Thursday, 23 February 2023


An enormous humiliation is lying in wait for the leaders of the USA, UK and Europe who continue to promote the policy in Ukraine that cannot help but speed up the day when it arrives.

There is one particular precedent for this coming humiliation, another case of western adventurism that went horribly wrong and ended with the same western powers of that time going home with their tails between their legs. This was the 'Suez Crisis'.

Undoubtedly relatively few reading this will be familiar with the Suez Crisis of 1954 during which the USA and Britain were humiliated. Here is the Wikipedia summary of the events of that time.

'In 1951 Egypt repudiated the 1936 treaty with Great Britain. In October 1954 the UK tentatively agreed to remove its troops from the Canal Zone. Because of Egyptian overtures towards the Soviet Union both the United Kingdom and the United States withdrew their pledge to financially support construction of the Aswan Dam. Egyptian President Gamel Abdel Nasser responded by nationalising the canal on 26 July 1956. On the same day that the canal was nationalised Nasser also closed the Straits of Tiran to all Israeli ships.This led to the Suez Crisis in which the UK, France, and Israel invaded Egypt. According to the pre-agreed war plans Israel invaded the Sinai Peninsula on 29 October, forcing Egypt to engage them militarily, and allowing the Anglo-French partnership to declare the resultant fighting a threat to stability in the Middle East and enter the war – officially to separate the two forces but in reality to regain the Canal and bring down the Nasser government.

To save the British from what he thought was a disastrous action and to stop the war from a possible escalation, Canadian Secretary of State for External Affairs Lester B. Pearson proposed the creation of the first United Nations peacekeeping force to ensure access to the canal for all and an Israeli withdrawal from the Sinai Peninsula. On 4 November 1956, a majority at the United Nations voted for Pearson's peacekeeping resolution, which mandated the UN peacekeepers to stay in Sinai unless both Egypt and Israel agreed to their withdrawal. The United States backed this proposal by putting pressure on the British government through the selling of sterling, which would cause it to depreciate. Britain then called a ceasefire, and later agreed to withdraw its troops by the end of the year.'

The Ukraine Crisis when it is told of by future historians will massively outdo that of the now almost forgotten 'Suez Crisis'. The 'Suez Crisis' has been overtaken by several of more recent memory. The hurried withdrawal from Vietnam and in recent years Afghanistan are two such crises where humiliation of one kind or another were meted out to the western powers. When analysed closely it will be found that Russia's entry into the conflict in Suez and the virtual end of the West's covert weaponizing of any and all forces there to unseat Syria's president will also be seen as a humiliating defeat. A defeat also for those who the USA, UK and France assisted in this effort such as Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

Despite on humiliation after another since the 'Suez Crisis' and later Vietnam the western powers never somehow learn their lesson and desist. The 'Ukraine Crisis' as it will no doubt come to be known show this. 

We all know the famous saying, 'Those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it' and never was there a more appropriate group to label on this score as the western powers, primarily the USA and UK. Why might this be?

It has been called 'The White Man's Burden' in the past and though sensibilities have changed somewhat this saying still lies at the heart of why no lessons are ever learned regarding interventions across the world by the collective West.

From Wikipedia once more:

'In "The White Man's Burden" (1899), a poem by Rudyard Kipling about the Philippine-American War (1899–1902) he exhorts the United States to assume colonial control of the Filopino people and their country. Originally written to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria (22 June 1897).

Kipling encourages the American annexation and colonisation of the Philippine Islands, a Pacific Ocean archipelago conquered in the three-month Spanish–American War (1898). Kipling exhorts the American reader and listener to take up the enterprise of empire yet warns about the personal costs faced, endured, and paid in building an empire; nonetheless, American imperialists understood the phrase "the white man's burden" to justify imperial conquest as a civilising mission that is ideologically related to the continental expansion philosophy of manifest destiny of the early 19th century.'

You can see that this frame of mind whereby it is thought that there is an inherent right and duty of the superior and exceptional to come and rearrange the lives of those who they consider to be primitive and inferior. This is of course racist in the extreme. But you will find this attitude, in unspoken form, at the heart of every intervention across the world by the same nations that perpetrated them in the past.

