Wednesday, 15 February 2023


Unless it's about your weather for next week, a cat that has climbed up a telegraph pole and can’t get down or some natural disaster somewhere you have every right to be sceptical concerning what you’re hearing. This is especially true regarding some politician making a comment and even more so when talking heads are discussing national security or an aspect of western foreign policy. If the subject concerns an area where you are being encouraged to feel fear or it covers some geopolitical issue… my advice would be to switch off immediately.I say this because mainstream media is now organised to lie to you about every important issue and what is more, to condition your mind to feel fear, hate and give consent to government needs, on demand.

Why might this be so? If true, what is the motivation behind this endeavour?

The primary reason is that the entire western world and its allies are running scared.

Their long-held dominance over the world, their ability to arm-twist weaker nations, to exploit, threaten, and attack them with impunity, is ending. Their grip on and over the world is waning. Their grip is slipping. They are power-junkies who are losing their fix and are experiencing cold turkey. This is driving them to insane lengths to desperately hold on to what is left of the control and command mechanisms that have served them so well in the past. They are desperately using the old methods of fear, threat and violent attack that were used as tools effectively until now to maintain their position and keep others in their place, under control.

I am sure you have noticed how more and more nations that once could have been expected to kowtow to certain nations that have been until recently, overwhelmingly powerful, nations such as the USA and its sidekick/puppy dog, the United Kingdom, have now taken an oppositional, or at least neutral stance. Nations such as India and Saudi Arabia for instance. No longer do the ask how high when the USA-UK say jump. Now their leaders appear to have learnt how to say no and to do as they see fit, acting in their national interests as they see them, rather than be advised by those who conceive themselves to be their superiors.

Imagine how these new developments in the field of geopolitics feel to those who are used to having their order obeyed. Once upon a time sabres would have been rattled, battleships would have received orders to set sail and do a little intimidating to get the “natives” back into line. Nowadays these “natives” don’t seem to give a good goddamn. What happened?

What happened was the rise of China, a new guy on the block fit enough to come to the assistance of those being threatened by the two bullies who have ruled the roost on the world’s metaphorical mean streets for so long now. Gone were the days when Britain would send an army to Egypt to teach the Egyptians that nationalising the Suez Canal was a very bad idea. (As it happens that particular military adventure was one of the very last that Britain would try until it found safety in numbers in the various coalitions of the killing that the USA would organise many decades later.)

China was not meant to get rich and powerful. She was not meant to reach the stage she is now at where her influence and potential rivals that of the western powers. Neither was Russia supposed to recover from the collapse of the Soviet Union and the devastating consequences for the Russian people that would result. Both nations were supposed to stay weak just like all the other nations the USA and UK along with their gang of exploitative bullies manipulated for their benefit. In addition we see both India and Africa starting to throw back their metaphorical shoulders and begin to stare down the vulture nations of the West without a trace of the fear felt in the past.

The USA and UK in particular have soiled the cosy nest they believed they had built on the backs of others. Emerging from their dual “investment” in genocide, slavery and colonialism where exploitation was the often murderous game they played, now it is time to pay for their crimes in ignominy. Their humiliation is well deserved and it is now ongoing.

Depending on their old armoury of sordid weapons has not served any of the malign nations of the West in these modern times. Currently they are investing their last pennies and cents in a war against Russia where it seems every last Ukrainian will die as a tool within a virtual death machine created in Washington and London’s Whitehall. All in an attempt shore up their failing empire of murder, exploitation, fear and war-mongering within their dying empire of murderous lies.

But they will not die along and unloved. Their complicit army of media hacks will die with them. For they are the mouthpieces of these murderous liars, the stenographers and presstitutes who churn out fabrications and malicious fairytales to order. They are the simpering eunuchs who live only by the whim of the political elites who feed them the lies required to brainwash their hapless populations. There is no news these days as far as western national interests are concerned or where national security is invoked. The western mainstream news talking heads will not and tongues wag to order… or else. The issues discussed and the way they are framed will be as required or not at all. And where a real news item doesn’t fit it will simply be omitted altogether.

Currently the Seymour Hersh article showing how it was the USA in league with Norway that blew up the Nordstream pipeline has been banished and vanished from western screens, written out of history a la George Orwell’s ‘Ministry of Truth’ in his novel ‘1984’.

Turn off your screens and radios, refuse to buy into whatever material they wish to spread their propaganda through and dig deep on the web for those not bought and sold by the established powers, both political and media, who depend on you being addicted to their output, whether that be by BBC, CNN, Fox News, MSNBC or any others who are now almost totally corrupted by joining the war against the nations of the world who have at last become strong enough to fight their oppressors.


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