demagogues in designer suits are ready to contemplate mass murder to save their scrawny political necks. Can you feel the pulse of the zeitgeist currently? The fevered atmosphere is coming down from on high this time. It’s no terrorist plot as on 9/11 coming from insane zealots below. It’s coming from on high, from those ivory towers where the western elites squat who think they are the most ultimately entitled, entitled through some inherent and inalienable right that no one but themselves granted to them.

They want global hegemony and permanently and without any more risks to it this time. In past times they only had it by means of the threat they could use as a weapon to wield if some individual or nation got uppity. They had avenues they could use via submissive and compliant allies to strike just about anywhere they chose and everyone knew it. Now, in these recent days those who were weak and unable to refuse to assist are now finally standing up to the twin bullies of our world, the USA and UK. They are refusing to cooperate. In recent times they said, no, fuck that for a game of soldiers, we are NOT supporting you against Russia and we won’t support you later against China either!

So, how desperate do you think this makes these overweening cowards who beat their breasts in safety while others die, these egomaniacs, psychopaths and wannabe world dictators? Very desperate indeed. And willing to do just about anything at this point and I do mean anything. The world has never been in a more dangerous time than now. I see world but of course the world will do just fine no matter what, it is we humans who must worry… it is we who may well die in our millions at the hands of these insane and extremely evil men and women. Isn’t it time we rose from our torpor and dragged them out kicking and screaming from their lairs before they demonstrate just how mind-burningly insane they are?



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