Now these attitudes are embroidered by what are considered to be "better" motivations and intentions. Now we are expected to believe that these people merely wish to bring 'freedom' and 'democracy' to the world. And by whatever means they find most amenable to their abilities and influence, whether than be by missiles and bombs, sanctions or the undermining of governments by means of bribery, threat, sabotage, assassination or the latest means, colour revolutions. Revolutions such as the 'Orange Revolution' in Ukraine in 2004 or the 'Rose Revolution' in Georgia or, to come full circle with Rudyard Kipling, the 'Yellow Revolution' in the Philippines.

If you believe the motivation behind these attempts by the West to remove certain national authorities and replace them by ones of their choosing are idealistic and well-intended I think you will at least agree that the results have been less than envisaged and indeed have in every case have had extremely negative consequences.

You may ask yourself what became of 'The Arab Spring' as well as the great enthusiasm that was expressed regarding the wonderful leap forward in Iraq regarding the democratic process being installed there. Then perhaps take a look at Libya and what is occurring there. You may have to dig deep as along with Afghanistan news has become extremely scare. Is the same about to occur in the case of Ukraine also? Ukraine was the most recent case of a revolution that was in truth an insurrection receiving fulsome western support.

On Kiev's Maidan those killing police using any means that came to hand such as paving stones, Molotov Cocktails or every variety of home made club, hunting rifles and hand guns were lauded as 'peaceful protesters' by Barack Obama as he exhorted the then Ukrainian authorities to leave them alone. Leave them alone as they burned down government offices and hit the lightly armed police (batons and shields only) with anything they could find such as heavy chains, toxic sprays and, in one case, a fork lift truck.

The above was celebrated in the West as a high point of people power while more than fifteen young policemen died. Senior American politicians and "diplomats" shouted on these insurrectionists and in one infamous occasion handed out cookies to them before their nightly riot. In this we can catch the same flavour of hypocrisy that attends every such western intervention into the affairs of others worldwide. There is one law for us and an entirely different law for all others.

Try attending a demonstration in the United States of America if you are a senior Russian or Chinese political figure. Yet there on Kiev's Maidan Square you could find people such as Senator John McCain standing on the same stage on the square beside the leader of a Ukrainian political party that uses the 'Hitler Salute' along with so many others in western Ukraine. On the square too you would have seen Geoffrey Pyatt, the U.S. Ambassador at the time and Victoria Nuland who still to this day occupies a senior foreign policy position in the Biden administration. Does she still say "Fuck the EU"? We don't know. Probably.

The hubris of the USA and UK, stemming in a direct line from the genocidal and slaving past of both, along with Britain's brutal colonial exploits continues to "inform" their adventures of today wherein they have the absolute gall to deign to tell the world how it should live... or else.

But all this expressed hubris is coming to the end of its shelf life. Those nations that the USA and UK along with their sidekicks in the EU were able to threaten, bribe and coerce in various ways will not take any of that any more. They have become stronger and perceive those like China and Russia have become stronger too and are closer by than the dangerous wannabe dictators the USA and UK. Those two are weaker by far now due to the rise of the Eurasian nations. Those Eurasian nations have long memories, they are good students also. They know what these two bullies have done in the past. They remember all the times they had their arms-twisted and worse, much worse... by these two thugs. And they won't tolerate such behaviour ANY MORE.

The two malignant entities of the West have grown old and weak. Their weapons have been matched, their threats don't raise fear levels like they once used to and are now more likely to raise a sneer and out-thrusting of a middle finger rather than a bowing of the head in obedience. Those days of supplication to the master, of bowing and scraping are well and truly over or at the very least on the cusp of ending. Disdain is taking the place of compliance, disobedience to their commands is now commonplace as in refusing to criticise Russia over Ukraine. The West has become impotent in its failing old age, corrupted and debt-ridden internally, diseased at its core and failing to see how laughable, how utterly risible are its commands now. 

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